Posted by New Craftable Scars Decor

Dante ~ Project King
[Main] (#80013)

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Posted on
2024-08-04 02:39:27
Right, so I'm sure we're all tired of scar decors? They can look cool, but with so many of them, it can be tough to know what to do with them - and crafting them into yet another scar doesn't really do that much for me personally.

But what if there was another option - a way to craft scars (which themselves symbolise a fight) into an enemy decor, each matching the type of scars inflicted? Naturally since scars are so common, they would need a lot of each scar type to craft.


Craft x20 scar belly scratch into a decor of a lion or lioness inflicting that scar
Craft x20 scar back scratch into a decor of a lion or lioness pouncing on your back
Craft x20 scar tail into a decor of a lion or lioness biting / attacking your tail
Crafting x20 scar beaten up into a decor of a lion or lioness standing triumphantly (suggesting they beat you up)
Crafting x20 scar anklebiter into an anklebiting cub decor


Thoughts? It may not necessarily work for all scar types, especially the more minor scars, but it could be fun for bigger scars in particular.

This suggestion has 21 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 04/08/24 @ 02:40:58 by Dante ~ G1 Revived mRLC [Main] (#80013)

¹{Long break} (#482198)

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Posted on
2024-08-29 10:32:22
I think that would be interesting!

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