Avanor's Den

Salnach Crag

By the time you finally reach the edge of the territory, the sun is just rising. You came here as a simple messenger gathering valuable information about the neighboring prides and this one has been difficult to locate. Now you understand why.
Your eyes take in the impressive view below you, the landscape an oasis of green after the long journey through the scrubby desert. The valley is surrounded by cliffs as far as the eye can see, and to the northeast of it you can see several waterfalls gushing out of rocky cavities, flowing down the sides to feed a river that meanders across the plains before ending in a vast waterhole.
It's still early, yet you can already hear the plains come alive, mixing the incessant chirping of crickets and birds with the thudding hooves of dozens of herds roaming the plains.

The only way to enter the valley is through a dangerous and steep passage that the cliffs have created, forming a funnel that leads to the open plains. Dust rises with every step you take, and you are careful not to trip on this arduous path. Soon, an archway rises above you, and you pass under it, becoming an official trespasser on these lands.

Although no danger has fallen upon you yet, you are not stupid. You know you've already been spotted, and it's only a matter of time before you have company. Good or bad, that remains to be seen.
It doesn't take you long to find out, actually. You barely have time to take a few more steps when a deep rumble is heard. Next comes the sound of large paws pounding on the ground before a blow sends you rolling in the dirt.
Your eyes are assaulted by the cloud of dust flying around you and it takes a few seconds to get your bearings. When the burning in your eyes finally dissipates, the lioness who knocked you down scowls sternly at you.

"Enough, stand down." Grunts a voice.

The lioness sniffs disdainfully before giving way to a figure from behind her. The broad male to whom the voice belongs stands before you. He looks young, but the weight of responsibility is clearly visible on his muscular shoulders. His voice is deep and husky when he addresses you.

"State your business, stranger."

Moments later, you are promptly escorted by a patrol under the instructions of the imposing male, and now closely watched and flanked by guards, you can't help but glance around.

You can hear the river flowing a little further away, sometimes hidden by trees and lush vegetation.
The land itself is large enough to support herds, which can be seen gathering in small groups by the water's edge and in the grasslands. Looking at the trail you came in on, you wonder if the steep path would be too dangerous for the migrating herds or if they really do stay here all year round.

Your whiskers bristle as the wind picks up slightly and carries a strong, musky smell, revealing the location of the Pride Core.
Your escort moves up the river, and you notice the vegetation becoming more lush, the trees growing taller and casting their shadows over your bodies, offering you blessed protection from the morning sun until you finally reach the foot of the waterfalls, hidden deep in the forest. The place is cool and damp, and the incessant sound of water splashing noisily against the rocks is a dull melody in your ears.

Movement makes you look up. Silhouettes seem to emerge from the cliffs around you, skilfully working their way down the damp rocky steps. You soon notice that multiple cavities are carved into the rocks, creating shelters from which lions emerge, slowly stretching and waking from a peaceful night.
The felines soon spot your convoy. Their paws make the wet dirt dance when they touch the ground, and they continue their morning routine without paying you any further attention, except for a few curious ones who watch you pass with a mixture of suspicion and interest.
You are brought to a flat rock that faces the main waterfall. The one who appears to be the garrison leader breaks away from your escort to climb the wet rocks and disappears behind one of the large streams of water where the entrance to another cave is barely visible.

It seems like an eternity before he reappears with another male. This one is smaller but has a massive mane that cascades down his shoulders and chest. His legs and tail are covered in the same silky hair, and you can't help but think that his grooming must take forever. Muscles roll under his slender shoulders as he descends the stone steps, and you notice a lioness coming from the same cave, quietly slipping away, but not without giving you a curious look.
The male stares at you, blocking the female's view with his silhouette. From his posture and the respect that emanates from the other lions, you know that you are dealing with the king of this land.
For a moment, neither of you moves, but you can still feel the tension in the air. His long tail wags in the air once, then twice, as his eyes study you, sizing you up. You are about to open your mouth, but he precedes you with an elegant accent in his warm voice.

"Welcome, stranger. It seems you've come a long way."

At this, the second male gives a brief order to his warriors, who finally disperse, and only then does the tension in the air instantly dissipate. You release the breath you had been holding without realizing it.

"My name is Avanor. You're here at Salnach Crag, my home."

He finally moves and, with a slight nod, invites you to follow him.

"You look exhausted. How about telling me your story over breakfast?"

Your stomach rumbles at the thought, and here you are, walking alongside him through his territory. Friendships are built over a good meal, right?

Mahi | 26yo | She/Her

Please forgive any mistakes I may make, English is not my native language.

• I am a Hellebore and Majivu breeder.
I aim for the smallest lineage on my lions and am not interested in dirty ones.
However, I don't mind doing studs on dirty lionesses.
• Lions & Cubs that are not secured can be purchased. If you are interested in any of them, please send me a message :D
Backgrounds and stats objects are preferred in exchange. (see my wishlist.)

If you are curious and you love reading, each of my lions has a note in their biography as I try to incorporate lore into my pride, and I feel this gives each of my lions a unique personality.


Side Account: Mahikahn [Liolocke] (#260645)

Wolvden Account: Mahikahn (#54973)

Youtube Channel @MahikahnE

Level: 16 Branch: • The Holy Grail •
Stats: 1118 Territory: 90
Lionesses: 41 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 7 / 450 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 4 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 3 / 3 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 5 lions with mutations in Avanor's pride.

Avanor's Player
Member ID #247799
Mahi | G1 Hellebore (Splash)
Joined: 2022-01-03 12:03:58 Last Active: 2024-05-06 1:24:35

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6 Pregnant Lionesses

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Avanor's Recent Allies
played by inky
Level 14 - 36 lionesses - 25 cubs
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Level 7 - 41 lionesses - 17 cubs
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Level 12 - 50 lionesses - 52 cubs
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played by ReddElysium
Level 16 - 11 lionesses - 5 cubs
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Level 31 - 82 lionesses - 74 cubs
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played by Maj [G1 Scoundrel 9BO WIP]
Level 18 - 39 lionesses - 22 cubs
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Avanor's Clan Memberships

🌿 mossy moggies !

The Lioden Conservatory

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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