Posted by Encune's Custom Sketches

Encune (#25694)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-01-24 09:30:01
paid%20commission%20box_zps9e6sghof.pngIRL money commissions always take priority! Please click the mailbox for prices.

Please note I use British pounds, not USD. GB prices may not be exact conversions due to this. If paying with IRL funds, Paypal will automatically handle the conversion regardless of your national currency.
deviantARTArt TumblrFur AffinityLivestream!
  1. Do not claim the art and/or any example pieces/characters as your own.
  2. I reserve the right to reject a commission without reason, but normally I will give one.
  3. Do not remove my signature from the work. Period.
  4. I reserve the right to post any work done on any of my sites and/or use as examples UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED.
  5. When prices are raised, those who have already received an art quote or have already paid will be exempt from the raise.

Custom Decors
  1. I reserve the right to reject a commission without reason, but normally I will give one.
  2. Unless the decor is intended as a personal one off, a Custom Decor Maker will be included in the price of the commission.
  3. Unless the decor is intended as a personal one off, I will publish the item myself and offer unlimited pieces to the commissioner provided they send the necessary GB. First 10 items are 3GB with no additional charge. Afterwards a cost of 1GB for every item + 3GB to make the item. This is for my own protection as the artist.
  4. Edits may be requested from me at any time, including adaptations for new manes or poses.
SB is currently preferred! 1gb = 1000sb

I can draw just about anything you want! Felines and Canines, dragons, robots, humans, anthros and many other creatures. If you're not sure if I will be able to draw something, please ask and I will provide an example for you. All the pictures I draw are bigger but will be resized for Lioden posting convenience. When I send you your art I will send over both the original size and the resized version.

General Art

Coloured Shaded Bust:
2 GB or 2000sb

Fullbody Sketch:
Cub sketch - 800 SB
Adult/adol sketch - 1200 SB
+ 1 lion (1500 SB or 1 GB 500 SB)
+ 1 cub (1000 SB or 1 GB)
Background - 600 SB
Colour = 1500 SB or 1GB 500 SB

Additional details:
Scars - 70 sb per decor
Feathers, flowers - 100 sb per decor
Skulls - 200 per decor
Butterflies - 300sb per decor
All small animal decors (rats, giant praying mantis, etc.) - 400 sb per decor
All large animal decors (snakes, crocodiles, zebras, African Wild Dogs etc) - 800sb
Wings - 800sb (about time I put a price up here :p )

Custom Decor

Base Price - 3GB

The price will vary depending on the decor and what's required. A decor that is one image edited to suit the different ages/manes will be cheaper than one that requires different images.
Climbing Ocelot

Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Same Image, 4 poses:
8 GB for the Ocelot
+ 200 SB for each pose edit
+ base price (3 GB)
= 11 GB 600 SB

Small decor, mostly edits, but needed more frogs for cubs:
5 GB for the initial Frogs
+ 2 GB for cub frogs
+ 17 x 200 SB for each pose edit
+ Base price (3 GB)
= 10 GB 3400 SB / 13 GB 400 SB
Current Slots:
  1. Maulise - Request Received - Sketching Begun
  2. Seiden - PMed - Discussing
  3. Emmon - PMed - Request Recieved - Sketching
  4. Morro - PMed - Discussing
  5. Silvertongue - Postponed until late October

Postponed Slots:
  1. None currently.
  2. None currently.

Fullbody/Coloured Bust/Avatar:
Colour: Yes/No
Environment: (if included)
Lion/Character (URL):
Physical features: (facial features, any aged looks)
Additional Details: (scars, decor etc)
Pose: (if you have something specific in mind)
Any additional notes:

I will PM you the form if you're bumped from the waiting list into the active list. Otherwise, please leave in a comment in thread or PM me!
None currently open.

Do not fill out a form with the phrase, do not PM me, do not ask for one in thread. I am currently not accepting until other commissions are finished first. Do not do anything until slots are available. You will be ignored.

Waiting List Terms
  1. I typically open 5 slots when I have time for commissions. They are on a first come, first served basis.
  2. If you are already in the Active List you cannot grab a waiting list slot.
  3. Once your slot on this list has been moved to the active list you will be notified via PM. If I cannot PM your inbox because it is a full, I will post in thread.
  4. You will have one week to respond to the PM/thread notification.
  5. If you don't respond to the notification within this week (even if it's just to postpone the commission) you forfeit the opportunity.
  6. Secret Phrase is: #DiWazHere
Partially complete commissions that are still awaiting the go-ahead response.

PMed - Lined, no go ahead received. Will alter/colour but with prices set at current rates.

Possibly Poopular CopyCatCLown
Cannot PM, inbox full as of (20/7/2015)
Up to date examples coming soon!

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Edited on 16/11/15 @ 07:55:38 by Encune (#25694)

GamingGal (#18503)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-01-24 09:30:50
I'd love to buy a sketch from you! Or maybe even two! How much do you charge and can you put me down for one? :)

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Bahari (she/her) (#14684)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-24 09:34:22
That lioness and cub one is gorgeous! Would you be up for doing one with a lioness and four cubs? I have GB...let me know! I'd love to include the AWD too, but if you only draw lions I understand!

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Outlaw (#9260)

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Posted on
2014-01-24 09:35:29
I LUZ DEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away to tell everyone paws/feet on fire!*

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UnwrittenTale (#14055)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-01-24 09:38:54
Oh my gosh okay hello what is this I need art from you there are no questions. :'I -swacks new sub male away from beetle customizing- <3

800SB to 1GB?

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Edited on 24/01/14 by UnwrittenTale (#14055)

Encune (#25694)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-01-24 09:46:05
Oh ummmm.

Just put some prices up. Subject to change. :B

Soooo Bahari, 1 lioness with 4 cubs would be 1gb 500sb.
Does that sound okay??
Also yesss I can draw other animals.

Aww thanks Outlaw! X3
Heheh. Okay, I'll reserve three slots for you guys. I'll put some request guidelines up. c:

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Edited on 24/01/14 by Encune (#25694)

Cano {Sorta back} (#15033)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-01-24 09:47:34
That is so cute. You're pretty good. Do you have a deviantart gallery?

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GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2014-01-24 09:50:31
Yay, prices! I'm fine with those, so if you'd like here is what I'm seeking:

These two lionesses nudging/nuzzling heads. They're in love and I wanna have a sketch of this if possible. If you're REALLY up to the task, I'd pay 1GB for the whole thing if you could include a feather mane on the first girl. It's comprised of the feathers from around Lioden, kinda with a rainbow quality and kinda like the Thick manes here. If you would like to attempt that, here is a reference for it (feel free to add your own spin to it, this is just the best example I have):

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Encune (#25694)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-01-24 09:51:09
Thank you! I do. c:

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Aurielle (#22994)

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Posted on
2014-01-24 09:51:29
I'd love a lioness & Parthenon cub sketch with his mama, but his mama isn't like, an actual Lioden lion, so I'm gonna go make an Oasis design for her real quick. I'll PM you! C:

Your sketches are so cute ;___;

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Edited on 24/01/14 by Aurielle [MMF|SOS|SC] (#22994)

Bahari2 (she/her) (#15914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-24 09:54:46
Sounds good to me (this is my secondary account)! Here's the link to the lion and her cubs: HERE

I'd love if you could include the AWD...2 GB okay? :3

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UnwrittenTale (#14055)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-01-24 09:54:53
-stalking for open slots-

Edit: Please PM me next time you open, if I make it in time. :> -forgetful-

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Edited on 24/01/14 by UnwrittenTale (#14055)

Encune (#25694)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-01-24 10:00:13
Okie Doke Bahari, I'll get right on it.
Oh, also, would you like them doing anything in particular?

Okay GamingGal. Ooooo a feather mane?? Beauuuutiful! I'll give it a shot. :>

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Edited on 24/01/14 by Encune (#25694)

Bahari (she/her) (#14684)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-24 12:04:30
Oh, I don't have anything in particular in mind...maybe something sort of similar to your lioness here (kind of relaxed, the cubs still very young). Other than that, up to you!

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Sunny | EPIC (#11946)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-24 12:49:52
Love these! Totally stalking for a slot :)

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Bunny (#4638)

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Posted on
2014-01-25 06:27:21
ouo such pretty art!

Can you draw wolves by chance?
I would love for you to draw my wolf OC when more slots are open!

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