Posted by Genosses: Wolf Role-play

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 02:03:24

You are currently on the Genosses Role-Play Page.

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If you are new, or looking for further information about this pack, please visit the link shown above.

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Unfortunately Applications are closed at this time.

~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .


[Rank Explainations found on Main Page.]


Vladimir(m) - Mercy(f)

Champions / Worthy

Care Takers
Calypso(f)[Lead Caretaker] - Brooke(f) - Lillian(f)

Aes(m) - Rajat(m) - Silk(f) - Nightsky(f)

(xFather) Mother: Pup(m/f), Pup(m/f), Pup(m/f)

- - -, - - -, - - -

~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

Pack's Food Supply

[Food/Carcass images are made by me, Soltero: Deviantart]
(They are under Copyright.)
[Rabbit will substitute for rodents/squirrels until images made.]

doe.pngDoe: 70% Remaining
Decaying process slowed due to the presence of ice.

-30% Pack
- - -

rabbit.pngx2 Rabbits A 'one wolf' type meal
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~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

Other / Extra

- Dislike the character, not the player. That is our #1 rule.
- Do NOT post here unless you have been accepted.
- New members must ROLE-PLAY their way into the pack.

!! Remember the current season/plot:
The snow is melting, and the Earth's surface is covered in an ice-y slush. It can be difficult to navigate through at times. "Keep those paws dry, wolves."

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Edited on 26/12/16 @ 12:29:21 by Soltero (#9059)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 02:04:21

"Never back down. Never give up."
- - -
Roman | Alpha Male of Genosses | 5 Years
More Info on Pg.1 | Location: Den's Entrance

The pack had finally settled after their tough and lengthy migration, quickly laying claim to an abandoned cave nearest the mountain's steep slopes. Surrounding the open courtyard is a small forest with wide-spread trees, making the meadow and plains beyond easily visible. The area was overcome with beautiful, thriving wild flowers; and the vegetated landscape seemed to hold every color of the rainbow. These magnificent blooms stretched for what seemed like miles! Spring was a lovely season, wasn't it? Unfortunately a layer of slush-like ice still obscured what was really underlying, and the pack could only hope that their chosen home was as beautiful as the current scene suggested. - Refer to the Main Page for an inner den description.

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Presently their Earth-colored Alpha claimed a stationary stance mid-entrance to their den, his boisterous front faced outward with a protective gaze scanning the lands surrounding them. Twinned ears were flicked forward, caramel eyes only switching from the lands back to his loyal members when words were being spoken. "There is still much to do," he'd state the obvious, waiting to see which wolves would stand at attention and await his orders. Their territory already stunk of the Alpha's pungent urine, as marking their territory had been priority. And so, at least one of the pack's objectives had already been marked off. On their journey here, they had already captured a food source as well! The remains of a shredded doe could be found some wheres between the main den and whelping den, slightly hidden by a blanket of melting snow purposed for refrigeration. A second thing crossed off the pack's list.

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 10:14:44 by Soltero (#9059)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 03:34:47
Mercy | Beta Female of Genosses | 5 years | Location: Den Enterance

The fae had made movement to stand next to her brother. She too allowed her eyes to scan the horizon, looking for danger or prey they would possibly wander into their new claim. Thought would wander to the upcoming spring, with the melt of snow the females would come to season. That only ever ended up with the arrival of pups, and with the arrival of pups meant that the pack would need more food.

Those thought would be suppressed for now, she would worry about such matters when the first fae went into her cycle. For now there were other matters to attend to. One of those being to reaffirm her bond with her siblings. With a gentle touch, and a warm pink tongue, Mercy would begin to groom Roman's erect ears. "What are the plans for today brother?" A voice with a soothing tone would reply between her tender grooming nips and licks.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-08 03:36:58
Aes| Warrior of Genosses | 5 Years

Aes stepped forwards. "Indeed there is." His stance, though somewhat dominant was still low and easy compared to the alpha. His tongue ran over his maw as he sniffed the freshly laid borders. One of his ears twitched and he took another step forwards. The scraps of the doe recently caught wouldn't last too long with the pack of this size. He'd scented some fresh prey earlier, a few rabbits, though chances were they were fairly scrawny things.
Spring had only just arrived and most creatures were just now trying to pack on some more weight. Aes himself had lost a few pounds this winter. His dark pelt shown now in the spring sun, his amber eyes glittering as he excitedly awaited the next words of Roman. A hunt? Perhaps a decent romp? A fight? His dripping tongue hung from his slightly parted jaws as he inhaled the intoxicating spring scents.
Oh how he had missed spring this last winter. The brute lowered his head, glancing over his shoulder. Aes was surveying some of the pack, watching for any wolf which might be a good challenge when he felt up for a fight. His jaws clicked shut and he ran his shimmering tongue over his maw once more at the prospect of a fight. The coppery scent of blood already on his mind, the brute nearly found himself drooling.

It might seem a little.... harsh to others that the wolf would drool over the idea of spilling his own comrades blood but that was just Aes. He'd slaughtered his own brothers, but then again, in the wild the laws were simple. Only the strong survive. Still, Aes like to give the other strong wolves a little rough time every once in a while, he always did enjoy the feeling in a fight.
So much energy, the sense that your life may be on the line, the idea you might move up in the world. His eyes gleamed sadistically as he thought back to his most recent fight. The poor little loner had had no chance against the decently fed pack wolf, the poor fae had been ripped to shred offering very little resistance. So, then it hadn't been much of a fight, but he'd still been slightly injured. His scruff, but that hardly effected the iron brute.
He would start challenging others once the pack got settled in more. Aes couldn't help but hope they got settled rather quickly.
His attention now honed back on the alpha he waited for any immediate orders, if there were none then he would go hunting as he had originally thought. He admired Roman, he was doing good job leading this pack, at least that was the way Aes saw it. An outsider may have been disgusted with the leader, and some of his pack members, but Aes saw this as his piece of heaven on earth.

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Kuma ™ | Semi
Frozen (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 03:40:58


Silk | Brawler/Trainee of Genosses | 4 Years
Location: Den

* * *

Silk's eyes flickered open as the Alpha's booming voice echoed, bouncing off between the walls of the stone den. Mounds of sleeping, snoring fur surrounded her and her ears flicked about, feeling slightly annoyed that she had been resting in the back of the den. Looking to her Alpha with perked ears and tired, blinking yellow eyes, the charcoal-tinted fae slowly arose to her paws, careful not to wake the sleeping pack-mates. Her head was nearly bumping off of the top of the den and she stood awkwardly, knees slightly bent and whiskers twitching. Assuming the others would wake up soon, Silk cleared her throat and puffed out her chest, speaking quietly yet clearly to her Alpha, "Good day." Silk hadn't waited for a reply before she began carefully stepping over the rest of the pack members, cautiously avoiding stepping on anyone's tail; her ambition and motivation for helping the pack pushed her out of her slumber and towards the den entrance, anxiously awaiting to begin her day.

As Silk emerged from the darkest section of the den, she saw that the Beta female and the warrior, Aes, were already awake. The dark fae huffed and stopped in her steps, waiting for the trio to move onward into the clearing, away from the entrance. She did not want to invade their conversation yet.

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 03:49:17

Brooke || Care Taker || 4 Years
Location: Whelping Den to Main Den || Mentions: Roman

Light brown eyes peek open, responding to the weak morning sunlight that seeped into the den. A lithe figure shifted from the nest. She stretched her front paws, aiming her rump towards the air, and yawned. Care taker Brooke gave a good shake to loosen any dirt or moss that had stuck her pelt before slowly leaving the den. She had fallen asleep in the whelping den by accident after having grown tired from organizing the bedding. There were currently no pups in the den, but this she-wolf was in heat and ready to mate. Pups would be arriving soon. Brooke tried her best to dodge the cold slushy ice that spanned the territory, but this proved futile. She found her paws still coming down on the crunching surface. The black and white fae passed the doe that had been partially covered, drawing in the scent of meat. Shaking her head to avoid eating it before the alphas and beta, Brooke continued on her way to the main den where Roman, his sister, and two of the other brutes stood outside the entrance. Chocolaty head lowered at the presence of the two higher ups. After all, her purpose was not to take charge or stand tall, but to lay low with her head down. Brook looked at Roman's lower jaw as to not make eye contact that could be seen as threatening his dominance, but to let him now she was paying attention to him. She wished her tail back and forth to spread the scent of estrus to the alpha. Spring notified the wolves that females would be ready to breed after all, and, as of now, Roman and his brother were the only suitable breeders.

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 10:49:38 by RoosterChick~ #poopfordays (#46649)

warrior lions (#78597)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-12-08 04:19:38
Nightsky (Night) / trainee / 2 years / Location : Den / Mentions : Roman

Night lets out a yawn as she wakes us, stretching her paws out, and blinking her eyes. She smells cold weather in the air, and watched as her breath turned into clouds of mist. She hates the cold, though she often thinks that would change if she had longer fur. After a bit of pondering, laying down, and growling to herself, she decides to get up, even if her height makes it awkward to stand, she had to deal with it. She then perks up her ears at hearing the alpha's voice "Great! A chance to prove myself!"

She dashes out of the den, her excitement and eagerness showing, so what if she steps on other wolves, they shouldn't sleep in so late! When she makes it out of the den the cold hit her, but in all her happiness she fails to notice "What is it Ro-- eh-- alpha?" she stumbles over her words, this was the first time in a true pack, and she had already messed up! She sits down, hoping the alpha, no, anybody, had not noticed her mistake.

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 04:35:29

"Never back down. Never give up."
- - -
Roman | Alpha Male of Genosses | 5 Years
More Info on Pg.1 | Location: Den's Entrance

Attention was drawn towards his sister first, acknowledging her presence in his peripherals with a low, excited whine. Roman's gaze never redirected completely towards her figure though -not yet, even as her tongue began to groom the inner folds of the Alpha's erect ear. Vision remained planted onto the forms of those appearing, a praise-filled dip of the head given to each of them in turn before Mercy finally garnered focus with speech. "Hmmm," he'd hum upon finally looking her direction, his own salmon colored tongue escaping and targeting the female's forehead for tender kisses. "Perhaps you can round the Nurse Mates up and finish up our Spring Cleaning," he'd reply, throwing a humorous title onto the job. Clearly she'd know that Roman meant to spruce up their new dens. And Mercy, easily comparable to a wife -if not his sister, would be the perfect she-wolf to take head over this task. "And then fill their," pause, "and your own, bellies." Permission to feast, granted.

A curt nod would dismiss the Alpha's beloved Beta, that was if she sought to get straight on it. The sterling wolfess could take her time though if such was desired. Next Roman's attention would have fallen towards Ase but the arrival of Silk, from behind, had the Alpha sidestepping to allow her passage around him and out of the den. Most likely on the side that lacked his sister's presence. "Morning," he'd reply with another curt bow of his broad cranium. Focus shifted thereafter.

Ase.. The Caesar's eyes narrowed as they assessed this male's present posture, an intrigued grin forming swiftly after. Own glands began to secrete an over abundance of saliva, tongue scraping across the fronts of pearly white jaws as Roman's raised tail began to softly wag. From expression alone the Alpha's excitement was made clear; but alas, it was not time to begin sparring yet. There is still much to do, he quoted himself within silent thoughts. An anxious chill rocketed down Roman's spine, a barely noticeable shiver performed in response before words broke the silence. "Ase, see if you can muscle up some more grub." Another twist on words. It was as though Roman could read Ase's mind; that, and the Alpha needed to remove this male from sight if he were to successfully ignore urges and continue on with business. Speaking of 'other' business...

Eyes found Brooke next, and his ebony-rimmed nostrils wrinkled in response to inhaling her tantalizing fumes. Estrus. Roman almost began to advance her direction, a pleasant grin sliding across his colorful muzzle, but he was distracted with Nightsky's approach. A questionable brow rose in response to both her actions and words, but Roman dismissed the awkwardness and carried on barking commands. "Night," he'd start, his proud nose lifting. "Would you please scout the borders and report back if you discover signs of a neighboring pack or any herds?" (She probably won't find either one, so a short mission.)

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 11:39:53 by Soltero (#9059)

Kuma ™ | Semi
Frozen (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 04:48:09


Silk | Brawler/Trainee of Genosses | 4 Years
Location: Den's Entrance

* * *

Silk silently watched as the Alpha called orders. Standing straight but keeping her head low in regard for her superiors, the black fae let her tongue loll out as she swiped it across her muzzle and jaws, itching for something to gnaw on. She had noticed Ase's aggressive-like behaviour, watching, knowing that the male loved to spar. Roman's behaviour could also not go unnoticed, as he bounded towards Brooke, the caretaker female that was in heat. Flickering her yellow eyes about, the muscular female looked to Roman before padding a few steps towards the side of the den, and sitting with a thud. Silk was just in her last days of heat, as wolves would breed right before the climax of spring. Though, she had no interest for cubs at the moment, despite her raging hormones and her tight chest whenever a male came by; this could also be cause for her mere attention-seeking personality. Any flirting was considered appeasing in Silk's book. Nonetheless, her focus was on training, sparring, and staying fit, that is if she wishes to exceed in the pack and ascend ranks. She would wonder whether or not Ase would be up for sparring a female; whilst in thought, Silk remembered about the deer the pack had found, and whether or not Roman had confirmed to eat. Her head would prick up, and ears would perk towards the Alpha and/or Beta female, waiting for direct confirmation. The ebony fae would begin to wonder whether she would get a task assigned to her, or if she were to sit tight, and watch the den space.

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warrior lions (#78597)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-12-08 04:51:04
Nightsky (Night) / trainee / 2 years / Location : Den / Mentions : Roman

Still a bit flustered from her mistake, she nods "Do i need to take anyone else with me?" her eyes scan across the members who are awake, trying to put faces to names. Her excitement had still not worn off, and she is trying to stay still as she waited for an answer. Her tail wags around, making a plof noise every time it hits the ground. She then turns her attention back to her alpha, waiting for an answer.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-08 05:02:30
Aes| Warrior of Genosses | 5 Years
Location: The Pack Lands/Leaving the Main Den

Aes shot a laughing glance Roman's way then took off from the cavern, nearly at a sprint however then he remembered... the slush. Luckily for the first few strides he hit no slush but then, he hit one patch. His paws flew but he somehow stayed on his feet. He powered forwards throwing himself silently towards where he had scented the rabbits. Muscle up some grub. Heh, Roman's jokes were getting better, that was for certain. The laughing gaze hadn't only been at the twist of words, spring was in the air, and the alpha was soon going to be very busy. The idea of pups wasn't the most amusing, but seeing them as little things to bully and teach made the idea of young things scrambling about somewhat bearable.
His paws slid a few more times, but by then Aes had found a good pace which would keep him from slipping for the most part. His paws spread wide and his claws sent him shooting across the slush and newly formed grass. The pace could have been considered reckless, but Aes was a hulking mass and well accustomed to the trials of winter and early spring.
The brute slowed his pace only when he was out of sight of the den. His jaws panted in a jovial pant as he sniffed the air, searching for signs of life. There were ravens overhead, bickering and pecking at each other as they flung themselves from tree to tree. Squirrels were overly abundant, skittering and leaping about far overhead, making quite the racket as they went about. Aes ignored these things scenting something which caused a new glint in his eye. Was that a game trail he could smell up ahead, there were so many muddled scents, a little cold, perhaps it had been a game trail in the past. The scents weren't extremely fresh, but it smelled somewhat used beneath the scent of slush and cold growth. He'd let some of the other hunters know about this, and also the alpha of course.

He lifted his head and moved on, catching the scent of the something he was actually after. Rabbits, smelled like a fair number of them as well. He moved more stealthy now, his body hanging suspended in the air, his paws hardly seeming to even touch the earth. His glinting golden eyes flashed brilliantly as he moved, searching the farther reaches of the landscape for the haven of those delectable creatures.
Ah there they were, only three of them, but enough to bring home and feel successful. He dropped to his stomach and glided forwards, his movements slow and calculated. From above he must look like some oddly shaped, fluffy serpent, creeping forwards with murder in his eyes. One of the rabbits was erect, his tiny head facing the other direction.
Aes sprung then, his hind left paw slipping on some slush. He lost some of the power in his spring, causing him to land just short of his prey. The rabbits scattered, their frightened little shrieks and pitter patter of their pouncing paws soon filled the air.
The wild brute was upon his prey like a falcon, his great clawed paws reaching out to hook and ensnare their little bodies. He caught one in his jaws, breaking it's neck easily. Another accidentally ended up under his paws, causing him to not only miss the third rabbit but also tumble to the ground.

He lay collapsed for a second, a muddled heap of rabbits and wolf. For a second one might not be able to tell which was which as they were so hopelessly entwined. Aes snarled and lunged to his paws, shaking the carcasses from his body. One was a little mangled, but was still very edible, the other lay nearly perfectly in tact except for the crushed head. Grumbling to himself the brute scooped up the carcasses and headed towards the wood. He'd stash these in a cache for now and then come back later for them after catching a few other delectable choice pieces.

(For everyone who's worried about Aes.... xD He's not always this clumsy.)

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 06:55:04

"Never back down. Never give up."
- - -
Roman | Alpha Male of Genosses | 5 Years
More Info on Pg.1 | Location: Den's Entrance

As Roman awaited his sister's response, he found himself pleased with Ase's immediate departure. A good, loyal wolf, that male was. Attention turned towards Nightsky next. "A solo mission. Consider this a test to prove yourself," he repeated her earlier words. "Bring back food or an enemies ear, and you'll earn yourself a lesson." Lesson? A spar, or a chance to learn some things about the art of war. An enemy?; another wolf, a coyote, or some other carnivorous beast. Roman hoped that this dark fae showed an interest in what the Alpha offered, and would dismiss her thereafter with a curt bow of his canine-chiseled

Attention was paid to Silk next. Roman would have sent the beautiful gal off along with Ase if not for the pungent odor that stuck to her obviously feminine features. One, Roman wouldn't allow a secret breeding between this pair. Two, he didn't need her scrumptious stench to be wafting all about the territory and attracting the advances of any ill-intentive rogues. If someone WAS drawn to the courtyard by either females' heat, their possessive Alpha would surely meet them with a challenging, authoritative attitude. The King's dark nose would motion Silk towards the remains of the -probably now frozen- doe, permitting her to feast. Not without offering some words though. "Stay alert," he warned, confirming her suspicion. He needed her to play guard while she remained in front of the two dens, and in exchange for providing these services the Alpha had allowed her to eat. If not already obvious to the entire pack, food only came with work and/or participation in spars.

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 13:57:42 by Soltero (#9059)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 07:17:05
Mercy | Beta Female of Genosses | 5 years | Location: Den Enterance

The command was out, "Spring Cleaning" hmm interesting word choice. Though it did not make sound more I threshing to do. But never the less Mercy would carry out the cleaning and preparation of the dens. Eyes would soon dart to Night, as the fae bounded out of the den. Her energy levels were as per usual high. A scouting mission seemed to be a perfect fit for the young female. With a soft huff her focus would need to be turned to her duties for the day.

It would come as perfect timing with Brooke making an appearance. But before words could be spoken the fimailar scent that spring brought would fill her nose. Lips would curl back slightly, as now she would realize her work load would double. A more dominant stance would be taken now, tail raised upright as she approached the submitting female. "Alright. Come on get up. There is work to be done and I need all the help I can get. Can't have pups until the dens are done anyway" The soft tone now lost as a more authoritative one took its place.

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warrior lions (#78597)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-12-08 07:39:56
Nightsky (Night) / trainee / 2 years / Location : Teritory

Nightsky returns the bow, then dashes away. Letting the winds streak her fur, and her ear lay back for speed. Her eyes scan the land, settling on a small bird, her teeth bared. She stalks closer and closer until *snap* she steps on an unnoticed branch. In desperation, she lunges forward, catching the small animal between her paws, Quickly killing it. She then stands up to take a good look at her prey "It's small, but it will have to do... Unless i find something else."

She buries the prey, then moves on, keeping alert for any prey or something not from the pack. Suddenly a weird smell enters her nose, it smells like prey, but also like blood. She tracks the scent, carefully following the trail.

(What should be the strange scent be?)

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 14:41:37 by warrior lions (#78597)

Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-08 07:44:03
Aes| Warrior of Genosses | 5 Years
Location: The Pack Lands

Aes was soon on the move again following the scent of another harmless creature nearby. A two pound marten watched him with beady eyes, it's tail fluffed up as it sat perfectly still. The long creature wouldn't make very good prey so he passed it up with a mere growl and a flick of his tail. He continued moving his careful tread taking him closer and closer to another piece of meat. He could smell some marmots up on a hill, though was wary about climbing the slick rocks, perhaps something a little easier to get too would capture his attention?
Nope, he moved swiftly, capturing a few small animals and taking them back to his cache. His jaws were stuffed with smaller fluffy animals, a few birds and several other edibles that had fluff which would also be useful. As he drew closer he spotted a little red vixen stuffing a rabbit down her gullet, ripping fur and bone to get the better bits.
He set the mouthful of prey aside and lunged with a roar, his jaws snapping shut inches from the vixen's tail. The little fox whirled, fear gleaming in it's eyes though the last thing the little creature ever saw was the furious gleam of massive yellowed canines coming to end it. It was a sad way for the beautiful reddish thing to die, but it should have never dared to dig up a wolf's prey.

Lapping the blood from his fur he stayed still for a moment, gathering the bits of prey and counting what he had caught. Two birds, small little crunchy things he loved to eat. One and a half rabbits, that foolish little vixen had well ruined one of them. He'd caught a vole though that was hardly worth keeping around as it was merely a mouthful of meat. Somehow the heavy brute had managed to bring a few plump looking squirrels down from the trees. Sadly the others had scattered or else he'd be able to bring back more.
It wasn't much, but it was enough for this hunting trip. Once the snow completely melted though, Aes wanted up that hill after those fat marmots. Perhaps a mountain goat would be up there as well. His sparkling black nose twitched some and his golden eyes gleamed. A little more challenging prey would be wonderful, as long as it didn't fling him down a mountain side.

He soon had all of the prey, stuffed somehow in his jaws and started working his way slowly towards home. He'd had to consume the vole, or else the amount of his catch would have been hard to bring back. If it was absolutely needed he could always cough the little creature back up. Though he doubted that would happen.

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 14:59:54 by Sumria Claus🎁💩 Sumriaias (#32475)

Kuma ™ | Semi
Frozen (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 07:54:03


Silk | Brawler/Trainee of Genosses | 4 Years
Location: In Front of Both Dens

* * *

Silk watched as the Alpha ordered Night to go out on patrol and heard the threat he made about 'teaching her a lesson'. Flicking her ears back, Silk grunted and envied the fae for being able to go out. Although, albeit being cooped up in the den area, she did appreciate not having to go out into the slush and get her paws raw, and wet. The coal-black female was about to break into a stretch when she noticed that Roman was approaching her. Silk remained in a seated position, keeping her head and ears low; as much as she hated showing submission and preferred to appear dominant, she held the utmost respect for her Alpha. Roman stood in front of Silk and her deep blonde orbs watched as he motioned with his muzzle towards the frozen doe. Immediately her jowls began overcome with drool and her stomach felt like it was kicking her from the inside out; oh how badly she wanted to tear into that deer, as she didn't have much to eat post-hunt. When she heard the words 'stay alert', the brawler-ranked fae straightened up and a sense of pride ran through her. The Alpha thought of her as a guard, a protector to the pack, and that meant something special to Silk. It was good to feel appreciated. The Grey wolf blinked softly to Roman and a subtle smile wrapped around her maw before she said in her husky, yet graceful tone, "Of course, Alpha." Silk stood up and waved her long, silky tail subtly, perking her ears up as Roman padded off. She didn't hesitate to eavesdrop on Mercy's words towards Brooke, and the brutish female stifled a sigh whilst listening to the orders. She knew that Mercy was suggestive to authoritative tones and a dominant demeanor, but Silk still couldn't stand it if she were bossed around as such. Good for Brooke for holding her ground, and good for the Beta for confirming her rank in the pack.
Silk stood up with ease and arched her back in a sexy-like downward curve, lifting her tail up high and parting her jaws in a quiet yawn. Toes outstretched and shoulders loose, the stretch soothed Silk's sore muscles from the previous days' endeavors, and she was ready for the day. Straightening herself back up and shaking her thick, shedding pelt out, the fae walked slowly towards the partially frozen doe which lay nearby the dens. It was mostly eaten at and shredded, but Silk's keen nose caught a rich scent of flesh underneath a layer of bone and ice. Digging her muzzle into the bodice of the doe, Silk ripped apart a hidden chunk of the flank, flinging her head back with the meat chunk within her teeth. The female was quite pleased with herself and she flagged her tail high up in the air, warning other wolves that the meat she held was hers. Before she was to guard the dens, Silk hastily stepped through some slush and mud - whilst slipping clumsily, mind you - towards some dead bushes to lay and eat her meal, away from the carcass. She was determined to finish eating before Mercy or Roman noticed she was not yet in position to guard.

By the time Silk was finished the piece of flank, she was satisfied and full. With a full stomach and bloodied maw, the female licked around her lips and padded towards her place in front of the main den, and the weaning den. She was quite a sight to see, really, with crumbs of flesh speckling her whiskers and the blood of the doe caressing her muzzle and upper neck. With a jet-black pelt and this red colour pigmenting her facade, she didn't look like a wolf one would mess with. Silk grinned in irony, thinking that if any stranger wolf were to trespass near the dens, that one look at her would surely make them regret their decision. She decided to wait to groom herself until Aes and Night returned, when she would disembark from this guard position, just in case she indeed did need to show intimidation towards an outsider. And so Silk stood, with muscles flexed and ears and eyes alert, listening intently to the sounds of the forest ahead of her.

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