"Dromedary Orange, a kind heart with a fiery spirit"
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https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?mid=245842 !G2 Primal Ferus | Xanthic Base | Regal mane | 9BO MS | 1700+ Stats | 275SB!
BACKSTORY (not completely finished)
In a pride of tawny lions, an orange cub with a coat like fire and markings of charcoal was born. The birth of this peculiar cub brought fear and confusion throughout the pride. A cub like this should be impossible with the parent's pelts unless the king wasn't the father. The lioness who birthed him was questioned, but she denied any allegations made against her. Although she refused to say anything, the king had made up his mind. He knew she had had an affair and forbade the cub from staying in the pride. He told his mother that if she were to continue living in the pride, she must get rid of the cub at once. His mother was full of shame but stood up for her cub begging for the king to let him stay till he was an adolescent, the king agreed but five months later when his mother was asleep he abandoned the cub in the dry hot desert to fend for himself.
Two teenage males found him. They were planning to kill him, but before they could, another male, the leader of the group, showed compassion for the cub and refused to let them kill him. So, he was raised alongside the group, at first they showed resentment toward him but as he grew his fighting & hunting skills would shine through any doubts they had & he became a fierce & respected member of their group and they gave him the name Dromedary. they lived on the outskirts of multiples prides territories for a year before the lead male of one of the prides discovered one of the group's males asleep, the lead male launched a brutal attack and murdered him and began tracking each of the members down when the group found their friends body they were horrified and knew they had to leave at once, on their way out of the territory they were brutally attacked by the lead male, he tore dromedary’s face and raked at his sides, the male who had saved him previously jumped on the lead male screaming at Dromedary to run, he was the only survivor of the vicious attacks, tho he didn't escape unscathed he was gravely injured & losing blood quickly, tho adrenaline & shock made him unaware. he wasn't sure how long he had ran when his legs finally gave out, his vision was blurred by blood and dirt and he felt his body go limp.
He had managed to travel to another pride's territory & was found by their king, Bruno Is Orange, instead of finishing him off he took him back to his pride & nursed him back to health, He and the king grew to be very close friends & Dromedary went on to become the prides king once Bruno had passed from old age, taking on the name Dromedary Orange to honor his friend and mentor.