Posted by Hetero Arid & Storm (Groupie Eye Idea)

Poachedegg (#208546)

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Posted on
2023-07-02 11:48:10
Arid is my favorite applicator base, and I was interested in seeing what it would look like as part of a hetero eye color. Here is my mockup for Hetero Arid & Storm eyes:

Here is what the eyes would look like in Explore (plus its counterpart, Hetero Storm & Arid):

I think they are different enough from the existing Hetero combos with both colors being sort of muted. They could be implemented as special Groupie eyes in May, just like all the other recent Hetero eye additions, although personally I'd also love for this to be a Flood Pit option.

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Edited on 05/11/24 @ 15:12:54 by Poachedegg (#208546)

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