Posted by June Event: Presence of Sekhmet

Catherine of Aragon (#215326)

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Posted on
2024-06-04 09:53:45
I'm genuinely surprised that we don't have a Sekhmet decor yet! After all, her animal motif is a lioness.

I feel like it would make the most sense if she was found in either Seth's shop (she's a goddess of war and has been portrayed as rather violent in that capacity) or in Bast's (sometimes Bast is said to be a version/aspect of Sekhmet who's toned down the violence and become more maternal.)

It was said that she would drink the blood of the enemies of Egypt, so she could be depicted with blood dripping from her mouth, snarling.

Alternatively, on a more comedic note, Ra once calmed her fury by giving her beer which had been dyed red, which she mistook for blood and became so drunk that she slept for three days- so perhaps we could have a fierce but peaceful looking lion goddess sleeping alongside your own lion.

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2024-10-30 23:13:11
support. where my girl sekhmet at

she was also specifically created to destroy ra's enemies, and it was ra who slew apophis, so only makes sense she'd be invested i figure

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