Belongs to MAMA ODIE's Former Pride

Ochre McEbony


Lion Stats
2425 / 2750 (88%)
Level 6
Strength 23 Speed 13
Stamina 32 Smarts 22
Agility 14 Skill 23
Total Stats: 127

Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 6 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Lazy (Snarky)
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred 23 days ago Fertility Low View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Ochre (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: Frostbitten Dapple (39%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Windfall Vitiligo (45%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Pulsar Dim (100%) Tier 5
Slot 4: Ice Glaze (51%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Steele Margay (44%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Feline 4 Orchid (42%) Tier 5
Slot 9: Under White 7 (30%) Tier 0
Slot 10: Nimravus White (95%) Tier 6
Genetics Golden Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Cloudy
Mane Type Barbary
Mane Color Ebony
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Flowering Pond

Rabbit Bone Bracelets
Easter Palm
Scar: Nose Ridge
Scar: Short Left Eye
Scar: Torn Fur
Vessel of Anubis
Scar: Anklebiter
Blue Skimmer [1]
African Violet Crown
Carpenter Bee [1]
Stag Beetle [1]
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 1 Successful Hunts 1 Success Rate 100%

Im making this beauty a travel lion

if you get her please write what part of the world you are in!!!

please keep her for a day or two and then send her to someone else! she has no more heats left so I wanna see where this game takes her!!!

return to Isabell #291294

before she turns 16 years old Thank you

- feel free to write things you did with her!

First trip in #259619 den

Ochre took the trip All the way to Denmark to visit us she met me where the preggo lions are holding to i picked her Up to find her spot for the Day!. I showed her around the big dens first to the outcasts then i showed her the pridelands, we talked about her time with her other pack and why she wanted to visit others, she told me that she wanted to use the rest of her Youth before she got too old to learn new friends and cultures. We finally made IT to the jungle after our Long trip and Whiteclaw came over so fast you could hear her breath 10 feet from us she stoped at the sight of ochre with her big eyes and open mouth she mumbled ah-ah- and ran off again ochre looked at me wiredly when i told her Whiteclaw was found reasently and doesnt talk she tryes but we think its bc of her mutation. We sat down with the two dwarfs blue and Devine, in the green side of the jungle and plucked some flowers for her to take with her on her trip to renember us by hours went by and night time came when we layed is to bed Devine was cuddling with ochre and her Long soft pelt
We are truely happy to have you here in our den for a Day ochre thank you for coming to visit when we woke Up IT was her time to say goodbye she slowly left the Pride to go visit the next pride om her way

Items send in her way (flowering Pond background and faster Palm) to visit Whiteclaw and Devine and Reed their sides of the visit go to Day 3 https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794164666210

He attacked the unfamiliar lioness leaving her scarred but soon apologized and welcomed her in for the next couple of days

Second trip in #258548

Ochre's paws brought her all the way to London. A few of the lionesses we're excited to meet this new lass. The cubs were told to be on their best behavior for the new lion, which of course they didn't promise. I was too old a tired to do much greeting, so my heir showed her around. He was kind and showed her all the places she'd need. The pregnant lionesses greeted her with welcoming roars and they chatted for awhile. Ochre spent time playing games with the cubs, talking with other lions, and walking around the territory. Finnic (heir) showed her to the den she'd stay in, in the den were other lions that she hasn't seen before. One had long front teeth, the other a short tail, and the last one looked like a male! But smelled like a lionesses. "I hope you don't mind staying with them. If you're hungry you can join us, and you know where the watering hole is." He smiled and parted ways. Ochre seemed hesitant at first, but was welcomed by some of the older lions. She kept staring at the lioness with the long front teeth. Lupin giggled and said it was her 'mutation'. Primal fang. Her mother was a primal and her father was a normal lion, which resulted in her mutation.
I came by to see how things were going and how Ochre was doing. I was pleased to see her and the other lions all piled up, asleep. They're tails gently swayed against the cool ground, their pelts moving as they breathed.
It was hard to say goodbye. The cubs had enjoyed someone new to play with, and the lionesses enjoyed talking with her. Alas, it was her time to go somewhere else. I and Finnic thank her for visiting and to have safe travels. "I hope my lioness treated you well, you're welcome back anytime. Take this as a parting gift" It was a small bag filled with things inside. She took it and held it in her mouth. She nodded and I nodded back, and rubbed my face against hers. The pride all said goodbye as she left the territory, her tail swaying back and forth.

Items sent with:
1 goodie bag w/ 10 items inside


Trip to #270810
Upon arrival, Ochre met with a kind Lioness who took charge while her king was gone. Her name was Wisp and her king was Vulfer

Ochre was treated to the best meals these group of mutated lions could gather. They showed her secret places to rest, taught her secret hunting techniques and offered her the Vessel of Anubis to keep her safe on the rest of her travels <33

fourth trip to #265741

Sinster Cladore welcomes her to the United States after her slightly seasick journey from Europe! The western region specifically, mountains-o-plenty! Now she is being greated by cubs just east of Pikes Peak. Ochre McEbony quickly had to learn what a cactus does! Ouch! She and Kaji spend a long while pulling those spikes out. Kaji's cubs laughed a little bit, everyone around here knows to stay away from cacti.

Left with: Scar: anklebiter (from the spikes)


fifth trip to #213818

Prince Amir welcomes her to his new clan, he tells her it's quite full here but she can hangout where ever she pleases. After a day or two they talk and help fill out her journal so there is 10 pages done. [I added the spots for peoples names] He also speaks about how he is from America and how there isnt much sand there.


Sixth trip to #Moon (#274268)
fly welcomes her to his pride after finding her by a river during his patrol he greeted his submale and led her to the den where the lionesses pulled their cubs closer staring at the stranger the next day she left she didnt feel safe


Seventh trip to Free Wind (#270765)
Ochre was exhausted after travelling for several weeks. She stumbled into the state of Iowa, her paws sore. Not paying attention, she fell into the Mississippi River. Free Wind spotted her and pulled her out of the deep, murky waters. free Wind welcomed her into his pride and let her stay a day or two before leaving to go on her travels. In that time, she learned how to swim and fish, then she bonded with a dragonfly before leaving.
(given: Blue Skimmer 1)

Eighth trip to Sollus (#292261)
After traveling south’ west Ochre made it to the land of Texas. Although the timing wasn’t great as it was the hot dry season. Ochre collapsed under a tree dehydrated and hungry. Styx a lioness from a nearby pride found her and quickly got help. Ochre woke up to find herself in the territory of Sollus the reigning king. Sollus welcomed Ochre and said she could stay for a couple days. During that time Ochre made a close friend out of Styx and learned how to survive the harsh dry season of this territory. Once it was time for Ochre to leave, her new friend Styx gave her some bird companions to help look for water or prides if she ever gets lost or stuck in a hot/dry place again. After the heartfelt goodbyes Sollus and Styx walked Ochre to the edge of their territory and watched as Ochre walked into the sunset.
(Given: Shrikes)


Ninth trip to #246812

After traveling Northwest Ochre landed in the state of Indiana. Ochre was drinking from a watering hole in the middle of a field with tall grass. It was extremely humid outside and she was starting to get sick. She collapsed into the grass beside the watering hole and laid her head down miserably. A soft pair of footsteps approached her but she couldn't raise her head. A white feather landed on her nose and she finally passed out.

A few hours later she sat up in a cool den. She looked around and saw a white lioness. She flexed her large wings before introducing herself with the name "Fresh Snow." After letting Ochre recover, Fresh Snow showed her around and introduced her to the other pride members. The pride members were extremely welcoming towards the older lioness. She was given food and was even given a gift from a group of cubs. They had given her a pink flower crown and a pair of Rabbit bone bracelets. After staying for a couple of days, they sent the lioness along her way.
(Given- African Violet Crown and Rabbit Bone Bracelets)

Tenth trip to FoxSong #297214
Ochre traveled to the thick forests of lower Illinois, where she found a Pride of welcoming lions. After each of them greeted her with a bow, they showed her their customs and culture, describing how they worshipped the sun and moon for giving them all they had. They gifted her a bee that immediately found refuge in ochre's flowers, telling her that as long as Ochre could sense the moon in the sky, the little bee would stay with her. They share their meals with her, showing her the way they pay their respects to the prey they eat and how to use every part of the meal. Ochre played with the cubs and listened to the adolescents lessons. She sleeps well in the cave, cuddled against the warm pelts of some of the lionesses. She shares a final morning meal with them before announcing that it is time for her to go and thanking them for their kindness. They bid her a safe travel. She leaves with a full stomach and a happy heart, knowing she would always be welcome back.
Eleventh trip to #229787 (Did not write anything)
Twelfth trip to The Pride of Elysian (#297214)
Ochre felt the age catch up to her. She had decided that she should return to the forests of illinois. She hadn't really set a path, but she found herself right back at the pride of the Elysian borders. She meets a familiar pale lioness at the borders. Brimstone smiles, greeting her by name. the lioness brings ochre back to the pride, where she is nearly bombarded with lions happy to see her again. some of the cubs she had played with had grown up. she felt kind of like an old grandmother seeing her grandchildren. some of the adolescents she had sat beside had even grown up to be beautiful and strong lions. Ochre had remembered many of their customs. She was happy to be eating with the kind lions and playing with the young cubs. Ochre McEbony slept well that night in the comfort of the warm den of flowers and bones. in the morning, the Pride of Elysian fed her a final meal. StarSeer bids ochre goodbye, gifting her a beetle with the same promise, that as long as she would feel the sun on her fur the beetle would follow her. Ochre had bowed their goodbyes before departing for the last time, glad she had returned.

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