Posted by LF a First Gen in Feb

𝒱.𝑀. (#486067)

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2025-01-11 00:07:21
Hello! This post is being made in advance of Februarys event to help aid my search! In return for an excess amount of heart shells, I’m looking for a First Gen (G2) Jaglion or Tigon (slight preference to a tigon)

I’m more than confident in this goal being achievable because of a past performance where in return for HS I purchased an Octa-rosette king, which iirc is around the price of, or higher than the average first gen. If I’m correct in that assumption, I’d like to use my February currency to purchase a First Gen tigon or a First Gen Jaglion, possibly other hybrids/high value lions as well, but the goal is one of those two with all heats or missing one.

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