Belongs to Project 4/17 S1+S6+EC+MC's Pride
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"The Traveler "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Blood Moon (Tan Skin) Slot 1: Red Lace (100%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Red Panther (72%) Tier 2
Slot 3: White Crackle (54%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Noctis Pelage (84%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Cimmerian Grit (42%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Red Sable (15%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Lilac Flow (100%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (54%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Golden Tips (39%) Tier 1
Slot 12: White Ear Spots (57%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Dark Solid Special
Eyes Eldritch
Mane Type Sideburn
Mane Color Penumbra
Mutation Leopon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Abandoned Cemetery

Rabbit Bone Chest Wrap
Angelic Blessing
Chain [Silver]
Lab Test Frog
Bone Wings [Top]
Common Raven [1]

Bone Wings [Bottom]
--Starfrost to Azure--
After traveling for many mothes from pride to pride, Bahamut eventually reached the pride of Starfrost. At first glance the pride seems well, lots of lionesses, cubs running around, submales patrolling, but after a bit she noticed that the lions of the pride seemed thin. When she asked the lionesses about it they gave no response, although the cubs were constantly complaining of hunger. Bahamut was treated very well by Starfrost and the rest of the pride, she never went hungry, and was never asked to do anything. About 2-3 months into her stay with the pride a new lioness showed up, she had sparkly purplish-blue fur and was surrounded by an almost alien-like aura. For the first time in her stay with the pride Bahamut saw the fury of Starfrost. None of the lionesses would admit who the lioness was or why Starfrost was so furious at her arrival. One lioness would tell the story of the lioness, her names was Forstfur and she had the same looks as the new lioness but without the aura. She told Bahamut the story of the lioness, according to Frostfur the new lioness was her daughter who was named Azure. The cub, as she grew up, went against Starfrost and refused to follow her orders. As a result the cub was exiled as soon as she reached adolecence. This was the first time Frostfur had seen her cub since the exile. Once a lion is exiled from the pride discussion about them or the exile is strictly forbidden and hence why none of the other lionesses would say anything about Azure. The reason that Frostfur gave as to why Azure had not been accepted into another pride lay in that the scar on her forehead is the scar given to exiled lions and makes them much less likely to be accepted anywhere else. After listening to Frostfur, Bahamut decides to go find and talk to Azure directly. She goes a bit farther out of the camp near the river and finds Azure stalking near the camp. Azure turns her gaze to Bahamut with clear distrust. Bahamut sits and shows that she means no harm to Azure and waits for her to come over. After talking to Azure, Bahamut has a much clearer picture of the horrible conditions that the lionesses of Starfrost's pride live in. Bahamut decides that she wants to help Azure to dethrone and take down Starfrost. After about of month of Azure stalking the camp, Starfrost finally exits the camp to deal with Azure, when she does Bahamut stalks her from behind, hiding in the shadows in case Azure needs help. Although her support ended up unnecessary as Azure handily defeats Starforst, locking her jaws around the queens throat until the queen had passed away. Azure then proudly strutted into the camp sending out a roar to gather the lionesses. Once the lionesses had assembled and heard of what had happened most of the lionesses were thrilled to have a new queen while a handful were concerned about the methods that Azure had used. Azure gave every lion in the pride an opportunity to leave the pride free of mark or violence. Only 2 lionesses leave the pride, the rest decide to stay and live with the new queen Azure. Azure started out her reign by handing out food to all of the lions and cubs. She sent out hunting patrols to gather food and made sure that every lion was fed before herself. She put a vote up to the lions on whether they want to stay in their current territory or move to a new area that Azure had lived in when she was exiled. The pride voted to leave the bad memories at the camp by the river and to go to the new land. The lionesses divided into groups to keep track of everyone and then went on the journey to the jungle. Once they reached the new lands many lionesses built nests in a sheilded grove. Frostfur was put in charge of a small cave near a silver pool where cubs would be raised by broodmothers. After all of this Bahamut stayed in the pride for a while longer before becoming antsy and moving on to her next adventure.

--Azure to Distantia--
After several long years of of traveling, Bahamut returned to the pride of Azure. She first found and talked to Frostfur, greeting her before the two of them went to find Azure. Frostfur warned Bahamut that Azure had changed in the years that she had been traveling. Upon finding Azure, Bahamut saw that the lioness had lost her alien-like aura and now had a powerful body with long fangs. Azure welcomes her back into the pride with open arms. She allows Bahamut to select where she would like to stay. She elects to stay with Frostfur in the small cave, since she had formed a close friendship with the lioness. When Bahamut was talking with Frostfur and the other lionesses, she learned that the change in Azure's appearance was due to a deal that she had made with a shaman. She had sold her beauty and health for a body capable of protecting her pride and to be able to save the life of a small cub named Moro. Since that deal had been made, Azure had been plauged with illness and was weakening by the month. At some point a lone lion named Distantia wandered into the camp. Their eyes were reminicent of those of dragons or snakes and their head and front legs were bound by golden serpent-like jewelery. They had large feathered wings that shimmered in the light as well as long orange horns atop their head. A sparkling pendent hangs around their neck and puts a dent in their mane. After a few months Azure takes Distantia as her apprentice, teaching them how to rule over the pride. When Azure feels that Distantia is ready, she steps down from her role to take much needed rest. After stepping down, Azure lives not even a month before passing due to illness. Distantia changes after Azure's death, they become hostile to outsiders and cruel to anyone outside of the pride. Their eyes narrow with distrust and they grow more distant from the lionesses of the pride. They do not however show hostility or anger towards the pridemembers and only towards those outside of the pride. Bahamut at one point took a deal with a shaman along with Frostfur, they became frozen in time and stayed together to be the keepers of the pride's history.

--Distantia to ???--
When Distantia's time had come to a close and they had moved onto the afterlife, whatever that meant for them, it seemed like an endless line of kings came flooding one after another to the throne. Bahamut was more confused every time a new king came to the throne, seeming to change appearance only slightly from the king before. In this time of unrest in the pride some lionesses stepped forward to take leadership into their own paws. They called themselves The Council and each one of them took over a seperate branch of the pride's affairs. Each lioness who was a part of the Council was reffered to as a Prophet along with the branch that they controlled. One of the newer Council members was a gorgous lioness called The Desired, and she was the Prophet of Wealth. She was in charge of the pride's funds and decided what was and wasn't a necessary purchase for the pride. The Council were fair rulers and they had established an oligarchy where the kings were actually only figureheads to ward off other prides from attempting to take over. The Council were all fairly popular and liked lionesses and no lionesses in the pride had any issues with this arrangement. Over time the Council would grow to have many lionesses, many of who looked similar although some lionesses who were rumored to be clones or almost clones of some of the most beautiful lionesses in the lands were allowed to become Council Members. Bahamut and Frostfur were both offered positions in the Council although they declined them to remain in their positions as the pride's storytellers and historians.

--??? to ???--

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