Posted by Sprinkles and Skitty 1x1

Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 13:56:32
I'll edit this with my wolf - as I'm just off to go eat XD

I'll have mine in a pack called SunPack
You can make the second one ^ - ^

I'll be using this form - you can use a different one if you want

2 1/2 Years Old
I do not own this picture, and I got it from here
Zorro is very outspoken, and has no issue telling you when you've messed something up. He was always taught to keep a tough appearance from his father, and attempted to maintain this as his father passed away and the rank of alpha was passed to him. Despite that, only Aaliyah knows how Zorro truly is, and typically is the only way she puts up with being his beta. He has very big soft spot for pups and they typically can run all over him and he wouldn't care one bit.
Aaliyah [Sister] - Beta of MoonPack
Argo [Father] - Deceased - Former Alpha
Laia [Mother] - Deceased - Former Luna
Zorro was born in Sunpack, with his sister just outside of camp due to their mother attempting to move she could still get around.
He grew up seperated from the rest of the pack as he was chosen to be the next alpha and was trained alone. He was told that even with a pack he would lead a very lonely life as an alpha and that he shouldn't put his trust into anyone but his sister.

2 1/2
I do not own this picture, and I got it from Here
Aaliyah is typically a very quiet wolf, that was often thought to of been shy when younger. Shes carries a calm kind of aura wherever she goes, and tends to like to observe things more than participate in them, however will always follow the orders of her Alpha and Luna. Very determined to prove herself worthy of rank to not only her Alpha and Luna, but her pack and despite being calm can be extremely aggressive.
Zorro [Brother] - Alpha of MoonPack
Argo [Father] - Deceased - Former Alpha
Laia [Mother] - Deceased - Former Luna
Aaliyah was born in Sunpack, with her brother just outside of camp due to their mother attempting to move she could still get around.
Despite that she grew up just like any other wolf with a high heritage, told that she should hate any wolf from the Moonpack and taught how to lead.
She knew no better of course...just accepted the rumors that were spread about the opposite pack - allowing the anger from the others dictate her feelings about the Moonpack.
I'm sorry for such a late one - I had such a bad block XD

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 17:09:06 by Skitty [A.a.N.P] (#44229)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 15:18:27
Name: Starshine (or Star for short)

Pack: Moonpack

Age: 3

Rank: A pack messenger

Gender: Female


Starshine is a very inquisitive and observant wolf, known to be observant of the smaller things in life. She is fun-loving and often has the urge to explore past the pack's territory. She can often be found at the river that marks the end of Moonpask's territory and the start of Sunpack's. She is protective of those close to her and takes a while to open up to newcomers.

Blitz (Father, deputy of Moonclan)
Winter (mother, huntress)
Osprey (brother, location unknown, assumed deceased)

Starshine was born in a litter of two to Winter and Blitz, the deputy of Moonpack. Even from a young age her brother always used two wander through the woods. Exploring, he was often caught trespassing on Sunpack's territory. Until one day he left and never came back. Starshine's mother who was once kindhearted and loving grew distant. And her father became strict and unforgiving. The vent caused an even greater rivalry between the two packs as Moonpack suspected that Sunpack killed him. Which the rival pack claimed was not true. Since then Starshine found herself becoming more and more curious as to what lies beyond the woods. Years have passed now, and Osprey's name is barely even mentioned, Moonpack has since recovered from the tragedy, and Starshine was trained as a messenger. This gives her plenty of time to wander the woods.

Image Credit:

(hope this is okay, its kinda basic ^^)

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Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 18:12:38
Its fine! ^ - ^ Hope you don't mind my ...very late reply >///<

Aaliyah groaned as someone prodded her side, making her squint open her eyes to see a blurry shape hovering in front of her and light shining in through the den. Blinking a few times everything became clearer and she recognized the blurry shape had been her brother.
"Come on, now...your late, you need to help the hunters bring in the kill" he growled before turning tail and muttering under his breath "You're and adult now, I shouldn't need to tell you what you need to do"
With a huff she got up and stretched slightly, annoyed by how silly she may seem to have slept in and hadn't been able to participate in the hunt. Quickly padding outside she closed her eyes due to the harsh light, slowly opening them to get use to it as she attempted to scan the clearing.
Assuming they weren't far from camp, she quickly made her way to the entrance to help them bring in the kill and apologize for not helping and sleeping in.

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 01:14:58 by Skitty [A.a.N.P] (#44229)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:56:58
Oops sorry replying now, the wifi at school is not great with lioden :(
also what season should it be?

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 16:57:11 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:59:33
I think...Fall maybe? Thats fine ^^

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 10:04:16
okay :)

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 16:01:16
GAHHH sorry it took soon long, i'm back from school now ^^

The bright autumn leafs made a satisfying crunching noise as Starshine thundered over them, she had chased a red squirrel as far as the river boarder, then given up. She dipped the end of her muzzle into the clear icy water to drink. She jumped back in surprise as a minnow flashed past. The dawn hunting party were still out, and the Alpha had dismissed Starshine and so she was free to wander. There was a loud cry from some migrating geese overhead, winter would be here soon and it would mark the end of yet another year without Osprey. Starshine shook her head, splashing her reflection with a paw, she knew better then to dwell on the past. A distant howl sounded from across the river on Sunpack's side, Starshine squinted into the shadowy trees and wondered for the hundredth time what lay just beyond the river.

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Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 16:24:58
Its fine!

Aaliyah let out a long drawn out howl, wondering where her pack mates might be, when she realized they were no where near where she thought they were. An echoed howl answered hers and she darted in the direction it came from.
Bounding into the clearing she came face to face with the Lead Hunter who was sitting by a dead deer carcass. He dipped his head and smirked but only glanced back at the carcass "It was quite easy to take this one was slow...but we could have caught more with you around" he noted boldly only tossing her a glance.
She let out a soft growl but shook her head "I'll carry it back with.." she glanced at the other two hunters that were staring at her waiting. " two can carry on and find something else small to bring back" she ordered and grabbed the deer by the neck. Eve darted forward and helped drag it out of the clearing and towards the camp as the other two went off to follow orders.

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 23:25:49 by Skitty [A.a.N.P] (#44229)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 13:13:44
(sorry i haven't been that active, its the weekend now though so yay :D)

"Starshine?" A voice behind her made Starshine jump, she whipped around to find coming face to face with the lead warrior of her pack. Timber smirked at her uneasiness "Starshine, the Alpha wants you immediately." He said, already starting to turn back in the direction he had come from. Starshine was puzzled, she wondered what he would need her for, she prayed he hadn't caught her eyeing the enemy territory. "Right" She confirmed standing and following him through the trees. "What exactly does he want me for?"
"How would i know? He just said he needed you immediately, you strayed pretty far, what were you doing all the way out here?" he asked, picking up the pace. Starshine began to run next to him, jumping over a fallen tree. "Just watching the geese migrate" she lied. Timber didn't look completely satisfied, but he just smiled "of course you were" he laughed.
Starshine slowed as they came into the camp, all the members of her pack were crowded around the alpha's den. Worried looks on their faces. A knot tightened in Starshine's stomach as she wondered what was wrong.

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Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 14:05:23
(thats okay! ^ - ^ yay the weekend!!)

As Eve and Aaliyah dragged the deer into camp, Zorro approached them with a satisfied look, but stayed silent as he waited for Aaliyah's report. Looking at eve, she quickly her and faced her brother. "I told them to look for a bit more" she admitted glancing at the deer "but they brought this down, with apparent ease so maybe this winter won't be so bad...".
Zorro glanced around then focused on his sister and let out a soft sigh "You know we'll probably lose someone.." he echoed her thoughts "but...I hope too that this winter won't be so bad"
Recognizing the change in his demeanor she looked up at him with a small smile "If we try our hardest...and avoid Moonpack I think we'll be fine" she offered, which he just nodded slightly at. "Once the hunters come back..send out Eve and someone else again" he huffed and turned around heading back to his den

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 14:19:32
(( Is it weekend for you too? :D ))

Stratus sat upright in his den, his completely white pelt against the dark walls made it look as if he was glowing. He sighed as she entered "Thank you for coming so soon Starshine, i have a very pressing matter to deal with." Starshine took a seat in front of him and kept her back strait. "What's wrong?" She questioned, hoping it was nothing to do with her. Stratus sighed
"Whisper has terrible cuts after she got on the wrong side of an Elk, Shadow can't heal her until she has the right herbs, and the herb she needs Chamomile has stopped growing as it is almost winter. But it has come to my attention that Sunpack has some after they used to cure on of their warriors recently." He paused and looked her strait in the eye. Starshine gulped "you want me to go and ask their alpha?" she hung her head, already knowing the answer. Stratus nodded "exactly, you'll need to leave right away."

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Edited on 26/08/16 @ 21:20:36 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 15:45:26
(Yup! I haven't started school yet though...not for another week or so! - I thought I replied but I realized I never did)

Aaliyah watched her brother retreat to his den before sighing and dragging the carcass the rest of the way to the pile. Paw thumps could be heard as the head hunter and huntress return making her look up from the deer, and wait for their report. "Axel" she greeted shortly, which was returned with a curt nod "Aaliyah," he began "We can't find anything to the west...its practically empty...we'll have to hunt closer to the Moonpacks territory. Humming she shook her head "there has to be at least something? I don't want you going within a deer length of the border...but zorro wants another hunting patrol out as soon as possible".
Axel sighed but nodded "Alright..." he grumbled off and went to collect Eve before continuing out of camp in attempt to find some more prey upon the alphas orders

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 16:29:40
(( Lucky i still have another 4 weeks of school until holidays, also sorry i thought i posted this but i didn't D: ))

Starshine was shivering by the time she reached the lake, not from the cold, but from fear. Timber had been kind enough to walk her most of the way, but he made some excuse and left. Starshine had always wanted to see what lay beyond the river, but not now, she would give anything to swap with someone else. But Whisper needed her help, slowly Starshine padded into the river. It was cold and unpleasant, she stopped a few inches before the shore. She took a deep shuddering breath and stepped forward. Slowly she inched her way through the forrest, she had no idea where to go so she decided the best idea would be to walk strait through the forest in hopes she found their camp.

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Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 18:57:28
(We're both terrible at posting XD and yeah - but it'll be online schooling :3)

A howl echoed no that far in front of Starshine, just before Axel appeared in front of her blocking her. "What are you doing here?" he snarled, Eve popped out behind him her fur bristling letting out a quick and loud warning yowl before looking back down at Starshine and growling backing him up.

-Short know XD-

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 20:29:24

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 14:15:38
(( OMG sorry i bumped the thread instead of replying and i wasn't sure if you got it or not ))

Starshine cowered with fear as the wolves jumped out at her, "Please!" She whimpered, backing into a tree
"My alpha has sent me to talk to yours, one of our pack members has fatal wounds and you have the cure." She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for them to attack her. When at first they didn't she realised she was properly realising she was setting ad example for Moonclan, she puffed up her chest, letting the fur along her spine fall flat.

(its fine, hehe mine's a little short too)

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