Castellan 's Den

Silence, that’s the first thing that greets you when you walked through the jungle. The rustling of leaves and chirping of birds are the only sounds that break the stillness. The air is cool and refreshing, and the scent of pine fills your nostrils. Creatures all big and small move around in abundance.

The trees tower above you, their thick sturdy trunks held thick canopies that allowed sunlight to filter through, creating a dappled effect on the forest floor. Moss and ferns cover the ground, and you can hear the crunch of leaves and twigs beneath your paws as you walk.

A squirrel scurries up a tree, and a tawny brown rabbit streaks across your path.

You come across a babbling brook, the sound of the water soothing and calming your tired joints. You dip your paw in the cool water, feeling the gentle flow between your pads. The rocks at the bottom of the stream are smooth and polished, evidence of the water's constant movement.

As you make your way deeper into the territory, the light fades and the air grows cooler. The trees become denser, and the underbrush thicker. You can hear the wind rustling through the leaves, and the sound of a distant waterfall.

Finally, you reach your destination. A clearing opens up before you, the sun shining down on a small pond. The water is crystal clear, and you can see fish swimming beneath the surface. The trees surrounding the pond are tall and majestic, their branches stretching towards the sky to reach the blessing of the sun. A massive cave entrance hugged the far shore and you found a soft place to lie content under a tree and watched as creatures came to drink from the pond and cubs splashed and played in the pond.

You take a deep breath, the peace and tranquility of the jungle washing over you. This place was a place of beauty, and you laid your head down on your paws and watched the adolescents, cubs and their broodmother.

A thud sounded from your right. When you turned to see what it was, a quail carcass sat at the foot of a male lion’s massive paws. “You look hungry. Please, Help yourself to food and drink.” His face had a scar on it, possibly from a fight he had a while back, but while his face screamed danger, his body language read as a father speaking to his cub. You wonder just how quick he would turn that fatherly demeanor into a murderous one to protect his pride.

Amazing Castellan
Level: 7 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 104 Territory: 15
Lionesses: 10 Beetle Slots: 4 / 6
Cubs: 4 / 75 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: Τ౿𝗋𝗋ɑɕ𝗈𝗍𝗍ɑ
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 12 lions with mutations in Castellan 's pride.

Castellan 's Player
Member ID #438018
Joined: 2023-05-20 15:12:26 Last Active: 2023-08-27 4:21:11

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0 Pregnant Lionesses
View 𝓔𝔁𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓻𝓪
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 343 Τ౿𝗋𝗋ɑɕ𝗈𝗍𝗍ɑ
Τ𝗁౿ 𝖠𝗋𝗍ꪱડ𝗍ꪱɕ 𝖯𝗋ꪱოɑᥣ
3 years, 11 months old
1 1335 Ԝꪱᥣᥣ𝗈⍵
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓹𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮
3 years, 2 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
5 258 𝑗𝑒𝑡 ✰
11 years old
10 206 𝖧ɑ𝗋ᥣꪱ
𝖧ɑ𝗋ᥣ౿𝗊υꪱ𐓣 𝖰υ౿౿𐓣
11 years, 10 months old
10 261 𝖨𝗈
❦ Τ𝗁౿ 𝖤ᥣᑯ𝗋ꪱ𝗍ɕ𝗁 𝖢𝗈υ𐓣𝗍౿ડડ ❦
11 years, 1 month old
10 223 𝖪𝗈𝗋౿
Τ𝗁౿ 𝖲ρ𝗋ꪱ𐓣𝗀 𝖥౿𝗋υડ
11 years, 9 months old
7 317 𝖫ɣ𝗋ɑ
𝖦𝗋౿ɑ𝗍 𝖥ɑ𐓣𝗀 ოɑꪱᑯ
5 years, 10 months old
11 276 𝖫ꪱ𝗈𝗋ɑ
𝖢𝗈𝗋𝗋υρ𝗍౿ᑯ 𝖢𝗈υ𐓣𝗍౿ડડ
6 years, 6 months old
10 277 𝖱ɑ𝗏౿𐓣
Τ𝗁౿ 𝖡𝗈ᑲᑲ౿ᑯ Ԝꪱ𝗍ɕ𝗁
6 years, 11 months old
1 377 𝖲౿ᥣɣო౿ડ
𝖲ꪱᥣƙɣ 𝖬ɑ𐓣౿ᑯ 𝖡ɑ𝗋𝗈𐓣౿ડડ
3 years, 1 month old
5 95 Tailless
5 years old
2 103 Toph
The Blind Mother
3 years, 10 months old *
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 162 𝖠ოꪱ𝗍ɣ
❦ Τ𝗁౿ 𝖢𝗈ᥣ𝗈𝗋ᑲ𝗈ოᑲ 𝖬ɑꪱᑯ౿𐓣 ❦
1 year, 11 months old
1 157 𝖠𝗋ᥣ౿ƙꪱ𐓣ɑ
𝖧ɑ𝗋ᥣ౿𝗊υꪱ𐓣 𝖯𝗋ꪱ𐓣ɕ౿ડડ
1 year, 5 months old
1 151 𝖧౿ɕɑ𝗍౿
❦ Τ𝗁౿ 𝖧౿𝗑ɑρᥣ౿𝗑 𝖢𝗈υ𐓣𝗍౿ડડ ❦
1 year, 11 months old
1 192 Smilus
1 year, 1 month old
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Castellan 's Recent Allies
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𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓑𝓾𝓫𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓶
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Level 12 - 30 lionesses - 36 cubs
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