Posted by Wolves of Terra|Semi Lit//Sign Ups - CLOSED

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-15 21:54:25

Pack of Terra

The dawn sun rises, evaporating a fine mist that settled though the trees. Moss covers evergreen trees and roots wind themselves through the ground. An icy howl splits the air and your fur bristles. A pack of wolves slips through the retreating shadows, their colourful pelts catching the light in weird ways. A male walks up to you and with a smile he says, "welcome, dear wolf. You are like us. Your pelt not normal nor your spirit. Join us in this forest of Terra and become one with the land.

Ready to Role Play? Click here!

(Images do not belong to me.)
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The Alphas den is at the top and the betas at the bottom. This is where pack meetings are held. There is a slight dip into the clearing and meetings are held from the ridge above the clearing.

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The clearing, where pack members can come together to chat, groom each other or just generally hang out. The kill pile is in the corner and to the right is where the alpha and beta dens are.

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The pack's dens to the left of the clearing. The healers den is the one closest to the clearing and the omega's den is the farthest one from the clearing. The order of dens goes in ranks.

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The sky pool. This is where wolves may come to swim, fish or hang out. This is where the pack feels the most connected to the forest.

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Hunting plains. This is where the pack goes to hunt. Also where the best herbs are found.


1. Proper grammar/spelling. Absolutely no chat-speak.
2. Posts of three DETAILED sentences at the least. No more than 2 paragraphs as it gets too hard to follow.
3. You must know the pack laws.
4. Only past tense Rp-ing. No present tense or things like "he would look up to see her standing there. His paws would work anxiously on the ground."
5. No power-playing/god-modding, and no killing/fatally injuring another wolf unless you have spoken to the creator of that wolf. No perfect characters either.
6. You can create up to 2 characters.
7. No lone wolves. You belong to the pack.
8. No same character mates.
9. No powers, although some wolves may have wings no elemental powers or anything aside from flight.
10.Your wolves are allowed to have varying sexualities
11. Keep genders even, unless you create only one character. You may not create two females or two males unless there is a spot for that gender open.
12. Put your favourite number in "Other" so I know you have read the rules.
13. Put a link for image credit in Other.
14. Be polite, and have fun!

Pack Laws and Ranks:

1. The Alphas have first say over everything. Their word is law. When the alphas calls, you answer.
2.Hunt with the pack or not at all (does not include small prey).
3. If you are to fight, you do it inside of the camp under the gaze of Terra.
4. If you are not an Alpha, you are not to have pups unless it is discussed with them.
5. Every wolf must know, basic fighting skills, basic healing skills and how to hunt. Pack females and males will train in more advanced fighting skills and pack healers will train in more advanced healing methods.


Alpha Male: Hugo // Male // 4 Years // Appearance
Alpha Female: Fang // Female // 3.5 Years // Appearance
Beta: Wynd // Female // 3 Years // Appearance
~Lucifer // Female // 4 Years // Appearance
~Luna // Female // 2.5 Years // Appearance
~Anthony // Male // 24 Years // Appearance

Wolf Types:

Starlight Wolf:
A white pelt and a sleek, thin build. Can have blue or green streaks in their soft pelt. They almost have feathered wings or feathers on their body. Pure starlight wolves generally have ice blue eyes but can have any range of blue or white hues of eyes. Due to certain breed parings Starlight cross wolves can have any type of coloured eyes but generally have any blue or white eyes.

Shadow Wolf:
Smooth black or grey pelts and a typically very muscular build. Shadow wolves usually have green, yellow or red eyes. Some Shadow wolves can have red streaks in their pelt. Most shadow wolves have “bat wings” but some Shadow wolves x feathered wolves can have feathered wings. Rarely does feathered wings occur naturally on a pure Shadow wolf.

Earthly Wolf:
Mostly brown pelt with a few white or green steaks. A medium to muscular build. Earthly wolves have green, orange, brown or grey eyes. Their fur is generally quite spiky and they can also have feathers in their fur. Earthly wolves cannot have “bat wings.” They often have very long and sleek tails. They can sometimes have horns.

Flame Wolf:

Red or orange pelts, usually has a white or cream underbelly and a sleek or muscular build. They can have red, yellow, dark green or blue eyes. Flame wolves don’t often have wings but when they do they typically have feathered wings. They often have flames emanating from their pelts but that fire holds no heat. Their fur is generally fluffy and long and hardly ever short. They can sometimes have horns.

Vaporous Wolf:

Characterised by a sleek and thin build, Vaporous wolves are commonly mistaken for Starlight wolves. They have blue, grey, periwinkle or white eyes. A way to distinguish the two is that Vaporous wolves are more blue with white underbellies while Starlight wolves are often white with blue streaks. Vaporous wolves can also have black and blue pelts but never fully black pelts. They cannot have any wings. If they do they are Starlight wolves.

Electric Wolf:

Electric wolves usually have sleek fur but quite broad shoulders, though not always. Their fur is normally yellow with white underbellies, though they can have blue, black or orange streaks in their fur. Their eyes can be yellow, white, ice or grey. Electric wolves have spiky, long belly and leg fur but most often the fur on their backs is short. Electric wolves don’t ever have “bat wings” and rarely have feathered wings.

(Variations of these types are allowed but these are just the basics of each type.)

Sign Ups:

(Delete everything in brackets.)
Age: (Human years please.)
Wolf Type(s):
Appearance: (No just descriptions. Adding a short description as well as a picture is optional though.)
Personality: (Not just a list of traits please.)
Kin: (That are alive or relate to the Rp. If they're all dead or NPC loners then put n/a.)
Rank Desired:
History: (Optional. Keep sop stories to a minimum, you've lived with the pack your whole life.)
Theme Song: (Optional but you can tell a lot about a character from this.)
Quote: (Also optional.)

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Edited on 22/05/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-15 22:58:08
My Character:

Name: Wynd

Age: 3 Years.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Androsexual

Wolf Type(s): Starlight Wolf x Electric Wolf.

Appearance: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Personality: Wynd is calm and levelheaded and will always try to take the peaceful route around things. She will not hesitate to question an Alpha's orders if they seem unreasonable or uncalled for but generally she will accept them without question. She loves nature, as most wolves do and you can usually find her sitting by a pool staring up at the sky. Despite her peacefulness, she is a great fighter and will stand up to protect anything and everything she cares for.

Kin: n/a

Rank Desired: Beta

History: Wynd has always loved pups but has never had a litter of her own. She is too scared to bring this matter up with the Alphas. When she was a pup herself she was quiet and subdued and didn't talk much. She had no siblings and bother her brothers died at birth.

Theme Song: He is We: Prove You Wrong.

Quote: "Saying sorry doesn't mean there isn't guilt, and forgiving doesn't mean the pain is gone."

Other: 2712
Image Credit: Click!

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Edited on 16/05/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-05-15 23:04:06
Age: 3.5 years
Sexuality: Asexual
Wolf Type(s): Flame Wolf

Appearance: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Personality: Fang is a strong stubborn leader. She is an extremely ferocious and skilled fighter, who has led many battles and was victorious most times. She is strict,harsh and has a short temper. In her eyes, anyone who dare to challenge her leadership will be punished and punished harshly. Fang's favourite punishment is starving disobedient wolves. Apart from that, Fang is very intelligent and swift due to her wings. (Will add more later)

Rank Desired: Alpha
History:----- (May think of one later)
Theme Song: Terrible Things - Mayday Parade
Quote: "The Strong will live and the Weak must die"
Other: I felt the flame wolves suited perfectly with my appearance picture for my other rp character. Picture source: 12

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Edited on 16/05/15 by CatGirl {Challenge Me} (#30064)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-15 23:07:53
Accepted, though you're forgetting something in other! ^^ Fang is beautiful!

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-05-15 23:09:23
I added that 'something' in other :P

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-15 23:18:29
Cool, thanks!

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-05-15 23:20:14

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Edited on 16/05/15 by SilverWolfLeopard 6/25 GB (#5102)

. j a n n i s . (#34236)

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Posted on
2015-05-15 23:31:34
Name : Anthony.
Age : 24.
Gender : Masculine.
Sexuality : Straight.
Wolf Type : Shadow wolf x Starlight wolf.
Appearance : 165427-anime-wolves-with-wings.jpgPersonality : Withdrawn , sarcastic , dark and 'blind'. After being betrayed , he lost hope in anyone. As sang in ''Putting a dog to sleep'' : ''Well my trust in you , is a dog with broken leg.''
He turned after the shadows , not seeing good in anyone.
Kin : N/a
Rank Desired : A basic male.
History : Ask him. Anything you shall know , the basics of his past are - He was a loner , wandering without an aim for years. Til he found the Terra pack , and they accepted him as a member.
Theme Song : Metric - Blindness , The Antlers - Putting A Dog To Sleep.
Quote : 52f821583c153b25be58292a4aabc2cc.jpgOther : N/a.

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Edited on 16/05/15 by Tocolor (#34236)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-16 07:20:29
Almost accepted, forgetting something in other ^^ The quote it really cool!

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Edited on 16/05/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-05-16 09:46:56
Name: Lucifer
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Wolf Type(s): Shadow
Personality: She is said to be a spawn from the underworld itself. Rarely does she socialize with the other pack members and is very secluded. Lucifer has a nasty bite and attitude, she hates when other wolves feel sorry for her and wont heisitate to 'put them in there place'. She acts like an alpha male, but generally respects the mated pair.
Kin: dead
Rank Desired: Fighter
History: Lucifer's family died when she was very young, she had just turned 8 months and was in the forest with her mom, dad, and 3 siblings when a small band of rogues came and slaughtered them. Not seeing the only dark wolf of the family hiding under the brush. Ever since she has been bitter and cruel. Once she hit the age of 2, she developed strange blood red markings along her pelt, fabled to be where the wounds her family had were.
Theme Song: n/a
Quote: n/a
Other: 16 (Also MY photo do NOT steal!)

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-16 10:47:23
Accepted, seems like an interesting character!

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-05-16 10:55:57
Can't wait for this Rp to start! ^^

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-16 11:24:44
Thanks ^^ Once we get an Alpha male and a few more females/males we can start!

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-05-16 11:26:08
Want me to create the alpha male...?

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-16 11:45:59
No, it's fine for now. I'd prefer more than just four or five people roleplaying all the characters. If no one makes the Alpha male soon then sure.

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*Smew* (#54920)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-05-16 13:59:58
Name: Luna (was Terra but her name is Luna now)
Age: (Human years please.) 2.5 years.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Wolf Type(s): Earthly wolf
Appearance: (No just descriptions. Adding a short description as well as a picture is optional though.)
Personality: (Not just a list of traits please.) Terra is a charismatic and troublemaking lady. She’s fun loving and has a good sense of humour although she’s extremely picky on who she befriends. If she doesn’t like that person she won’t laugh at it’s joke, even if she thought it was funny. She’s rather rebellious and sneaky, can get away with almost everything. She’s rather small but that doesn’t stop her from standing up for herself and her beliefs. Terra is charming and a kind person but she can get mad easily. She’s often passive but her brother often saves her from getting herself in trouble, and she also saves him for getting himself in trouble. She’s clumsy and tomboyish, sometimes she’s the nice and good girl but sometimes she can be really mean and aggressive. She speaks her mind and doesn’t realise that she can hurt other’s feelings, she has ADHD and ADD. She’s cautious and is really alerted. She’s patient but her patience won’t last forever. Terra can get a little flirty at times but she’s picky. She doesn’t really like pups, she finds them extremely annoying. When she has to explain something, she explains every detail and everything, so she won’t get into trouble, she also often makes something up. She’s curious and adventurous and can often loose her focus because of daydreaming. She loves to sleep and cuddle up in a grassy and mossy cave. She’s a really late thinker or a really fast one, depending on how hard she’s focusing. She’s kind of a badass but knows when to stop. She’s loyal but not to everyone. She’s extremely talkative and open when she gets to know someone better but she’s never shy, she’s often the one who runs straight up to you and greets you. She’s not brave when jumping over a big and deep hole but she’s brave when she’s hunting and such things. She’s affectionate to her closest ones but loves to prank other pack members. She hates drama, tries to keep herself out of them.
Kin: (That are alive or relate to the Rp. If they're all dead or NPC loners then put n/a.)
Hugo, brother, earthly x vapourus
Luna, mother, earthly (n/a)
Atlas, father, earthly (n/a)
Rank Desired: ... Female? I guess xD
History: (Optional. Keep sop stories to a minimum, you've lived with the pack your whole life.) Grew up with her current pack and named after it. Her mother got killed by hunters but her father because of old age, they were both members of this pack. Terra washer mother's only pup, but her father had Hugo with another wolf of the pack who's also deceased.
Theme Song: (Optional but you can tell a lot about a character from this.)
Where no one goes
Quote: (Also optional.) Lol I hope this is okay xD
My friend thinks he's smart, he said that onions are the only food that can make you cry...
I threw a coconut at his face.
Other: ?th of November, because that's when my sister gives birth to her first child and my first nephew <3 So just some number of a day in November xD. You can see the picture owner when you click the link to her appearance.

Name: Hugo
Age: (Human years please.) 4 years.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Wolf Type(s): Earthly wolf x Vapourus wolf.
Hugo can be a bit rude but charming. He’s curious and adventurous. He’s much like his sister but he’s more reckless and aggressive. He has a good sense of humour and is fun loving. He will protect his closest ones with his life, but only close ones. He’s loyal to those who are loyal to him, break a promise to him or hurt him and he will get his revenge. He stands up for underdogs a lot, uses his size to ‘control’ others. He’s a big time troublemaker, rebellious and reckless. Hugo’s extremely flirty and confident also really charismatic. He’s brave but awkward around his crush although he will do anything to please his crush or mate. He’s extremely protective and fierce to those who are mean to him or to those he cares about. He will protect his pack but if some of his pack mates hurts him he will be rude and try to destroy it’s friendships and plans. He’s not shy or awkward at all expect if someone embarrasses him or makes him awkward or uncomfortable. He’s extremely big and has good fighting skills. Hugo often looses control of his anger and attacks the nearest person. He’s never serious unless he really needs to be. He seems to be a tough guy but he’s actually really sweet and affectionate. He’s really impatient but he can wait for a short while. He can stay calm until you push him over the line and he bursts out, he get’s really angry and starts yelling and attacking things, he has a really short temper (not related to patience xD). Most of the time he’s really calm ad relaxed but he’s always up for a good laugh and talk. He’s terrified of water and therefore he cannot swim. He loves to lay down somewhere, in a meadow, with someone and just stare into the sky and cuddle up, just talking about deep things. He gets annoyed quickly and it’s hard to wake him up after a long sleep.
Kin: Luna, sister, Earthly
Shiloh, mother, vapourus, deceased (n/a)
Atlas, father, earthly, deceased (n/a)
Rank Desired: Alpha
History: None, just kind of the same as Terra's.
Theme Song:
Let it roll
Never start

The weak
Never finish

Never quit

Other: Same as Terra's :3.

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Edited on 17/05/15 by Signy the muffin murderer (#54920)

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