Posted by Any medieval rp interest?

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-07 06:59:09


So- I have this plot..but as there are mostly animal RPS going on I wanted to see the interest before putting work into it. C:

The plot would be something like this: It's the 1500's. You live in one of the surrounding countries/kingdoms: Aberith, Paliwerth, Xuilon, or Zoezzedel. (Country names subject to change XD)

Each country would have its own unique species of human, perhaps elf or dwarf..or maybe just different cultures depending on what route we want to go. Some countries would hate each other, others would be allies.

Their would be a competition of sorts, or just anything that rings certain people from all over the region to one country and they meet. Some hate eachother, others are natural. You never know.

Ideas or suggestions are welcome, and I would love love love your input. C: Also: this would be an advanced RP. Or at least somewhat advanced, more than a sentence.

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Edited on 17/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-07-07 07:44:36
I'm interested especially of there are satyrs and centaurs :3

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Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-07 07:48:56
Yeah! :D I think people might like it more if there is more fantasy driven creatures. I would love to make a centaur character .3.

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Theo x Sora (#50134)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 09:05:27
Maybe 1 country could be anthros (have my own medieval anthro character already^^)

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Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 09:09:36
Yes, yes, yes. That is all I can think about. I would totally join

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Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-07 11:16:51
Yaay! And yeah Anthros is a good idea! :D

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 01:00:37
This sounds pretty interesting. Admittedly I am one of those people who mostly RPs as animals (namely dogs and cats) so I could probably use practice doing something else for once. Will be keeping an eye on this thread. :)

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Aael (#30597)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 01:06:35
I would certainly join! If I think of any suggestions, I will let you know.

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Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-08 02:33:04
Yay! I'm glad there is some interest. :D And yeah, since it should be a lot of fantasy creatures it should be a little easier for people who rp animals. ^^ (but I too rp everything under the sun so I'm guilty as well)

So I'll start writing up everything. Thank you for the support guys! I'm super duper excited to get this started! .3.

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Edited on 08/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-10 05:25:03
So- does this look good? It's a very very rough sketch. C:

Aberith: The Bully
Civilized, Big
Paliwerth: The Underdog
Civilized, Small
Zoezzedel: The Wild Ones
Savage, Medium
Xuiron: The Industry
Civilized/Wild, Medium

All Species: Humans
Wood Elves
Snow Elves
Halflings (Centaur, Satyr, Ect.)
Mongrel or Anthropos (Anthros.)
Changelings (Shifters.)

In Detail Description of Species

The most populated species in all the world. Humans conquer and rule, having the strongest armed forces. They own Xuiron, a place where they hire dwarves to build more weapons and to reap the island of its natural resources. Few dare anger the human king, afraid their country might be targeted. For now, he's worried about taking over foreign lands.

One of the oldest species to be on these lands aside from elves. Dwarves have forgery in their blood. They have run all the other species, even humans, out of business from their natural blacksmith skills. They have a fair temperament, but they have also been known to be quite hot headed. The humans hire them as laborers, and they get quite the sum of money. They don't complain.

Wood Elves
Wood elves are the oldest species around. They grew the forests and they made a land once barren into a beautiful place for others to live. Although, those elves have long since been killed off by the humans. They are known for their stubborn connection to nature, not letting anything get in the way of their sacred land. Wood elves have somewhat split. The younger generation has migrated in with the humans, while the older elves refuse to leave their home.

Snow Elves
Snow elves were first found in the mountains, their ashen skin making them distinct from any other species. Snow elves are relatively peaceful, and have a much smaller populace. The humans didn't take much notice to the mountains, so the elves never had a qualm with them. Many snow elves have shops on the outskirts of the Capitol in Aberith, selling rare herbs and goodies one can only find in the mountains.

Halflings are said to have been born when the wood elves populated the lands. Some say an elf that was drunk on spirits made them by accident, crossing a human and a beast. Others say it was a purposeful point that humans and beast could live in harmony. Elves and Dwarves have a keen liking for the creatures, most of them being friendly and generous. Though, the humans call Haflings abominations and if any are found inside city limits in Aberith, they are sentenced to improvement. Imprisonment later leaded to them being dumped on the island of Zoezzed, where they are likely to be ripped to shreds on account of all the blood thirsty mongrels. Halflings know their place, and stay with the wood elves in the forest.

Mongrels or 'Anthropos', are the native species to Zoezzedel. Wood elves have no reckoning of making these creatures, nor do the snow elves. However they got here, the wood elves of Zoezzedel befriended them before the humans found the island. They lived peacefully, the wood elves thinking they had found a haven for where all their creations could live in harmony..but they were wrong. The humans found Zoezzedel, despite the elves efforts of keeping it hidden. Once they'd discovered the Anthropos they deemed them mongrels, creatures sent from hell to devour them. Humans killed them off one by one, the ones surviving ran into the forest and swamp to escape the massacre. The humans eventually left, knowing their odds of clearing the whole island were slim, and deemed the island not worthy of human life. The Anthropos were traumatized. They attacked anything remotely human, even their friends who'd lived so peacefully with them the precious years. The Halflings, Changelings, and the elves all had to leave or be slaughtered by the vicious mongrels. Aberith sends it's criminals to this island by boat, so that they may perish to the likes of the Mongrels.
Although mongrels are said to be vicious and savage, they've made rather civilized villages. They are terrified of anything that's not a mongrel, but they live happily in their solitude.

Changing are one of the rarer species. Since they are rare, not a lot is known about them. One might see a wolf running around their town, but the next minute it's a man. They have specific animals they transform into. Changelings are naturally sneaky and usually hide in the shadows, although there are some that use their gift for profit. Elves look at the changelings as a remarkable miracle, and if a Changeling ever comes to them in need, the elves will always help.

The See'rs is the rarest species there is. They are believed to be able to see the future in their dreams. Many are very secretive, seeing as how the Humans treat others pretty roughly. See'rs were first discovered on the island of Zoezzedel, but once they saw what was to come they fled and tried to become inconspicuous in the counties of Aberith or Paliwerth.

ABERITH the bully
Native Species: Human, Dwarves, Elves.
Reigning Species: Humans.
Geology: Large Country with all temperates, large mountains on the east side of the country.

PALIWERTH the underdog
Native Species: Halflings, Changelings, Elves.
Reigning Species: Elves, Halflings.
Geology: Relatively flat land all the way across the country. There sits a big forest, said to be forbidden, on the north side of the country.

Zoezzedel the wild ones
Native Species: Mongrels, Changelings, Elves, Seer's.
Reigning Species: Mongrels.
Geology: The whole country is heavily wooded and dense with foliage and undergrowth. Half the island is very swampy, a bog that no one dare enter.

Xuiron the industry
Native Species: Halflings, Dwarves.
Reigning Species: Dwarves.
Geology: A fair amount of all types of terrain, but mostly lightly wooded around the whole country with rolling hills. Under the rolling hills lays a heavy supply of gold.

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Edited on 13/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-07-11 03:29:37

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-07-13 02:31:37
Omigawd Elves!

I would definitely join this. I have Elf OC 's that I'm dying to use.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-07-13 03:24:56
I would like to join this :D I have a great elf OC I'd like to use

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-07-13 03:56:30
Oh wow. I loved the idea before, but seeing everything you've put into it so far...
Just YES. Please make this!
Soon? Pretty please?

It's so different from what we have around here and I'm excited just thinking about it :3

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Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-13 10:48:39
Awesome awesome! Yes, I'm refining it at the moment! ^^ I might make character reference sheets in the future! ^^ What do you guys think about ranks? Like maybe the king of Aberith or something? C: I wouldn't mind ranks- but I need responsible people to do that. Do you guys think Thad a good idea or nah? C:

I'm honestly so excited for this too yesssss~!

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-07-13 11:06:25
Ranks would be good :) They add a little distiction and "color" to characters. I'm not sure on where I stand on the amount of ranks though

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