Posted by 1x1x1 for blitz, comaskid, Gunbuny

RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 02:46:50
Name: Blade
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Type of shifter: Wolf
Human form: Short black hair, with bright blue eyes. He has a small scar on his cheek. He wears a wolf tooth around his neck, also wears a white t-shirt which he keeps the top of it open exposing his chest and black jeans, with red trainers.
He can control his tail,ears and fangs to come out, when in human form.
Shifter form: He is s large grey wolf, with a scar on his cheek. In his shifter form he wears two white feathers, to show what clan he is in.
Personality: He is friendly to his clan, but outsider, he is very untrusting to them. He has a sharp mind, which makes him a natural leader.
Rank: Leader
Clan name: Forester clan

Elizabeth Milvus - Female Shifter

First Name: Elizabeth
Last Name: Milvus
Nickname: Lizzy or Liz
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Female

~Human Appearance~
Eye Colour: Ice Blue
Hair Colour: Mainly brown, but there are red highlights throughout her hair
Hair Style: Short on one side and longer on the other side. Her fringe slates across her right eye because of this
Body Build: Medium height with a slim shape
Clothing: She generally wears a purple rollneck jumper with a red vest under it, flared demin jeans and pixie style red heeled boots
Jewellery: Red Cross Celtic necklace and a leather bracelet that has her name engraved on it
Tattoos: Yes, she has a red feather on her left shoulder and a hawk eye on her right wrist

~Shifter Appearance~
Animal: Red Kite (Bird of Prey)
Objects? Yes
If yes, what: Even in bird form, she keeps her bracelet on

Personality: Liz is incredible helpful and is always helping the older members of the clan in order to pass her spare hours. When she is not helping with the clan, she is under instruction from her father, as he teaches his daughter all she must know before he dies. However, her major flaw is her short temper. She holds no respect for those who do not deserve it and has little patience for fools. She is also very independent, meaning she doesn't like to be cared for by another. This flaw in her personality makes it hard for to form lasting relationships with others who wish to be more than friends to her. On the other side, she is loyal and protective to all who know. To cross Liz is to risk life yourself. Once her trust in you is broken, it is almost impossible to regain it.
Likes: Friendly people, nature, freedom, peace
Dislikes: Fools, those who demand respect, bullies of the weak, obeying rules
History: Before the age of 15, Liz remembers very little about her life. On the night of her 15th birthday, Liz shifted for the first time. As soon as that moment happened, Liz was pulled out of mainstream school and taught all she needed to know about becoming leader. Her studies were going well, until an enemy clan raided her home and killed her mother as they slept. It was then that a noticeable change came over Elizabeth, when everyone noticed how independent she has become and how little she trusted people. As she now nears her 20th birthday, when she will take the position of leader from her father, Liz is finding it harder and harder to be a freedom lady.

~The Clan~
Clan Name: Milvus milvus
Her Rank: Heir to the Leadership
Anticipated Rank: Leader

My character:
Name: Red
Age: 18
Sex: female
Human form: long black and red hair with blue eyes and her cloth is a white cute dress with black heel boots.Also her wings can come out when is she is human and she can control her wing the wing colour is all white and spots on black and red.
Animal form: wings are all white and spots of black and red and the dress turns into dress that has shield.also on her face she has her clan warrior marks on red and black.
Clan name: Spirit of lights clan
Rank: Leader
History: she has no mother cos her mother died in child birth with her and her father took care of her, and when she turned 10 her father trained her the fight in combat and when she turned 17 her father die by the hands of her enemies.
Her personal: caring and fair to her people and she is very humble and her clan members adore her,but she has a dark side craving for her emeimes blood.

Ten years ago, when Blade was 7, Red was 8 and Liz was 9, they all met a one rainy day, was it fate or just mere coincidence, who knows. All three of them met, by meeting a rundown shrine. They were seeking shelter from the rain, but from that day they knew that they must keep there friendship a secret from their our clan, because at that point in time, there three clan were enemies. Everyday they met up at the rundown shrine, play and having fun, not caring about their clans problems, but they all knew deep down that, becoming the leader of their clans they would have to fight one another. It was 4 weeks later and all the children's parents followed their unaware child. On that day fate play a cruel and mean trick on the children, as soon as the parents got a scent of the other two clans, they all dragged their children away, they only get a look at keep other before they could no longer see each other. Over time they slowly forgot about each other and the pain faded away as well.

It is now present day, and they all have become great leaders and further leader, it is morning in their clans, taking up there daily duties.

Me ( comaskid)

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 03:02:42
Blade looked out form the tiny window of his house, onlooking the clan's land, looking down at the paper's " Being leader is hard sometimes" he whispered to himself. Blade stood up, as he did he looked one more time out of the window, the sky was gloomy and dark, his two ears droped down " why do i feel, so sad looking at the sky" he said. Blade opened his front door to great by the clan children, he great them with a warm and friendly smile, he quickly departed to go on his daily rounds, once he was near the main gate, he change into a normal looking human, stepping outside he took a deep breath and started to walk down the road.

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TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-24 03:08:24
Crouched high amongst the tree line that surrounded her clan, Liz closed her eyes and listened closely. As much as she wished that this was just for fun, the action held more purpose to her. Her father had asked her to test her hearing more than her sight, for even a bird must rely on their hearing, he had told her early this morning. With a careful practise, Liz lowered herself to the tree branch, allowing herself to sit down instead of crouching. The wind blew through, swaying the tree slightly as it passed by.

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gunbunny (#48772)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 03:21:11
All I see on the battlefield is my emeimes that kill my father, but I can see their faces then rain start beating on my wings. Suddenly I am rudely waken by the sound of children playing around the village. As I get up from my bed I say to myself "what I weird dream I have". I look though my window where the sun was shining and everyone was happy, but deep down in my heart I long for my father revenge. ' Gasp' I put my hands to my head In pain a flash of memory, but it was to fuzzy to make out. I said to myself " what is happen to me, why all these weird dreams and flash of memory... Shit I must be going crazy".

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 03:32:52
Looking up at the sky, the sun shining through the deep dark clouds, Blade suddenly found himself on a dirth path, " how did i get here, i was looking at the sky and then i am here" he said with a confused tone. But the path looked somewhat familiar to him. Thinkin of what to do he, turned back and walking back on to the road. Blade turned his head back towards the path, what am i doing here, i should get back to the clan, he thought.

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TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 03:38:45
With a sudden gust of wind, the tree Elizabeth sat upon shook without warning. Gasping, Liz let go of the branch and fell from the tree. The ground only grew closer as Liz struggled to calm herself enough to shift. But it was too late. With a loud thud, she hit the ground hard and rolled over. "Great..." She murmured as she brushed the dirt off and stood up. Sighting the pathway home, she began to trudge through the mud.

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gunbunny (#48772)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 03:54:36
As red walk out from her house all the children came running up to her with similes on their face and said at the same time " can we see your wings please red" " ok, stand back" said red. The children step back a few time and red open her wings in the sunlight and the children grasp with joy, in the sunlight the red and black spot on her white wings, was bright. Red said to the children and give them some coins " got to go now, here some coin to get some sweets" and with that red was in the sky,flapping her wings as she was in the sky far way from her village, she got pain in the head again and she shot down to the ground unable the control her wings, she hits the ground with force that one of her wings broke. " shit... How will I get home now?.... Why does bad thing happen to me shit" she said in a painful voice. The sun was setting she need to find shelter, but where?. She walked for a few seconds and found an rundown shrine for shelter. " hopefully someone of my men will find me" she said In tired voice.

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 05:04:54
Blade stopped suddenly, has he felt something pulling him the that path, he turned from the top of the road and quickly walked down, "now where is that path" he whispered, he sniffed the air, but when he did, he could smell another shifter. Blade stopped to think, what if the shifter is here to kill me, highly unlikely, but the clans around here have been acting up lately, he thought, as his brain ponder the idea, he slowly clasped his necklace. A loud thud in the distance snapped him back to reality, he knew he had to see what it was, considering this was part of his land. Blade started to walk slowly down the path, with his ear pricked up in alert.

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TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-24 08:02:19
The further that she walked, the more her elbow hurt. Pushing up the purple fleece sleeve, Liz noticed nothing different about the skin, only that it was tender to touch. With a rough motion, she dragged the sleeve back down, hiding her arm once more. It was only then that she realised that the oath in which she walked wasn't the way back to the clan. Caution filling her, Liz reached for the nearest tree branch and yanked, pulling herself upwards in an effort to see where she was.

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gunbunny (#48772)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 08:09:44
It was nightfall and no one has come to my rescue, I have fallen asleep two times and my wing still in pain and not moving. I try to find some water or food in the rundow shrine, but nothing. She says in a quiet voice " I need to get back to my clan... Damm it ". I can't keep my eyelids open and within a few seconds I fall asleep.

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 08:20:37
As Blade, turned sharply on a bend, suddenly trees covered the sky, making it dim and dark. Through the dim light, he saw a figure of a buidling, but the smell of a different scent filled the air, he kept on guard. As the building became clearer, he suddenly let out a small gasp. " that building" he whispered, as he walked forward more to get a better look, Blade suddenly saw a winged female on the ground. Blade automatically, smei transformed, showing his tail, ears and fangs. He thought about calling his clan, but why would she be alone, he also thought, as he stood there.

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TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-24 08:35:41
The higher that Liz climbed through the tree branches, the more of the land she saw. As she watched, the sky became darker and a night air blew across the land. With a quick look, she focused in on a building a small flight from her perch. Taking a calming breath, Liz jumped from the tree without any hesitation. To an onlooker, it would have seem as though she jumped to her death, but before she had fallen more than a few feet, Liz shifted and snapped open her wings. Beating down with her wings, she made a slow winding path towards the building, keeping a steady eye out for danger.

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gunbunny (#48772)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 08:43:20
Suddenly I woke up, I grab my kife from my leg which as attract to a holster,because I saw someon in the dark getting closer to the building I change into my animal form with my red and black face marking, as my heart raced as the the person gets closer but I come not move due to my wing. I whisper to myself " shit, shit ,shit ...."

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 08:51:34
Blade, watched as the angel, transformed, but it looked like she was in a great deal of pain, he saw that her wing was limp and looked broken. He throught that he has no right to attack a defenceless young shifter. Bowing his head, his wolf tooth felt down showing that he was going to do no harm. He felt like he was going against his morals, being friendly with aonther type of shifter. He knew that her clan attack his clan in a three clan war many years ago, but he kept his cool " Are you alright?" he asked her, with a small smile.

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TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-24 08:56:28
With a practised grace gained only by many mid-flight halts, Liz flared her wings out wide to watch with amazement at the female angel shifter. Dropping to the ground with a thud, she hopped over to the female, passing a male shifter on her way. Without even pausing to glance upwards at the male, she looked over to the angel, switching her bird gaze from the angel's face to the injured wing and back again, hoping to show she only meant to help.

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gunbunny (#48772)

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Posted on
2015-12-24 09:02:12
"Who are you?.... I know who you are,you kill my father... Stray the fuck away from me". She said trying to stand up but fell back down, as they can closer I throw the kife at the wolf but I missed, I start to cry in pain I said to them "if you are here to kill me do it fast". Then I pass out from the pain.

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