9/11/2024 - 461 stats at birth
9/26/2024 - Sex change (1 gb), cimmerian flux, cimmerian zebra, white hyena unders to 100% (6 gb), dressed up! Bought demiurge base for 2500sb, haven't decided yet. Personality to Patient (400sb).
9/29/2024 - Your teenager touches it to absorb the adult knowledge and become more mature. (Just realized I could use an aging crystal at 1 yr 6 months...oh well, still almost an extra week of patrols)
9/30/2024 - Stormpelt (#794227646030) - They got the following stat boosts from cub training: +14 STR, +34 AGI, +45 SPD, +2 SMR, +1 STM
Stats at 2 years: 571
First patrol: Stormpelt was unsuccessful! Unfortunately, he found nothing whilst patrolling. (Big yikes...)
10/14/2024 - 936 stats @ 3 years, 2 months. 364 stats gained from 213 patrols.
10/18/2024 - You go to get a drink of water and find Stormpelt holding still, using his shadow to attract fish for easy catching. Nice.
10/19/2024 - Final patrol: Stormpelt was successful patrolling and found 1x Hartebeest Carcass. He gained +2 stamina, +2 agility.
Total patrols: 305. Total stats gained: 546. Total items gained: 136.
10/20/2024 - Kinged at 3 years, 8 months old. 1118 stats.
Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Not Very Impressive!
Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Not Impressive!
10/21/2024 - Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Average!
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +1 Speed, +2 Smarts, +1 Agility! (Level 2)
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Stamina, +2 Agility! (Level 3)
Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Slightly Impressive!
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +2 Speed, +1 Smarts, +1 Stamina, +4 Agility! (Level 4)
Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Somewhat Impressive!
Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Impressive!
10/22/2024 - Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Very Impressive!
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +6 Strength, +2 Speed, +2 Stamina! (Level 5)
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +1 Strength, +3 Speed, +3 Smarts, +2 Stamina, +3 Agility! (Level 6)
Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Extremely Impressive!
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +1 Strength, +3 Speed, +10 Smarts! (Level 7)
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +3 Strength, +6 Speed, +3 Smarts, +4 Agility! (Level 8)
Yeaaah! You improved your impression level.. And are now Dreamboat!
10/23/2024 - Second dreamboat :)
10/24/2024 - 4 years old, 1214 stats
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +5 Speed, +2 Smarts, +2 Stamina, +9 Agility! (Level 9)
Dreamboat :)
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +5 Strength, +3 Speed, +12 Stamina! (Level 10)
10/25/2024 - Dreamboat!
10/26/2024 - Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +5 Strength, +1 Speed, +10 Smarts, +1 Stamina, +5 Agility! (Level 11)
10/27/2024 - Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +8 Strength, +2 Speed, +3 Smarts, +10 Stamina, +1 Agility! (Level 12)
10/28/2024 - Dreamboat
10/29/2024 - Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +8 Speed, +2 Smarts, +3 Stamina, +13 Agility! (Level 13)
10/30/2024 - Dreamboat
10/31/2024 - Dreamboat
Yeaaah! You levelled up successfully and gained: +2 Strength, +4 Speed, +5 Smarts, +9 Stamina, +8 Agility! (Level 14)