꧁༒☬𝓔𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓾𝓼☬༒꧂'s Den

Pet's name: Jean
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

I am a fuchsia flower HOARDER any fuchsia flowers are loved!! I love to spread em out too!!
Current flower count: 999 my stocks are getting low but it’ll be replenished soon

Idk why I love them but it gives me the highest boost of serotonin

If you’d like to buy some flowers, pm me!! Goes by lowest current branch price <3

Queen Althea’s Art box

Will add soon!

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・゜゜・𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨・゜゜・.

Laughing, the elderly lioness looked down at the cubs who were begging for stories before bed.
“Are you sure you kids actually want to hear the story of our pride? It’s long!”
The immediate screaming of affirmations and “Please tell us grandmaw Love!” had her chuckling as she began the story: “Pride Samishī was founded by King Brightmane, many years ago, when his father was killed by a group of roaming beasts!”
The cubs began to shush each other, moving closer to their grandmaw’s form to hear her story better. This was their favorite part of her watching them.
“After his father was killed, Brightmane traveled all around the world! Searching far and wide for any kind of family that he could find. Eventually he found these mountains, where he also found the first lioness: Silent. Her cub was alongside, Night Prowler. King Brightmane took them in immediately, showing them to the cave he had been living in. They agreed to stay with him, becoming the first members of what would soon become our beloved pride.”
Cubs’ yawns began to sound, but each one would make sure no one fell asleep. Gentle pokes from still soft claws, small nips on shoulders, every precaution was taken. None wanted to fall asleep.
“But disaster was bound to be afoot, as King Brightmane gathered more lionesses and cubs to join in his growing pride, an old illness began to flare. He had been sick in cubhood, but the same demonic ailment was flaring back to life as he aged! He was left with the reality that his pride had no heir beyond him, and that whenever he inevitably fell there would be no one to care for his new home,” the elderly lioness began to move her paws for dramatic effect, “And that would spell horrid things! But despite these worries, he kept exploring: searching for new lionesses and cubs!
“Eventually he found a lioness, who was heavily pregnant, that he brought back to the pride with him. She was strange, different. Her coat was unlike anything anyone had ever seen! A beautiful mix of colors that looked akin to the heavens! She soon gave birth to a single cub, a cub unlike any seen. They were the
only cub that could be male in the pride, and our beloved king quickly chose them as his heir.”
“King Shima!” A few of the cubs blurted, their paws tapping furiously on the stone floor.
“Yes! King Shima had been born! While he grew, Brightmane quickly became his father. The two formed a strong bond as months went by, Shima learning all he could from Brightmane in the time that they had. Though, something strange happened when Shima was a year old,” chittering quieted, silent once more as the cubs waited on bated breath, “A lioness cub was born, her fur white as snow and her eyes pink as her newborn skin. She was named Cola, after our goddess of Travel. Though her father was not King Brightmane, she was treated as a goddess among us. She was so close to our goddess, it was impossible to believe that she was not sent by her!
“Shima didn’t know what to think of her when she was born, as he was too busy getting ready to lead. His main opinion that anyone could get out of him was that he thought she looked like a ghost, not a lioness. Though that did not matter yet, as the plan he and Brightmane had was that Shima would become king when he turned three, but tragedy struck!”
Her paws slammed against the stone, making the cubs jump and yelp in surprise, their chattering resuming as they asked around to see if anyone remembered the next part.
“King Brightmane passed! Shima was grown enough to inherit the pride, but because of his appearance with fangs long enough to droop out of his muzzle and a tail shorter than any they’d seen, many lionesses that had joined left, fearing their new king would harm their cubs. Few remained, but they trusted their former and current kings’ judgment. They would not abandon the home they had found.”
“Among them was Cola, soon to be Queen Cola, who stayed right alongside Shima through thick and thin in this time. The two soon were married at the elders’ insistence, and over time King Shima grew madly in love with Queen Cola. Though the elders demanded he take six more queens, as customary, King Shima was reluctant. His heart belonged to Queen Cola, and he feared falling for another and betraying her. Eventually though, he
accepted that the elders would not allow him to rule with just Cola, and began to seek out six more queens.”
Various protests erupted from the cubs, all of them wanting the love story to end perfectly, but Love shushed them gently so that she could continue.
“He found his queens, searching many different lands for lionesses that would be helpful and good for his pride. Six came home with him, Queens Yoru, Hana, Lucille, Cotton, Aki and Prisma. They all had roles to be played, Queens Yoru and Aki acted as generals, protecting our pride from adversaries and dangers. Queen Hana would execute these plans, being the front of any battle effort! Back home, Queens Cotton and Lucille would take care of the cubs and the pride itself. But Queen Prisma, she was different.
“King Shima became enchanted by her, and fearing his heart would stray from Queen Cola, he sent her away. Her job became a communicator and peacekeeper between prides. She would arrange pairings and trades that would benefit the pride, caring for us from far away. Though, she and King Shima still met in secret as time went on. She was soon heavy with cubs, and they were King Shima’s.”
Wails echoed off the cave walls, outraged squeals and demands for a better story following, the cubs clearly much too interested in the story at this moment.
“Queen Cola soon knew, as Prisma came home. Fearing losing her only love, Queen Cola forced Queen Prisma to tell King Shima that the cubs were another king’s. In his rage of betrayal, King Shima scarred Queen Prisma, a reminder to her that she should remain faithful to her pride and the throne. That night Queen Prisma was nearly killed for this crime, her saving grace coming at a steep cost.
“King Shima and Queen Cola both dropped shock still, unable to breathe, as Queen Prisma stood nearby cowering, her tail around her stomach to protect her cubs. Queen Cola rose, her eyes glowing as the sky lit ablaze with lightning and thunder. She spoke, her voice booming, This lioness is a traitor, her and this king's lineage will be forever cursed just as the kings and queens before them she said. Queen Prisma stared in awe, unsure of what would come next as a wind blew Queen Cola away, her body becoming ash immediately. King Shima died soon after, his grief over this loss ripping apart his heart.”
“Next is King Yōgan?” Tentative whispers began to circulate, Love chuckling gently as yawns followed. They would all be fast asleep soon.
“Queen Hana had to take over in King Shima’s absence, giving Queen Prisma time to birth our last king, Yōgan. He was the son of King Shima and Queen Prisma, the heir to the throne. He looked nothing like his late father, but as he grew we all began to see the resemblance. He was another Shima.
“When Yōgan turned two, he was crowned the king of the pride. Queen Prisma lived, watching her son govern with pride. But, the curse Cola set upon us still carried. Yōgan could father no sons, our lionesses could not produce sons, and without them our pride might be doomed! So, King Yōgan has made it possible for lionesses to lead, which meant his first born daughter, Princess Samayo, was slated to next be king. But, the goddess Cola was not happy with this, and sent a pack of white, ghosty hyenas to kill Princess Samayo! They succeeded, and we were without an heir again.” “King Yōgan started growing old and feared leaving no heir behind.” “The queens grew restless waiting for a new lion or lioness to step up and become worthy to lead. We needed an heir.” Shocked silence crept through the small forms, this was always the hardest part of her story, most of these cubs were fathered by Yōgan.
“Yōgan passed away and our pride was left alone without a true leader’
“If Yōgan didn’t have an heir how did king Sebun get to be king?” one of Yōgan’s daughters, one of which inherited his black spotting had raised her paw.
“Well” pausing for a moment, seeing the anticipation in the crowd.
“King Sebun is not like us. Remember the story of the gods?” The cubs vigorously nodded.
“Goddess of Love Amare and God of Desire and fertility, they are in love more than the mortal world could ever know. These two had four cubs, three sons and one daughter. Callista the Goddess of Beauty, Eros, God of Lust, Ajax God of Power, and Sebun God of the Seven Rings of Heaven” Small gasps and whispers erupted from the cubs.
“Yes, our King is, or, was a god.”
“Sebun was meant to be the God and Guardian of all Seven Rings of Heaven, but his brother framed him for a crime he didn’t commit. In order to get his Godship back, Sebun had to live out a fulfilling mortal life amongst us”
“At first Sebun was just a normal cub born to Queen Hana, we wouldn’t have thought anything of it until we discovered Sebun was male. As you all know the curse on your pride left by Queen Cola, we cannot have males in our pride for long”
“As Sebun grew he had already defended himself from the Cola curse by outsmarting the ghostly hyenas that had killed the princess samayo”
“King Sebun looked just like his goddess mother Amare. With that the queens concluded that he was a gift sent by the gods and he was to be the next king of Pride Shimashī. Sebun grew into the king we knew for so long. He was the most considerate king of all, but unfortunately he had the same issue of the curse, even as a god. Sebun could not pass on a son no matter what he did, sebun had learnt to love his new pride and did not want to leave it without a ruler. So sebun attempted to do what Yōgan did, give a daughter the title of heir to the thrown. Sebun gifted several daughters the title if he thought they were worthy, though every single one failed. Sebun, like the past kings, was ready to give up in his search. Yuki, queen of a neighboring pride, a queen that was head over heels in love with king sebun offered to try to have a son for him, as she was from another pride and the curse may not affect her offspring. Yuki unfortunately was unable to produce a male heir as long as sebun was the father. Sebun had left Yuki due to the pairing not working. Yuki had been devastated but eventually found love with a primal king from another neighboring pride, but her love for king sebun still lingering. Years had passed and sebun was getting impatient, none of his queens were able to produce an heir able to defeat the oncoming threats of Queen cola’s curse. One day sebun met a beautiful lioness who took his heart with her loving and humble heart. They had no sons of course, but sebun wasn’t as heartbroken this time. He loved his daughters very much and it hurt him the most to put them through the annual heir test, an event that all young lions in the pride participate in to become the next queen or king. Sebun’s two daughters had failed to make it past the trials cola sent down on them and sebun had lost them forever. His third daughter however, she was alive, in last place but alive“ “Althea!!” The youngest cubs screamed, most of the youngest cubs were althea’s younger siblings, althea’s cubs would soon join once they got older. “Yes althea, now listen up! Princess Althea seemed to be far behind but that’s just what she wanted you to think! She had gotten through the traps and trials by helping the creatures sent by cola! The hyenas? Their leader had a thorn stuck in his paw! Only Althea was brave and kind enough to help them. At the end of the event, when only Althea remained, the pride rejoiced! Sebun declared his daughter heir to the thrown, Demi god of compassion and health, Princess Althea!!” The cubs cheered! “As always, all great kings pass and go join the stars” the cave took a change in the atmosphere, as said before, a lot of the cubs there were sebun’s last children. “Sebun passed only a few moons ago, but Althea has already changed our pride for better.”
Her words had slowly gotten quieter, and soon faded into nothing. Soft snores sounded from the pile of cubs in front of her. She smiled, hearing the lion enter the cave but choosing to let him speak first.
“What are you doing, Great grandma Love?” Althea asked, sitting next to her and looking at all the tiny forms.
She reminded her of Sebun so much
“They wanted a story.”

Sneak peak into the future?!?:
A sparkling pure white lion with red eyes was forming in a misty cloud, so ominous yet not threatening. “The destined must become one” the lion whispered into the ear of Althea. ~What does that mean?~ Althea struggled to form her words, only asking in thought. “Once the prophecy is fulfilled, pride Shimasi the pride of the heavens will be removed of this curse for the rest of eternity.”
“What story will you tell us today, grandmaw?” A small tawny cub asked as Love led a group of cubs to eat lunch with the pride.
“What kind of story would you like to hear today?” She asked, gathering whatever smaller food items she could. The cubs couldn’t really eat a lot yet, this was the easiest way.
“Can we hear about the gods again?” The cub asked, taking the gerbil Love was passing to her.
“Of course, everyone lay down and listen up, I’ll tell you all about the gods,” Love gently corralled the cubs into a small nook of a cave near the feeding area. It would be safer for them if they were more out of the way for this.
“Let’s start with a name you know from our other stories, Cola the Goddess that guides the dead. She is in charge of safe travel to the afterlife, because when she died, a small white lioness that was alone in the world and hated for how different she was, she had to trek down the steepest of cliffs and climb the tallest of mountains to get to her afterlife. Because of this harrowing experience, she swore on her own soul that none would experience the same thing. And due to this, she was granted godhood over it.”
The cubs muttered amongst themselves about Queen Cola’s jealousy, but carefully decided to always specify it was the lioness and not the goddess. They did not want to have to trek to the underworld, after all.
“Next is Kenka, the goddess of War. She is said to live on in the battlefields amongst the various warriors of prides, protecting or damning whomever she chose to. Based on our own warrior’s experiences, she’s said to have a ruby-colored coat with green eyes, bathed in scars and donned with shining gold armor. It’s said that when she died, she was fighting an army of a hundred lions, and defeated them single-handedly! This act of bravery and power caught the other gods’ eyes, and they invited her to join them.”
Cheers and quips about becoming gods too were common at this part. The cubs’ enthusiasm was never matched, no matter who else she told this story too. They just ate it up every time!
“The god of Health, his name is Kenkō. He arrives at every birth and death, protecting the souls of those who die and those
in pain despite the fact that no one did that for him. When Kenkō was born, he was born lethally deformed. Unable to eat or move, and was given no mercy, not even death, just being left to wait until his flame finally burned out. Outraged over this, he swore to never let anyone else feel this pain, or be scorned as such a beast. He lives on in every lethally mutated cub, defending their souls and protecting them from those who would want to harm them for ill gains.”
Somber silence fell over the small group, making Love’s heart sink. She knew not all of her stories were perfect, and often there were bad parts, but the cubs just seemed sad this time. Like they truly understood that something horrible had happened. She needed to lighten their mood.
“Riches and luck,” she began, “They go hand in hand. One always next to the other, right? Well, they are as deities too. In the form of the goddesses Kin and Kōtaku! Two solid gold lionesses, one with a silky mane along her shoulders, and the other with a raised tuft of fur along her back. When they were alive they were travelers! Lionesses who went from pride to pride offering services and wares, gaining beetles and new goods along the way. Known far and wide, everywhere they went there was a trade ready for them. When they finally passed, many years past when they should have, Cola, instead of showing them to the underworld, took them to the gods, telling the other deities about how well these two lionesses handled themselves. Because of this, they were made goddesses of their favors in life.”
Each cub had a silver beetle she had given them a month before, during a story about the trading center. Now, their food forgotten, they each pulled theirs out and stared at it. Based on the way their noses scrunched, she was sure they were trying to figure out how many of those silver beetles they’d need to become gods.
“Now, Ame. The goddess of the rain. She is small, no taller than you, but is a grown lioness. Her fur sparkles with the colors of the rainbows her showers create! She is a gentle soul, wandering the clouds above and causing storms with her paw steps. She tries to not walk too loudly, in fear of causing huge and devastating storms, preferring to allow showers in small bursts that nurture the land just enough for us. She was born a god, her
powers manifesting as a cub. Upon noticing their cub was different, her parents offered her to the gods so she could take her rightful place among them.”
Jealousy was a funny facial expression. It was like you could tell the moment the cubs wished it was them. They seemed so disappointed at their long legs and normally sized heads. They wanted to be smaller.
“Okay, enough. Now for the last two deities, the god of Desire and Fertility, Yokubō, and the goddess of Love, Amare. These two were lovers, Yokubō taking the form of a primal lion, huge and scary with a bobbed tail and elongated fangs, double the size of a normal lion with thick fur covering his whole body! His fur was white as snow with golden marbling throughout, defining him as perfectly unnatural. Amare was softer, a normal lioness with pink fur that held white patches shaped like hearts across it. She was beautiful in ways no lionesses has ever or will ever match, and she fell in love with the strange and massive lion, breaking through his shell and making him fall in love with her. They rule the heavens together, protecting and caring for us below with all of the other gods.”
When her story was finished, so was the cubs’ food. They were all finished eating, and because of the fantastic stories they had been told, ready to play too! So Love gathered them up, ushering them to the main cavern the pride lived in to allow them plenty of space to bother anyone but her for an hour or two.
.・゜゜・About me!・゜゜・.

Hello and welcome to Pride Shimasí!
My name is Hana
and This is Queen Althea’s Pride!

Current heir to the thrown? (next king?) N/A
.:Current Projects:.

GOAL : Breed all types of primal in game (CLEAN)
Status? 5/5!!
Which primals have I bred? : x1 Felis , x1 Smilus , x3 Primal , x2 Primal Fangs, x1 ferus!!

GOAL: Own an extra limbs lethal
Status? 0/1

GOAL: Own both Hybrids
Status? 2/2!!
owned but now sold <3

GOAL: Breed both hybrids
Status? 2/2!!
Bred 2 gons and 1 pon!

GOAL: Breed all three first gens!

GOAL: Crb project!! 500CRBs!!

Level: 7 Branch: Fuchsia Flower Frenzy CLOSED
Stats: 1531 Territory: 51
Lionesses: 51 Beetle Slots: 5 / 6
Cubs: 30 / 255 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 3 Subordinate Males: Newly Claimed Groupie wine
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 7 lions with mutations in ꧁༒☬𝓔𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓾𝓼☬༒꧂'s pride.

꧁༒☬𝓔𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓾𝓼☬༒꧂'s Player
Member ID #321796
A goth in an ungothly place
Joined: 2022-07-22 20:57:32 Last Active: 2024-05-31 22:53:07

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18 Pregnant Lionesses

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played by Chimera 4K 15Bo Ely/Frail
Level 19 - 82 lionesses - 28 cubs
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ℝ𝕒𝕥 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕟
played by King Rat
Level 13 - 85 lionesses - 27 cubs
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played by Hiraeth
Level 3 - 7 lionesses - 0 cubs
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༺• 𝑹𝒖𝒒𝒂𝒚𝒚𝒂 •༻
played by ༺• 𝑹𝒖𝒒𝒂𝒚𝒚𝒂 Ra nrlc •
Level 1 - 1 lionesses - 13 cubs
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Bumble bee
played by Twilightluver
Level 10 - 2 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by ☽Pintosavvy☾
Level 6 - 31 lionesses - 15 cubs
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RLC Eden

Stud Buds

The Collector

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Vampire Coalition

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King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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