Belongs to Siren song Of The Nebula's Pride
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" Traveling Lioness "

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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 6 real life days.
Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 29 Speed 30
Stamina 36 Smarts 35
Agility 33 Skill 7
Total Stats: 170
Lion Currents
Age 4 years, 11 months old
Sex Female
Pose Good
Timid (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 22.435897435897%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Kingspin (Deceased) Mother SOLARIS 6M GalaxyE 342 [RAFF] (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred 17 days ago Fertility Very Low (19%) View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Scallop (Brown Skin) Slot 2: Golden Cowl (24%) Tier 0
Slot 5: Vitiligo 5 (1%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Hyena Spots Heavy White (30%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Medium Countershaded Rare
Eyes Sapphire
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Penumbra
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Floral Kingdom of South Africa

Herb Pouch
Submissive Female
Sleeping Fawn
Wild Centaury
Red Helleborine
African Flower Ornaments [Rainbow]
Wine Cups
Expression: Delighted
Expression: Cheerful [Cream]

Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 0 Successful Hunts 0 Success Rate 0%

"I wonder what I look like in your eyes."

Avalon is an adventurous lioness that shies away from commitment. She's quite good at identifying herbs and plants, and though she'll never be one to say no to a king wishing for cubs, she much prefers to company of other lionesses. However, her relationships tend to be short and passionate, as she never stays in one place for long. Leaving a trail of ditched lovers behind her, she's always looking for someplace new. The day she was taken in by a lovely older lioness named Perseus, she knew things were destined to fall apart. Allowing herself to lavish in the attention of Perseus, Fleur, Cherish, and others, she almost considered staying. Good things never last, though, and she's now looking to travel again.


1. Only keep Avalon for a maximum of five days, unless she is pregnant or nursing cubs.
2. Message me prior to breeding her to ask for permission. You may do whatever you'd like with the cubs. however you're free to send them to me as well.
3. Do not change her base, eyes, mane, and current markings. You may add markings but it is not required. You may also add a mutation if you like, but it must be a piebald or patches to work with her pose and accessories.
4. Do not remove her pose or accessories. You may add accessories, but for the sake of not just having people's junk accessories dumped on her, please try to keep them cohesive and looking nice.
5. Do not kill, chase, or nature reserve her. I should not have to say this but I will.
6. Keep her well-fed and entertained. If I check on her (which I will be doing daily) and her hunger is 60% or higher or her mood is 40% or lower, I will be requiring you feed and play with her as soon as possible, and if you can't she will be sent back to me. If you need food or toys, feel free to message me and I can supply some. I am not risking my lioness running away due to someone else's negligence.
7. You are absolutely required to fill out the form listed below. If you do not include every bit of information there, I will be messaging you to check details, as I'll be using the form to keep track of where she's been and what she's done.
8. This isn't absolutely required, but it would be nice to see. Avalon is a heartbreaker and often develops short relationships with other lionesses during her visits. Feel free to have her romance some of your lionesses! You can include information about this in the form added to her log. Reminder: she doesn't have any attraction to male lions, but enjoys their company and will willingly have cubs with them if asked.
9. Avalon must be sent back to #285937 at 14 years old to live out the rest of her life.


Name & ID: list your username and id
Arrival Date: list the date she arrived in your pride
Departure Date: list the date she left your pride
Decor Added: list any decor you added to her
Established Relationships: list the names of any lionesses she may have developed romantic relationships with
Description of Stay: tell a little story of her stay! this can be as long or as short as you like, but it must be at least a sentence. have fun with it!


Name & ID: Val #285937 (owner)
Arrival Date: N/A
Departure Date: April 27th, 2024
Decor Added: Clean Lake, Herb Pouch, Expression: Delighted, Submissive Female, Good Pose
Established Relationships: Perseus, Fleur, Cherish, and Nephele
Description of Stay: After arriving in Perseus's pride, Avalon spent quite a few days here, lavishing in the attention given to her by the queen and various lionesses within the pride. However, things were destined to end, and she left to continue her travels.

Name & ID: Mu #67214
Arrival Date: April 27, 2024
Departure Date: April 28th, 2024
Decor Added: [BG] Floral Kingdom of South Africa, Expression: Cheerful [Cream], Wine Cups, African Flower Ornaments [Rainbow], Wild Centaury, Red Helleborine, Daisies (It's a lot of décor, but I couldn't help it... :-P)
Established Relationships: None
Description of Stay:
| The First Interaction
After the bittersweet departure from Perseus's pride, Avalon came face-to-face with another lone lioness that wore an abnormally large but familiar looking hare mask. It wasn't Wenet the Wise, but it was evident that this lioness was disguised for one of Wenet's quests. The masked loner introduced herself as "Su", and she took note of Avalon's herbal pouch. Su explained that she was on her way to poison a nearby bunny colony, and pointed out that Avalon's herbs would help trick many bunnies into eating a lethal dose of poison. Su offered to split Wenet's quest prize with Avalon in exchange for her help. The two agreed to help each other out and so began their quest to cull the ever-growing bunny population of this spring season.

| The Start of a Friendship
Su & Avalon dispensed all of their poisoned herbs on an area that this bunny colony often grazed on, and turned in their quest to Wenet for some tasty egg yolks and roasted lambs. Avalon was welcomed to join Su at her den, so the two went and shared a meal upon their arrival. They talked about their individual lives and bonded over the shared experience of being drifters. The rest of the day was spent outside of the den. Su & Avalon looked at some lush foliage with spring flowers and herbs to refill Avalon's herb pouch. They retreated back to the den at night and huddled up for some rest.

| The Farewell
As Avalon awoke and shifted her stiff body away from Su, she grumbled in her sleep. The masked lioness eventually awakened from her stupor when the absence of Avalon's warmth was apparent. The two lionesses exchanged a knowing glance, and the chilly morning breeze from outside brought in Su's grief. It was time for them to part their separate ways, so Su stood up to accompany Avalon out of the den. Before the tan lioness could continue on with her travels, she was gifted a colorful floral garment as a thank you token from Su. The two lionesses nuzzled heads for the last time, and they soon departed in their separate directions before the familiar bittersweet feeling overwhelmed them.

Name & ID: zen!! #309356
Arrival Date: April 28th, 2024
Departure Date: April 30th, 2024
Decor Added: non yet :3
Established Relationships: Eleca
Description of Stay:
| Interesting Shadow...
˚ · . Under the moonlit sky and surrounded by the soft whispers of the water flowing by, Eleca sat picking rocks out of the river with her claws. It's night like these, where the pride has gone to sleep and thoughts suffocate her without any indication of stopping. Nights like these where she'd much rather be with somebody. The river was usually quiet, but the unique, dark shadow that cast across the river and unfamiliar shaking of leaves, startled Eleca, causing her to step back, her teeth bared. A beautiful, tall, flower covered lioness was not what Eleca was expecting to see when she picked her eyes up. The lioness' head slowly tilted, her jewelry slanting across her fur, '' hi! '' the lioness playfully smiled. '' hi. '' Eleca returned.
| Picking Flowers...
˚ · . Eleca had invited Avalon back to her den the night before, not wanting the lioness to be wondering that late at night. Now, they sat ripping flowers out of the ground with their claws, adding onto Avalon's every growing shall of petals. A new blue flower was tucked just behing Eleca's ear.
| She Loves Me Not...
˚ · . Eleca pulled petal after petal, humming the same tune as she watched Avalon trot away, looking back only to wink at Eleca. ''Told you she wouldn't stay.'' Fauna murmured.

Name & ID: Val #285937 (owner)
Arrival Date: April 30th, 2024
Departure Date: May 5th, 2024
Decor Added: N/A
Established Relationships: Cherub
Description of Stay: Avalon returned to her home pride just before Perseus retired. Deciding she's willing to have a litter of cubs with the leader, she spends a few days with the pride even as Solaris becomes king and changes everything. However, she quickly grew uncomfortable and left in pursuit of another pride to visit, two cubs in tow. Cherub escorted her to the next pride, sharing a heartfelt goodbye.

Name & ID: Alastor 102960
Arrival Date: 5.5.2024
Departure Date: 8.5.2024
Decor Added: Sleeping Fawn (she made a friend)
Established Relationships: Due to her circumstances, Avalon did not make any meaningful connections.
Description of Stay:
Avalon’s next stay was full of trials and tribulations. Few, if any, prides would take in a nursing lioness. They were well within their right to refuse her—though she’d like to argue that two female cubs were hardly any competition in the savannah—and so she wandered far longer than usual. Constantly shifting from place to place left an inkling of dread within her stomach. Was this it? Should she have stayed at her previous pride until she’d weaned her children? What flight of fancy had her endangering the lives of her precious little darlings? Needless to say, Avalon had made a grievous mistake. There was no telling if she’d manage to feed herself, protect her cubs, and find a pride willing to take her in despite the damper she’d place on her host’s resources.

Was this it? Was she supposed to choose between her adventurous life and her cubs? Cubs whom she still had to scruff and wash, who could hardly toddle for five minutes before they had to sit down and take a break?

Avalon was not one to give up hope, but even she knew she’d gone too far. She was endangering innocent lives. She’d left too many heartbroken lovers in her wake; karma had finally caught up to her. The consequences of her actions were staring her in the face.

And she stared back.

And karma took the form of a lion with a star-spangled pelt, looming at the entrance of her latest getaway.

“How curious,” he had said. Avalon postured aggressively over her cubs. “You were a fool to do such a thing.”

Avalon hissed at him. How dare that lion assume what had happened? And why was he looking at her like that, like he was viewing his own reflection at the waterhole?

The intruder bowed his head. Then, he turned on his heel. “Well, come on then.”

Avalon did not, in fact, ‘come along, then’.

“You need a place to stay, don’t you?”

A hunting party of lionesses appeared behind the lion. There were four; missing a member.

Well, when he said it like that …


The lion introduced himself as ‘Kars’. He lent her a cave in his prideland, though he was extra snarky about it. It was almost as if he was cursed to die if he didn’t bring up her poor parental intuition. I get it! , she thought. Though she was grateful to have been granted a place to stay, she feels obligated to mention that her host was anything if not unkind to her.
Kars (the bastard) also mused about her cubs. In fact, he’d gotten quite touchy with them.

“These are quite young, aren’t they?” He asked, peering down at the plain cubs, hidden away under bundles of leaves and reeds. He turned to face Avalon. Somehow, she read the words ‘are you stupid?’ on his face and promptly turned away to sulk. She didn’t need other people telling her what to do, okay!?

When she came back, he was looming over them. At that moment, Avalon noticed the cruel quirk of his muzzle and his ever-stained paws. Some of that blood looked … fresh—and she swore she saw a few more lionesses around here and—where are her kids?
… safe and sound neath the reeds, thankfully, but she wasn’t sure if their safety was guaranteed while Kars was around. Most males kill the cubs of other lead males to weaken their genepool and clear out the competition their own daughters (or sons) will face come adulthood. So what …

“I wouldn’t kill them,” he tuts, like he’s a mind-reader. Just to check, Avalon spews a myriad of swears at him internally. “Why should I?”

The hairs on Avalon’s neck stood on edge.

“After all, with you as their mother, they may as well be dead already.”


Avalon didn’t manage to find a lover to wash her worries down with honey-thick nothings. She did, however, manage to find a Broodmother willing to protect her cubs from the tyrant who took her in. When she asked, the lioness said she did not have a name. Kars, apparently, had an awful naming convention.

Come to think of it, had he asked for her name? Avalon felt as though he shouldn’t tell him. The less she spoke to him, the better.
She joined the pride during Championship Season which meant plenty of new faces came and … went … day in, day out. And just as the groupies cycled, so did Avalon’s thoughts. Namely, what was she to do with her cubs? She couldn’t take them on her adventures, it would be cruel to them. They would not learn the skills necessary to survive if they kept changing ‘schools’ every few months. But she couldn’t just leave them here! Though she cared little for the lion she’d sired them with, her heart still wept for the poor girls.

Eventually, Avalon decided: she would stay here until they’re weaned, and then they can choose for themselves. Perhaps it was her own childishness and immaturity that made her make this decision. She believed her cubs could make this life-altering choice on their own.


One day, after a long time spent trying to chat up the other lionesses, Avalon came back to her den. She had been unsuccessful again—partly because the lionesses did not have names; those that did, were not interested in her company—and she had a sneaking suspicion that the terrible lion that accepted her had something to do with it. With her ears pinned to the her head, Avalon looked at her cubs’ hidey hole.


She looked around, wondering where they had wandered off to. She asked the Broodmother in charge of keeping them safe; she didn’t know. Fury gripped Avalon’s heart—both at herself for trusting a stranger with her cubs and at the Broodmother for her blatant ignorance! She stomped off in search of them, heart dropping at the thought that they may have already perished, and that it was all her fault.
Her search lead her throughout the entire marshland—Kars’ territory—until she stumbled upon a peculiar sight.

Her cubs, playing with two others. One of their playmates had folded ears and the other has primal features. A weight fell off Avalon’s heart. Good, they were safe.

Avalon sat down to observe them from a distance. She noticed how the other cubs—she’d never seen them before—went easy on her own. She wondered how old they were.
What she didn’t notice, however, was their father creeping up behind her.

Kars purposefully spooked her which earned him a smack. He did not seem amused, nor particularly fazed.

“Those are mine,” he says, tilting his head towards the cubs. “And I named them, and I care for them as their mother would.”

… and where is their mother? Dead, if what Avalon has witnessed the past few days holds water.

“I named them because I love them.” The pompous bastard lays down like Avalon’s furious expression means nothing to him. “I don’t hear you calling yours by any name. Why is that?”

Avalon hisses.

“Do you not love your own daughters?”

After a brief deliberation (in which she strongly considered fighting him), Avalon sat down. She said nothing.

“I don’t care what you do with your spawn,” he sing-songs. “The blood of an inferior king does not frighten me. But know that, if you are to abandon them, you will never learn what it means to have responsibility.”

Avalon has been avoiding commitment and responsibility all this time. Sure, having cubs was an intended fluke—she wanted to know what motherhood was like—but it was just that. A fluke. She knew better now, and she doesn’t need someone else to wax poetic about it!

Besides, those were some wise words for a murderer.

She snorts in his vague direction.

“Your lifestyle cannot support any needy mouths, Avalon.” How did he know her name!? “Remember that.”

Avalon glares down at him.

Kars smirks at her.

“But I’d assume your next hosts won’t take my advice, so I’ll tell you a secret.”

And so Avalon learned of the Cotton Root tree and its peculiar bark.
After this, Avalon cut her stay short and decided to travel back to her original pride, cubs in tow. She feared what would happen to them should she wean them in the presence of that bloodthirsty tyrant.

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