Belongs to Maxillaria VIII's Pride
(View Former Prides)

**Lady Chocolate Cosmos

"Leopon / Blood Moon / 1%"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Blood Moon (Clouded Skin) Slot 2: Dim Black (33%) Tier 2
Slot 5: White Mottled Vents (100%) Tier 6
Genetics Red Dark Solid Special
Eyes Stellar
Mane Type Royal
Mane Color Cocoa
Mutation Leopon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Flowering Pond

Angelic Blessing
Melanistic LeoponCustom Decor
Iberian Ribbed Newt

Paperback Acacia
Broadleaf Cattail
Eared Vernonia
[My first Leopon so she gets the blessing of immortality]

"You rubbed against Lady Chocolate Cosmos, ensuring her that it doesn't matter who her dad is, that you will appreciate them just the same."

"You went up to munch more on a carcass you started eating yesterday. As you bite in, a spider suddenly scurried out of a hole in it! You heard Lady Chocolate Cosmos cackle nearby. Thanks for the heart attack."

You rolled your eyes once again as Lady Chocolate Cosmos asked you about going to the forest. No, they can not become one with the leopards.


clouded skin - breed-only
stellar eyes - breed-only
royal - breed-only combo
cocoa mane - breed-only

s2: dim black - breed-only
s5: white mottled vents - RMA


Bought at age 10yrs (for 50GB) with 3 heats remaining. Second heat resulted in a pon:
Lady Maiden Pink — https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794157180515

Pink’s Info since I’m likely to sell her:

First Heat 2yrs 8mo [Feb 16th 2022] —
3 Cubs - No Pons
all absolute DUDS, Pink w h y

Second Heat 4yrs 4mo [March 8th 2022] —
3 Cubs - No Pons

Third Heat 6yrs [March 28th 2022] —
3 Cubs - No Pons + Melanism
Not even a special…or rare…Pink…

Fourth Heat 7yrs 8mo [April 19th 2022] —
3 Cubs - No Pons + Double Orchid
No pons…but a pretty dove eyed orchid at least.

Fifth Heat 9yrs 9mo [June 5th 2022] —
2 Cubs - No Pons


You rubbed against **Lady Maiden Pink, ensuring her that it doesn't matter who her dad is, that you will appreciate them just the same.

Breed Only:
Eyes — Dawn
Mane Color — Orchid
Markings — Dim Black - Feline 3 Noctis

Combo Breeding:
Sutekh — Breed to Ubaste / Inpu = Ogdoad
Barbary — Mane Mutation / Royal Mane Component - Breed to Hellraiser, Sideburn, Thick & Tufted
Dawn — Breed to Jasper for Cosmic


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