Awe Tuggy's Den

About The Owner

My name is Table. I'm your local lesbian who likes kitties.

I'm non-binary and dont like any third person pronouns,
please just stick to "Tabletop" or "Table" when talking about me.
(art by s3izures)
⚢ Thanks for dropping by! ♥

Welcome To The Pride

...It's kinda smelly here.
This pride is an aesthetic run pride, I do not care about the rarity of a lion (for the most part), only looks.
(This account is also a Clean account, with few exceptions.)

Level: 15 Branch: Twig
Stats: 830 Territory: 50
Lionesses: 36 Beetle Slots: 6 / 10
Cubs: 30 / 250 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Black Heron
Frozen Slots: 2 / 4 Cave Slots: 5 / 5
There are 18 lions with mutations in Awe Tuggy's pride.

Awe Tuggy's Player
Member ID #325922
Joined: 2022-08-01 04:38:37 Last Active: 2024-06-14 0:16:24

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3 Pregnant Lionesses

Attack This Lion
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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Awe Tuggy's Recent Allies

played by Ladyrain01
Level 12 - 18 lionesses - 6 cubs
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Delilah Tómasdóttir
played by Ajax 🩸
Level 4 - 98 lionesses - 91 cubs
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played by Dcxo420
Level 14 - 39 lionesses - 12 cubs
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played by Mewo
Level 12 - 6 lionesses - 0 cubs
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Jioni Grimclaw
played by Brix
Level 22 - 44 lionesses - 32 cubs
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played by Tenniz | GIFT BACKS 🎁
Level 6 - 5 lionesses - 2 cubs
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Awe Tuggy's Clan Memberships

Aesthetic Alliance

AroAce Alliance!

Booby's Art Cove

Clean Line Felines

🍗 Feed Lioden 🍗

Giving Tree Clean-Up Crew




Mutie Adoption Center

Noobies Get Muties

Purely Aesthetic

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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