Posted by Event Item Pricing Guide WIP DO NOT POST

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-10-03 14:11:31


Hello and welcome to my Event Pricing Guide. This guide is to help new players as well as old players who may not have a idea what a certain item is worth. You can view this guide at any point that you may be confused on what you should sell a item for.

Note: This is based of my experience playing lioden, and this is my personal views on what items should be valued at. Please do not take this to heart. As each user has their own pricing system this is only one way to look at it.

If you are unsure of a persons personal pricing system please ask them. It is better to ask a user what they value a item at then offer something they believe is unreasonable.

Items can change prices from month to month. So what you may think is worth 40 may only be worth 10 or less during that event.

To sell items you need to think about a few different factors.

Such as:
°When is this item avalible?
°How many events is this item in?
°How much event currency does this item cost?
°How many of this item are in game currently?
°Do people really desire this specific item?
°How hard is it to earn this events currency?

Usually to answer these questions you should look through the following fourms:

Here users usually sell their event currency. Selling event currency does not mean that a user transfers it to your account. If you win a auction for event currency you specify what you want a user to buy from that event shop, and they will make a trade with the items requested. You then will offer the amount of GB or items you offered on the auction.

This is one of the ways to find out how much people are willing to pay per amount of event currency. Due note sometimes event currency auctions will sell for less than specific items themselves during a event.

Here users sell items that they have. Usually they will either make a post and link specific trades for you to either buyout or offer on, or they will post a bunch of items they have and see what people offer; You can ask them what they value that item at and deside if you wish to buy it. This is a good place to find items outside of current events as people tend to post a varity of items here.

Wanted: Items
If you are looking to sell your own items this is the place to look. Here users will advertise certain items that they wish to buy. They will usually post a amount of that they willing to spend per said item as well as other items they are willing to trade for that specific item.

Here users will compete for certain highly wanted items. So in one thread they may be buying for 13, but another thread someone else may be buying for 15. I recommend you take your time and look through a few different post before desiding to sell your item to a user.

Note: Items will fluxuate in price as the event goes on. The main times are the following:

Release of that items teir: Causes users to price things at a very high value. These are usually never bought out and not correctly priced. Example- GMO Cow priced at 30 on the release of teir 3.

3-5 Days after the items unlock: Users realise no one is buying their item so they slowly bring the price down till they sell said item. Example- GMO Cows are now being priced at 12-13 per.

6 days+ after unlock until the end of the event: Users find out how much maximum users will pay for said item. Example- GMOs are now being sold for 14-15 per GMO Cow with no signs of price changes.

The first day of a new month: Users can no longer buy more of that event item. Users then realise that the item can be sold for more now that new supply is not available. Example- GMO Cows are now being sold between 15-25 per.

A few months after the end of that event: The item is being used by players site wide and so less and less of the item exist in the game. Users start increasing the price till they see what is the maximum people will pay for it. Example- GMOs now are being sold for 30-40+.

Price Checks
When in doubt ask here. It is a good idea to post here to see what other users think a item is worth personally. You can see what everyone's current values are at the time and the gauge what you should sell your item at during that moment.

Item Catalogue
Here you can search a specific item that you have or want to buy. You can use this in order to see how many of a item is currently in the game. By searching a item and then clicking on it you can view a description of the item to see what it is used for. This also allows you to select the option to view the item in the Trade Center, Branches, and/or Raffles.

You will mainly need to see what items are being priced at in the Trade Center, or Branches. This will allow you to see what the lowest price of a item is at.

Note: Just because a items lowest Branch or Trade Center value is a certain price does not always 100% mean that is what it is selling for. People are constantly viewing the Trade Center and Branches, and buying the cheapest of that item. So always ask another user if you are confused.

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Edited on 03/10/18 @ 15:42:53 by Winter_Scars (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-10-03 14:11:38

Amusement Items:

Currency Used: Leather Beetles & Silver Beetles | Event Difficulty: Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Heart Shells | Event Difficulty: Easy to Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Rhino Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Easter Eggs & Hare Points | Event Difficulty: Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Manticora Beetles | Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Khepri Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Meteorite Shards & Fireflies | Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Carrion Beetles & Dry Bones| Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Jewel Beetles | Event Difficulty: Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Blood Beetles, Nepheline Feathers, & Demonic Scales | Event Difficulty: Easy to Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Scarab Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Stink Bugs | Event Difficulty: Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

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Edited on 03/10/18 @ 18:34:24 by Winter_Scars (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-10-03 14:12:05


Will be added as Requested

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Edited on 03/10/18 @ 18:36:09 by Winter_Scars (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-10-03 14:12:10


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Edited on 03/10/18 @ 15:57:16 by Winter_Scars (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-10-03 14:12:15


Currency Used: Leather Beetles & Silver Beetles | Event Difficulty: Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Heart Shells | Event Difficulty: Easy to Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Rhino Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Easter Eggs & Hare Points | Event Difficulty: Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Manticora Beetles | Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Khepri Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Meteorite Shards & Fireflies | Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Carrion Beetles & Dry Bones| Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Jewel Beetles | Event Difficulty: Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Blood Beetles, Nepheline Feathers, & Demonic Scales | Event Difficulty: Easy to Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Scarab Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Stink Bugs | Event Difficulty: Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

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Edited on 03/10/18 @ 18:35:31 by Winter_Scars (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-10-03 14:12:22


Multi Event Items: Items found in more than one event.

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Leather Beetles & Silver Beetles | Event Difficulty: Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Heart Shells | Event Difficulty: Easy to Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Rhino Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Easter Eggs & Hare Points | Event Difficulty: Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Manticora Beetles | Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Khepri Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Meteorite Shards & Fireflies | Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Carrion Beetles & Dry Bones| Event Difficulty: Medium to Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Jewel Beetles | Event Difficulty: Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Blood Beetles, Nepheline Feathers, & Demonic Scales | Event Difficulty: Easy to Medium

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Scarab Beetles | Event Difficulty: Easy

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

Currency Used: Stink Bugs | Event Difficulty: Difficult

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

URL HERE Item Name
Minimum Value During Event:
Standard Value During Event:
Maximum Value During Event:
Minimum to Maximum Value Outside Event: to
Extra Info:

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Edited on 03/10/18 @ 18:43:23 by Winter_Scars (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-10-03 14:26:26


User Questions:

°Feel free to ask if you need any help with pricing, or have and other questions pertaining to similar things that relate to the items or information provided.

°If you have a item you want priced feel free to ask here. I will slowly add on to this post in my spare time, but currently I am only adding the primarily used or bought items from events.

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Edited on 03/10/18 @ 16:05:21 by Winter_Scars (#57411)

Memory Used: 753.09 KB - Queries: 0 - Query Time: 0.00000 - Total Time: 0.00391s