Posted by [JUNE] Adjust Shop Prices [+411/-14]

jester [im autistic]
☘️ | 🇵🇸 (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:27:54
To put it frankly, the prices associated with the June event are absolutely ludicrous. A single base applicator costs 400KB, but there's 5 in the shops. Let's say you're incredibly productive and you manage 100KB a day (an unrealistic goal for most players), you'll only manage 3,000KB in the month. If you spend that all on bases, that's 7 bases. And that's assuming you buy no decor, and you always manage exactly 100 every single day.

To actually show you how impossible this is, I'm going to do some math real quick. Scary, I know. Let's say that someone doesn't sleep, at all, the entire month of June. They are on nothing but Lioden the entire time, but don't use Roasted Lambs, and they use 11 Energy Bars a day (the 9 full ones you get per day + the daily bonus + hyperactive + enclave boost). We're also going to assume someone gets a Snake Encounter for every step they take in explore, and they win every single one, and they use every single KB they get on bases.
They earn 220KB a day, 6160 for the month. That's a total of 15 base apps, for no sleeping, just continuously playing Lioden, under ideal conditions in explore. "But Jester, what about the quests?" Daily quests boosts them up from 15 base apps to 16, as you only get 10KB per day from them, and you can only do 28 of them for the month. This means that, as of 2024, when the new base apps are added to the June shop, you cannot get 1 of each base by swapping between Gods. You will not be able to by earning 220KB a day.

Now, to do the math with sleeping, we're going to take 8 hours away from that, for a total of 16 hours a day. Adding in what we did earlier, that's about 7.5 energy bars a day. Under the same ideal conditions, and doing nothing but Lioden when you're awake, that's 4,350KB, or 10 apps. Even adding in the extra 280KB you get from daily quests, that’s 11 base apps for the entire month. Doing nothing but Lioden and sleeping, and only spending your KB on base applicators. With this, you can't even get one of each base app that's currently in the shop.

These numbers are also only for one account, but also in ideal conditions where you get an encounter every step, win every battle, and spend no other energy on breeding/stud requests. For less than ideal conditions, these numbers would drop dramatically. AKA, these numbers are physically impossible. I've found some of the highest earners in June to only be averaging about 100KB a day, if that. That's only 2800KB a day, or just 7 base applicators for the entire month. For context, I bought seven Spicy Ice apps from December, and that's not even all I got.

That means for each base app in the shop, if you do nothing but sleeping and playing Lioden, no taking breaks, no stopping to eat, no anything, you can only get 2 the entire month. To take a month with comparable base applicator values, like February with the Cherry Blossom base, you can get more than DOUBLE that amount and still have enough event currency left over to do some decor shopping.

It's just ridiculous that bases cost this much with the amount of them that are now tied to the month, and are required for breeding rare and pretty popular combos as well.

Another potential option is to drastically increase the amount of KB provided by each snake, up to around 10KB a battle, like the October Night Creatures provide. That would make grinding June actually worth it, and not just a slog sandwiched between two battle heavy months that leads to extreme burnout. Though, to be honest, I think both should be implemented together, especially now that they have two shops that use KB, and plan to increase both shops loads every year.

No real changes in the amount of KB that I've noticed. All the new encounters seem to be quest locked and with no information about them on the wiki, I can't really see if their numbers are any different. From what I've noticed with the quests I've gotten, it doesn't appear to be so. In fact, both the find a cultist encounter and the find a boat encounter don't even reward KB, just a +50EXP and a quest completion.

This suggestion has 551 supports and 17 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/06/23 @ 06:57:57 by jester 🏳️‍🌈 (#187561)

JazzyWorm (#187228)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:29:30
I think them being an element in combo bases explains the high price, but i wouldn't mind like a 50KB reduction

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⚔️ Perilous
Tamsin ⚔️ (#258262)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:38:07
Full full FULL support.
To add in my own statistics from our first day being able to grind for KB: I used a Red Bull around 11:00 AM LDT. I woke up at 9:00 AM LDT. I've used my energy from when I woke up, my 30% Hyperactive Personality boost, my daily 100% boost, and my difficult Gorilla Enclave quest energy. I've been online for practically the entire day since I woke up with my Red Bull active. I also finished Anubis's daily quest. So far, without spending ANY KB whatsoever, I have 71 KB. This is including the 10 KB you get from finishing your deity's daily quest. I had 1 KB left over from last year's event, meaning from explore today, I have gotten 60 KB. That's WITH an energy item and constant exploring.
I will be lucky to get 20 more KB from explore today, meaning today I would have gained 90 KB. If I do that for four days STRAIGHT, being on Lioden for each day in its entirety, and using an energy booster each day, I will barely have enough for one base app. This is definitely not attainable for most casual players, and with the high demand and combo bases associated with the event this month, it seems almost impossible. The ratio of the decor prices to Canopic Jellyfish to the base apps is insanely uneven as well.

To add on, there are multiple ways I (and the rest of chat) have theorized on how this issue could be fixed, besides adjusting the event shop prices themselves. More event encounters could be added in Explore that would yield opportunities for KB. They could purely be simple text encounters as well. For example: "As you continue on your patrol, a hissing tremor shakes the ground, unearthing a few jeweled beetles. You pick them up and go on your way (You gained +2KB)". Another thing that was mentioned was changing the amount of KB that is dropped from Slithering enemy fights. Perhaps, instead of the flat +2KB for winning the battle, that number could be changed to a varying number from 2-4 KB, so that you have the possibility of getting more than just the 2 KB.

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Edited on 03/06/23 @ 16:47:54 by 🐍 Slithering Tamsin 🐍 (#258262)

jester [im autistic]
☘️ | 🇵🇸 (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:44:15
@187228 - Them being elements in combo bases doesn't explain it entirely, though. December also has it to where almost every base app in that month is a combo factor (Ice, Arctic, and Glacial are all extremely popular factors), but those bases are only 120StB each, and StB is one of the more difficult to obtain currencies out there. Cherry Blossom from Feb is part of one of the most popular combos, Citrine, and is only 150HS. Even Unholy, which is part of three combos, is only 151BB from its shop. The same is also with Ivory and Nacre, which are each factors in multiple bases, are only 120RB, and these currencies are all infinitely easier to obtain than Khepri Beetles.

I understand if they want the June bases to be special, but even just listing them at 200KB would be insanely high compared to other events. The 400KB price was fine when there was only one or two bases in each shop, but with 5 in each shop, it's insulting.

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ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:45:54
yeah those battles are kind of hard for low stat kings and I fail about half so making the prize 4kb instead of 1-2 would be nice

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basil ! (#211031)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:50:39
Honestly, it’s a little annoying. As a player that wasn’t online for two years, coming back to this event is highly insulting. If we don’t sleep maybe we can get one or two, but if we follow Anubis, yes we get 20 points of damage SOMETIMES. That really makes it incredibly hard just to beat the snakes unless we grind in one of the lower ranking portions of explore. Hell, I’m trying to get at least one of each, and even then, with the current prices, it’s almost impossible. Every event has at least one combo feature but this one just makes it so damn hard to do remotely anything.

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JazzyWorm (#187228)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:52:26
I think the distinction is that most other combo bases range around 10-30GB while june event combo bases START at 40GB

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basil ! (#211031)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:53:04
But that’s mainly due to how bad the TC crashed :/

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C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-06-03 17:04:31
def agree! I'm pretty casual when it comes to events outside feb, so i rarely manage to get more than 1 or 2 base apps every year! I'd definitely like to see at least a 100 KB reduction

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[G2]🍁 (#426231)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 17:22:27
I fully agree with this suggestion!
Right now, having explored constantly and fought/won almost every encounter (mostly on my own, but used a couple of lucky feet too), finished daily quests on my side and main, I have 128 KB. I expect to get a little more today, but if I base my calculations off of these numbers alone, I will only be able to afford 8 bases total. Eight. This is for a player that plays CONSTANTLY. Like, I wake up at 3 am to use energy. And I know not everyone can do that. Eight bases (plus the ones from the quests). Most players will be lucky to afford half of that. Especially since this is a battle centric event, and personally that is my least favorite part of the game, along with many other peoples. Battling, espeically on mobile, is tedious and repetivive. But I digress. My main point here is the bases are way to expensive, even for combo factors and such. I feel like lowering the bases to 300 kb would be a better compromise.

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jester [im autistic]
☘️ | 🇵🇸 (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 17:30:26
The June combos also only start at 40GB because their factors are so hard to obtain. Sphinx has less than 250 lions in game with it (closer to 150 last I checked), and every other June combo has less than 500 lions in game with it. The bases also just aren’t very popular because of the difficulty in breeding them, to do it optimally you need to have two accounts dedicated to it.

Also, adding some context for the numbers real quick guys! I made them with 1 account and also forgot to subtract the Day 1 and 2 amount since you can’t earn KB then. Oops.

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TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 23:21:37
I support this fully! I have 2 accounts, and over thr weekends can basically dedicate myself to Lioden - during the week, it depends on my work load (some weeks I'm working 12hrs a day, other weeks I'm lucky to have work for 12hrs full stop).
But even between 2 accounts, and grinding in Zone 2 to make the fights a little easier, I'm struggling to make KB. Something has to be done about this, it's not sustainable for anyone.

Oh and guys, as tempting as being on lioden 24/7 til the end of June is - I hope no one actually does that! I know you worked it out for maths Jester, but I also know some people would actually try to pull that off

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storielle 💛 [g2
1.5k ice pie] (#15438)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 18:48:40
in feb, I was able to grind and get currency really easily, but I also didn’t have a job. I have a job now, it’s nice because I can occasionally check lioden on my phone but even still I’m struggling badly to get any currency or even finish the daily quests because I can’t get the enemies needed to pop up with what energy I use. I can’t imagine how hard it is to grind this event for people who can’t check and use their energy at all during work either

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 18:49:23 by storielle | G2 2.2k smilus 7BO (#15438)

kreech {dorsal boost
active} (#430477)

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Posted on
2023-06-07 15:20:38
Yeah, it took me 4 days of constant grinding on both accounts to get enough for one app.
One app.
From 8 days worth of grinding.
Assuming that I keep the pace, I'll earn enough for 7 apps on kb alone by the end of June, not including 2 of the new apps. That's... not very much, especially since many other players won't have the time or energy to grind so much (friendly reminder that the game selects for the age demographic most likely to have jobs, college, etc.). And it's especially unhelpful in that there are so many apps in 2023 and the amount will only increase. Imagine playing just a few years in the future, having 10 apps per god for a total of 30, but you can only have 7 of them, and that's if you grind constantly on 2 accounts and are lucky enough to have energy items & rng luck at your disposal, as well as constantly rolling quests that include chthonic snakes.
Honestly, even a 50 kb reduction in price would be very helpful. Either that, or bump up the kb rewards for beating up chthonic snakes.

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🌺Mari🌺G2 2ros
Glacial🌺 (#252325)

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Posted on
2023-06-08 08:02:19
agreed! especially since every year, the rng in explore gets lower. more and more encounters are added over time, which make the chance of getting event currency even lower,, not to mention that in June, we also have the pride month encounters, which also have more added each year. so its getting harder and harder to even find KB in the first place. I'll use an entire energy bar and only find like 2 snakes at most, which only give 2KB each
basically what I'm tryna say is that though the prices may have been reasonable when the event was first started,, it doesnt work any more thanks to the ratio of event:explore encounters

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Romana (#14743)

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Posted on
2023-06-08 15:39:24
I love the Egyptian decor and backgrounds, to the point where I actually WANT most of the stuff (unlike most of the decor in the other events.) But the grinding. Is. Atrocious.

The snake battles seem arbitrarily hard (even with a deity's help) and definitely always seem to become more rare when your deity asks you kill 10 for a quest. I've needed catnip and meatpies for the 15 lion battles, because lions and lionesses also seem to become a lot more rare when the quest is active

For other events, I've had no problem grinding an average of 200 currency per day. Even with completing the deity quests, for sanity's sake I'm getting 100 KB between both accounts.

And each base is 400 KB. For comparison's sake, the bases from the March event (the last close comparison in amount of shop apps available) is 120 RB each. A bit more of a quarter of the price. When RB is so much easier to get than KB.

So, yeah, a reduction in prices definitely seems the best course of action. Or giving a chance of 2-4 KB per snake battle. Or just giving us more event encounters that give currency, like there were in like every other month before this. Please.

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