Posted by Try outs for " Bark, Meow, Squeak!"

Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 04:41:44
Tumble , stumble, rumble, bumble. The loud sounds came from downstairs, the sound of animalistic sounds were there as well. One of the Hamilton siblings opened its eyes, the color in them shined a bit in the dark bedroom. The human let out a yawn and lifted itself from the bed before walking downstairs to check out what was going on, its shoulders and eyes dropping as it made its way down the staircase. The drowsy sibling flicked on the light as it got to the lasts steps, it’s eyes wandered around the large room, but stopped at the sight of…
A large basket of pups, kittens and bunnies were placed in the middle of the room, the three dogs jumped around the area and was sniffing to everything while the kittens were jumping around on the furniture, their small, yet sharp a delicate, claws kneaded and destroyed the skin of the sofa and arm chair, as well as the carpet. The rabbits were the only ones who had stayed where they were, except one, which had jumped down from the basket and was sitting under the table with laid back ears. The human’s left eye twitched. How, when, where? The siblings didn’t own any animals and the alarm which was placed ta the front door had busted. How had these animal children gotten here? Who did they belong to anyway? But before the human could think of something, it’s sibling stepped down beside it and watched the animals with wide eyes as well.

Hey guys.
So, I’m a fan of the youtuber PresshearttoContinue and have been watching her visual novels from time to time and, well. I stumbled upon the novel called:
Which she played with Cry, another youtuber. I got kind of inspired by it and wanted to do something close to it. So, for you who do not know what it’s about, let me make a quick explanation about it. If you do, be free to skip.

Dandelion is a visual novel about a busy and artistic girl who lives in an apartment. She stands under pressure of her mother, who says she is not worth anything if she doesn’t work hard. She tells herself to work harder and that her own creative work isn’t enough, but when she seems the saddest a small, yet strange, miracle helps her out. After a horrible night of sleep, she wakes up to find a basket filled with two cats and three bunnies, but there is no sign of how the animals got in and who placed them in the bedroom. After a few words with her friend and fellow student, she decides to keep the animals in her apartment. They help her through some tough times, but one day, they are no longer the cute adorable bunnies and cats they once were. The animals have all turned into humans!

The edit to this is:
Two ‘Owners’ | Dogs | More pets | Not the same plot | Same sex relationships | ‘Pets’ are able to go back to their animal forms when wanted/ Scared / Angered

This will for the characters, so, please, do not ask to reserve anything or go straight to the WIP Rp thread.
So, this is the spots for now.

{ Owners }
Older brother [ Open ] ♂
Younger sister [ Open ] ♀

{ Dogs }
First dog [ Open ] ♂
Second dog [ Open ] ♂
Third dog [ Nine’s ] ♀

{ Cats }
First cat [ Nine’s ] ♂
Second cat [ Open ] ♀
Third cat [ Open ] ♂

{ Bunnies }
First bunny [ Open ] ♀
Second bunny [ Nine’s ] ♂
Third bunny [ Open ] ♀

You can try out for three characters max!

Anyway, here is the forms to try out for it.

Other information:

Chepi Meaning: Butterfly

Butterfly, Fly, Buttie, Che, Pie Used by: Anyone, Friends, Close friends, Anyone, Friends

21 years, canine years are 1 year and 9 months

Female / She / Girl / Woman

Inu / Human with canine ears and tail

Third dog

Heterosexual / Straight

As a human, Chepi is very thin. Her body is slim and athletic, but slightly curvy around her upper body. Her skin is a very light color and is spotted with brownish freckles, which goes down from her cheeks and onto her neck and shoulders, her petite hands are also covered in the spots. Her face is slightly child-like and a little on the chubby side, she has puffy cheeks and a slightly round chin. Che have two emerald green eyes. Chepi have wavy brown hair that goes down to her shoulder plates, but the middle of it goes a bit under them and onto her upper back. She normally has it up in a ponytail or a bun as she seems to dislike her hair.
As a canine. Chepi is an aussie, or also known as a Australian shepherd. She is a brown merle, her base is a light cream color and her splotches are a brownish-cream color and match her innocent looks and hair color. Her eyes is, unlike her human form, are a sparkling blue color.

As you have properly guess, this gal is innocent. She is easily confused over for sexual things and will think they are some kind of prey, place or another person being who the speaking being knows. This sometimes gets her into trouble as she does not know what she says yes to, poor girl.
Give and do not take, it’s her most popular moto. She tends to give away most of her food to starving strangers, and even strangers who don’t have a problem with food. She will also give special items away, such as smooth stones that can be used for many things. She even has some unnatural and strange things that her mother brought with her before she left her old home.
Cuddle, nudge, groom and play, she is very motherly and will always take care of a small kid if she finds one lost. She have baby sited a bit and loves it, she have even taken care of a few kids that she have came across. If you have a kid problem, just find Chepi and she will gladly keep an eye on them.
She is used to keeping an eye on her siblings and she is very, very protective of relatives and all of her friends. This can overwhelm some people and make them find her annoying even though she just wishes to help them.
Thanks to her abusive step father she is easily discouraged and doesn’t believe in herself that much, making her a pessimist and not that enjoyable to be around when saddened as she will properly blame her and make it even worse.
Goes well with her innocent trait, but is not one of the good traits to have on her ‘team’. Chepi tends to get rather childish when she doesn’t get what she wants or if she is teased too much, which can happen sometimes. She will end up either batting the person she finds annoying or spitting out kid curses.

Chepi was born to the couple Ben and Jane. She was the youngest in a litter of three, but never got to know her oldest sibling and father. Her father was taken away from them and her sister was unable to breathe when she was born. As a band aid to the wound, the small family was gifted with the brother of Ben, Rook. But the aid was not what was wanted. Chepi was abused by the harsh and perverted man who was now her step father, but also her uncle. She was beaten up and was pushed around while her brother was out, and was only safe when around her older brother. Her mother was weak and was unable to help the poor inu. After years of being beaten down by her father she left, but she didn’t know where to go. When she finally awoke after a long night of nightmares, she found herself in the human house.

Average clothing
Autumn set
Summer set
Slightly formal

A flower crown which includes only pink roses. She also carries around a bag, but it’ rare to see her with it.

Ben-Father | Jane-Mother | Rook-Stepfather/Uncle | Alice-Sister | Larry-Brother

Winter | Abuse | Fish | Smelly things

Summer | Flowers | Veggies | Her owners

She carries around: 1x Water bottle | 1x Bear plush | 1x Sheep plus | 2x Flower crowns

Other information:
I do not own the pictures and I give FULL CREDIT to those who owns them~


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Edited on 07/02/15 by Nine (#41885)

Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 04:47:03
{ Open for tryouts! }

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chris 🥑 (#31483)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-07 05:08:07
You know I don't like to ask for anything but I would like to reserve a male spot (dogs).I can't do my form now,I will try to do it later you need to understand I cannot at the moment.

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Edited on 07/02/15 by It's Just Kida |Angel| (#31483)

Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 05:10:46
Hi Kida, long time no write :D
Sadly, this is try outs and you won't be able to reserve any as I will vote which form I like the best out of the candidates.
Take your time, the deadline will be around next week, so you have plenty of time.

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chris 🥑 (#31483)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-07 05:12:25
Perfect,and yes long time not seen,we should make a rp togheter sometime,missed you Nine.Well then I'll talk to you later.

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Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 05:13:35
I'll Message you when I get the time!
See you later, take care!

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-07 06:51:55
Name Meaning:
Declares peace
Kaz, Kazim
19 years human, 1 year, 7 months canine
First Dog
Kazimierz is an interesting young man. He has a head of wavy black hair that nearly touches his shoulders, it has a sleek shine and he happens to be rather particular about it and dislikes when people deliberately mess it up. Two ears stick out amongst his hair. They are white in color and are triangular shaped. Kaz's eyes aren't too exciting, they're a deep, dark brown in color that give him a somewhat thoughtful look. His face features a softly chiseled jawline and high cheekbones. His eyebrows are thick and stand out boldly from the pale color of his skin. His body is muscular, but not overly so and is more on the leaner side, as opposed to being bulky. He stands at a solid 5"11 and 160 pounds. Down his back is a series of long, jagged scars that are obviously those of a bear. They have since healed, but the scars are permanent. Like all Inu, Kaz has a tail in his human form which is white and has lots of fluffy plume. It is normally loosely curled, but when he's upset, it loosen and it falls to lay straight lightly brush the backs of his calves. He tends to carry an air of confidence around him and that is often evident in both looks and personality. He also happens to talk with a heavy Polish/Eastern European accent and sometimes he might be a little but difficult to understand.

His dog form is that of a Polish Tatra Sheepdog, a large flock guardian breed. His coat is soft, and fluffy, especially so in the summer months. His eyes are brown in color and his coat is white in color, with the appearance of cream undertones.

Being the eldest of a litter of 6 puppies, Kaz automatically assumed his leader role. Even though he thought he was a leader, it wasn't exactly for the best things. He loved getting into trouble with his siblings and he was always the ringleader behind it all. Whether it involved burrowing underneath the fence, tearing up the pillows, or stealing from the the family's cabinet of sweets, Kaz was behind it all. Though it didn't always turn out well and whenever they reprimanded, his siblings always blamed with their favorite phrase "It was Kaz's idea."

Nonetheless, Kaz was an outgoing young man, always looking for adventure. He loved to travel more than anything else, and he was always eager to meet new people. Unfortunately for him, none of his siblings liked to travel much, except for his youngest sister, Marzena, who didn't enjoy it, but didn't hate it either. Kaz still kept his adventurous streak and his taste for mischief. He was always up to something, even when he was older, but in that, he was more or less alone. It didn't bother him, it was still fun to play harmless little pranks on his parents and siblings.

True to his breed's nature of being a guardian, he is protective of those he trusts. Despite his protective nature, he is all bark and no bite, preferring to use his words, rather than attempt to fight off the threat.

He is a loyal friend and once you've earned his trust, it's nearly impossible to break it, he isn't one to judge others and he is always around to offer a listening ear. He has a kind side and a more rambunctious one and it does take a little for him to find peace within the two.

Kaz is the eldest of a litter of six. He was born to a couple, Katarzyna and Radoslaw who lived in Southern Poland, up in the Tatra Mountains. Life was peaceful up until the pups were 2. They began to become mischievous as puppies do, and Kaz the ringleader behind it all. The yard was fenced in to protect the puppies from being picked off by wolves and bears. The family owned a small flock of sheep that one of the parents watched and then they would switch off. In the the daytime, when the pups got older, they tended to wander away from home, exploring the mountains in which they called home. One day, a terrible accident happen. They encountered a bear, waking from an early hibernation and it was Kaz who lead them to it, out of his own curiosity and it ended up in one of his brother dying and Kaz had been there to try and fight it off, which was difficult for a 10 month old puppy and ended up in him receiving the scars down his back. While his siblings became deterred from ever exploring again, Kaz continued to search for adventure, leaving the mountain to go to villages near the mountainside. He considered his life bland and sought to be able to leave, although it wasn't possible for him at the time as he was only 10. At 18, he decided to get himself a passport, and say goodbye to his family. He told himself he'd be back to visit them and if it didn't work out, he'd be back. They wished him well and that was that.

Turns out... His life didn't go as planned. He was poor and unable to blend into normal human society, even when he did wear a coat to hide his tail and a hat to hide the ears. He was able to scrape up a little money in the winter, shoveling snow and odds jobs of that sort. He was homeless, without money and unsure of what to do. He told himself he'd get a plane ticket back to Poland, back to the family house in the mountains, but he was never able to scrape up the money for it. One day, he fell asleep, tired and exhausted from another stressful day. When he woke up, he found himself in the human house.

Casual Clothing
Winter Clothing
Formal Outfit

Accessories: A watch and a thin gold chain necklace from his father that was given to him before he left home

Katarzyna (Mother) | Radoslaw (Father) | Mirosław (Brother) | Rostek (Brother) DECEASED | Aurek (Brother) | Roksana (Sister) | Marzena (Sister)
Following orders | Waking up early | Violence | Being sick | Being lied to
Snow | Winter | Exploring | Traveling | Socializing with others | Running
1x Golden Chain Necklace 1x Pack of Gum 3x Silver Coins
Other Information:
All credit for photos goes to their respective owners. (Tatra Sheepdog licensed under Creative Commons: here

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Edited on 07/02/15 by Pembroke (#717)

Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 06:58:35
Looking great!
If no one tries to get First dog the next two days, then the spot is yours :D

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 07:17:36
May not be good but I adore the plot

Name: Angel
Nicknames: none ATM
Age: 3.2yrs
Gender: female
Species: cat
Rank: second cat
Sexuality: straight...
Appearance: posting image
Personality: ( warning I suck with personailtys ) sweet., kind, shy, quiet, flirty ( not so much)
History: posting soon
Accessories: pink bow on her left ear
Family: unknown ( she is a orphan)
Dislike: Dogs, taller cats, mean and cruel cats
Enjoys: rabbit ( friends) cats smaller or just her size, tuna, fluff bull
Inventory: 5 silver coins, string ball, pocket knife that she never uses
Other information:
Can she be in heat if not she is normal

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 08:11:39
Name: Storm

Nicknames: none atm

Age: 18

Gender: male

Species: maine coon cat turns human

Rank: third cat

Sexuality: bisexual


Human: A tall male, almost 6 ft, Storm is sometimes regarded as handsome, that is until he talks. He has cold, light blue eyes and dark, blueish black hair, that is cut short and fluffy. His skin is slightly pale, with only a hint of a tan. Two fluffy cat ears stick out of his hair, and they are the same shade as his hair, as well as the long, fluffy tail.

Cat: A rather long-legged cat, but also thin, his fur is the same shade as his human hair, but much longer. He still has the same ice blue eyes, but has noticeable scarring around his throat which is covered with a black leather collar that is present in both forms.

Personality: Storm is slightly stand-offish, preferring to be by himself, but is strangely cuddly. If he is petted, he will crawl into the petter's lap, and purr. If you happen to catch him asleep and pet him, he's strangely sweet.

History: Storm was born in just a litter of two. His mother cherished both of her kittens, naming them after the things she saw. It happened to be storming that day, and his brother, born first, was born on a flash of lightening, earning him his name. Storm was burn just as the storm broke loose, giving him his name. Storm and Lightening were inseperatable, always exploring together and getting into mischief. One day, the siblings came across a fox who attacked the young human cats. The two fought bravely, but Lightening was killed, and Storm, almost dead, left to die next to his brother. He blacked out, and when he awoke, he had been patched up and was in a box in a human home.

Clothing: He usually just wears a white or black shirt and regular jeans with a hole for his tail. He doesn't wear shoes due to his retractive claws and padded feet.

Accessories: leather collar

Family: Lightening (brother) disceased / Moon (mother) unkown / Father unknown

Dislike: foxes, other people usually, seafood

Enjoys: being alone, music, paint

Inventory: leather collar

Other information: he prefers cat form, since he doesn't have to wear clothing then. Prefers going around shirtless.

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Edited on 08/02/15 by Starwolf (#28052)

Scaleface Disgrace (#44786)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 14:33:36

Ope, O, Bonnie Used by: Friends, Family, Anyone Close.
18 in Human Years and 7 Months in Rabbit Age


Holland Lop

3rd Rabbit


As a human Opal is curvy and an average height for most women in general, as to her weight it's a bit under more than anything. But nonetheless she has a unique frame which in most eyes makes her a bit cuter. She has pitch black hair that cascades in waves much like a stormy sky that goes perfectly with her rounded and innocent face, much like of a child's. Her eyes are a soft hazel like the cream of coffee, which seem to blend perfectly with her cream skin and bright smile as well as her dark hair, which makes a rather interesting color contrast overall.
As a rabbit Opal takes on a small body much more frail and lean than most rabbits, this makes her an easily injured animal. However, she does seem to have a smaller frame but this does not change thfact she is quicker and quieter than most animals; with her framework it just makes her abilities enhanced. As far as the pelt goes Opal looks like a puddle reflecting a dull, stormy sky with two brown beady eyes like a doll. With her breed her ears do lay limp at the sides, this can change however; if startled enough they will fly upwards as to her common reaction.

Opal has a very polite, cheerful and friendly demeanor, she tries to be helpful where she can although she is cautious about revealing too much information about herself due to her situation. She seems to be quite creative and is a writer and a talented artist. She often seems to think of her friends as characters in a story rather than actual people, and seems to live vicariously through her imagined adventures with them. She also has a thing for wild speculations about the story, making up crazy theories out of every detail, often ending up failing miserably. Her self esteem is quite low and she considers herself ugly, wishing to be more like others, and especially feeling jealous of their ability to experience flushed romance. Her usually cheery mood can become defeatist and sometimes cranky when faced with problems, especially those relating to her siblings, but she usually stays quite polite even when in a bad mood.

Opal was the runt of a litter of twelve and given away to a pet store, being adopted into a rabbit farm and cared for rather tenderly despite her first litter were planned to be sold. However, during this period she was unable due to being such a small and seemingly pointless animal and was given as a house pet for the rabbit breeder's children. Overall she lived a happy life of affection and care until a rather.. 'predatory' cat was adopted, which had caused a serious threat towards her lifespan with being such a small animal as to the time. Being the naive animal she was, Opal fled for her life and dodn't come back home; then awoken in a basket to a new place. This had caused a very confusing amount of questions on the young rabbit's mind, most of them being about the area she was in and how she got there. A few still linger on her mind as well, the only thing to remember before being in a basket so far was the simple remark of finding herself living out in an ally behind a dumpster hiding from more cats than even she could imagine. Opal prefers not to think about these things however, even if they do make her worry.

Slightly Formal
Sunflowers are often in her hair if several small flowers aren't braided in.

Cold | Pain | Abandonment | Fights | Eggplants
Baths |Socks | Plants | Art | Sunflowers

She carries: 1x Applejuice, 2x Packs of Bandages, and 1x Drawing Notebook.

Other information:
Opal has Lilapsophobia, fear of storms.
I give full credit to used sources of external links.

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Edited on 12/02/15 by `Candii` (#44786)

Zara (#16826)

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Posted on
2015-02-12 14:30:25

Katie Walker

Nicknames: Kat, Kitty-Kat, And Kate
Age: 17
Gender: Female, She, Her
Species: Cat, She-Cat, Feline
Rank: Second Cat
Sexuality: Bisexual, leans more toward guys
Kate by no means does she think she's outstandingly gorgeous shed rather just not talk about it. She has long eye lashes and long blonde or almost white hair. Her yes are stunning blue and tend to only get bluer the longer you look at them. Her skin is rather tan, when she's human. Her body type is thin but athletic, she has muscles but mostly looks fit. She's small and only stands about 5'6 and doesn't really own up.
As a cat, Katie still has those blue eyes but she's rather clean or white very where else. Her body is still lean with long legs and a graceful stride. Her tail is long and thin just like the rest of her. Her fur gives her a fluffy soft in appearance yet in reality it is mostly coarse and scratchy.
Personality: Katie is as what most f her kind are curious and shy, and very cunning. Katie likes to explore all new things, whether they are safe for her or not. She tends to be a little shy towards the newest people but once she knows you shell come out of her shell. Katie is very agile and balanced, like a cat she can seem to always land on her four feet or two. She tends to always want the warmth of anything the sun or the fire. She loves stalking and capturing something whether its a bird or something else. However in her human form she's more capable of healing he bird and letting it go. Unlike some other cats this girl is not lazy she tends to like to lie around but won't if theres something she needs to do or if someone asks her to do something. She very gentle hearted meaning she can break or be broken easily, her emotions are private as she thinks there a sign of weakness.
History: Katie history is a little unclear all she can remember is that her family knew she was different and they thought of her shape shifting as a gift, instead of a curse, knowing that most people might see her as weird they hid her away until she grew up and learned how to control it. She wandered the streets as a cat for a few years trying to figure out which life was better human or cat, finally she found an old lady who in a way adopted her. Katie never revealed herself to this lady but always kept her company. But all good things must come to an end and the old lady died and having no relatives to take care of Katie, she was back on the streets and wandering around until she ended up here.
Every Day out Fit
Formal Wear
Winter Out Fit
A simple blue collar.
None that she knows of that are still alive

- Thunder Storms
- Rain
-Loud Noises
- Cold Hands


- Sunlight, bathing it in
- Grass, The smell and feel
- Moon and Stars
-Playing with a ball of any kind

A bag, she carries it always along with varies of necklaces.
Other information:
All credit to the external links

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chris 🥑 (#31483)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-12 23:56:06
21 years old(human) 2 years and 6 months(dog)
Second dog
Max 1
Max 2
Max 3
Maxwell will interfere and will stop at nothing to keep his friends safe. He is the type of male who will not let anybody trample on his friends.He is confident, calculating, and would stand up for her friends when no one else could, showing her determination and courage.Max is known to be an over-thinker. He says exactly what he thinks or feels, even though sometimes he may regret it. He has a cheery, bubbly personality and is always putting a smile on his face even though the circumstance he is in.Max has high morals, and is not easily pressured by others.Maxwell, although he is very talkative, also takes a good ear to hear people out, and is there to comfort his friends when they need him the most. He takes loyalty and honesty very seriously.He also has a lot of ambitions and is head strong when it comes to the things he wants.He is outgoing, and generally doesn't care what most people think of him.He is very intelligent and strives hard to be number one in anything.He is an excitable guy and it doesn't take much to get him charged up.Max thinks most things will turn out okay and he tries to see the best in people. He's trustworthy and puts in his fair share of the work. In battle Maxwell is daring and a bit reckless—the greater the challenge, the more excited he gets. He is personable, charming, and altruistic, although his sense of humor is crude. He likes to talk and is a pretty open book.He is a naturally playful and happy person, and not much gets him down for long.He tends to get in trouble owing to his impulsive and rebellious nature: If you were to describe Max he is extremely overachieving, and extremely wealthy.With his fiercely competitive nature, Max doesn't demand anything less than perfection.Although Maxwell has been through many difficulties he always seems to stay strong and comes out on top.He is easily threatened by people who intimidate him and his jealousy and need for power often get the best of him and cause Max to act cruel and selfish; likewise his fearless nature has helped him to get revenge on his enemies numerous times.Max is vindictive and cunning, he often uses other people as tools in his manipulations.He is the boldest and the most outspoken male you can ever meet often making snarky comments, not afraid to say what he really thinks of a person. However, he is very gullible and ends up trusting people easily.Max is witty and sassy but also innocent, caring and thoughtful and he does everything to keep his loved ones safe,he is protective of his family and shows her fierce side when defending them.
Casual Clothing
Casual Clothing 2
A black collar with spikes(Dog)
Old music
Rock music
1x bottle of water 2x bags with chips 3x bags of Harribo Cola/Gummy Candy.
Theme Song
Theme Song
All the credits to their respective owners-including the images,theme song,gifs,clothing brands and/or other thing.

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2015-02-13 02:45:12
Name: Gilian
~Pronunciation and meaning: It is pronounced Jill-ee-an and it means youthful.
Her nickname is Jill and everyone is more than welcome to call her that. In fact, it is extremely strange that someone calls her Gilian and therefore, most people believe that Jill is not just a nickname but her actual name.
20 years old, 1 year 6 months when in feline form.
Savannah Cat
Second Cat
Standing at 5'6" and weighting scarce 97 pounds, Jill has a very lean and light body with a petite build despite her considered medium-tall height for a female her age. She is athletic and extremely agile as well as flexible and balanced, traits that, despite not as evident as in her feline form, she maintains when shifting. She does not have much fat and therefore some muscles or bones are seen through her skin, even so she is not skinny nor does she look unhealthy. Although her curves are easily discerned from her petite physique, they are humble and easily disguised when wearing oversized or loose clothes. Gilian's complexion is fair and it is affected by he weather and atmosphere. During the cold seasons it turn very pale with rosy cheeks and nose and during summer it adopts golden shades after exposure to sunlight she does not have any visible scar or tattoos and the only "piercing" she has are her earrings. Her hair is medium-length, reaching some inches below her collar bone. It is wavy and it can go from a light-brown to blonde depending on light and season (contrary to her skin, it darkens when weather is cold and light is scarce). It is silky and well-kept. Gilian's eyes are almond shaped, well-defined and big. They are encircled by black, long and curved eyelashes that make the hazel-green colour of her irises stand out. She is said to have a very powerful gaze, this is true thanks to her eyes being very expressive. They in addition to her lips and voice are said to be her most attractive traits.
Gilian, feline form
Gilian is an extremely intelligent girl and has learnt to analyse everything with no more than a quick glance or a little conversation. She 'knows people' to put it somehow, she understands how they think and this is why she is successful in anything that involves interacting. She is a very charismatic being and can talk and charm her way through almost every situation. Nevertheless, she is not your typical sweetie-pie and rainbow horses girl that everyone loves nor the girl who spent half her teenage-hood moving from school to school and who already new the names of the town police officers....which she does know but not because of those type of reasons. Having learnt to understand and read them, Jill is a people person but not because she is well-liked but precisely because she knows how to handle them. This might make you think she is manipulative, that's right, she is.
But she is not a bad person, maybe a little self-centered and a seeker of self-profit but not bad and does not simply use people without a purpose, out of mere fun or knowing they will get hurt. She has no problem in speaking her mind, about any subject in front of anyone or taking control of situations. This makes some people dislike her for her "leader-like attitude" or her overload of confidence. She is fun to be around and a very interesting person, this leads many to believe they are good friends with her but gaining her trust are friendship is a hard task to achieve.
Summer Outfits
Winter Outfits
Formal Wear
A golden locket (human)
She does not know what happened to her mother after she was separated from her.
~ Cages
~ Syringes
~ Roller-coasters
~ Not being in control
~ Being bossed around
~ Water (drinking it, swimming, bathing, water in general)
~ Seafood
~ Dancing
~ Electrical storms
~ Cliffs
~ Surfing
~ Playing piano
~ Electric guitars, batteries (doesn't know how to play)
1x Water bottle, 1x Box of chocolate cookies, 1x notebook and pencil(used mostly for song-writting)
Other information:
~ External link credit to rightful owners.

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Scaleface Disgrace (#44786)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-02-22 17:39:13
/Taps thread

Is this thing even alive anymore?

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Nine (#41885)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-02-23 00:12:23
No, sorry, it didn't get enough attention.

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