Posted by The Rise of Mudclan |:| The Roaring Call

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-05-17 11:39:08



A Warriors Roleplay
Mods: InserCleverNameHere and Potato Lord

Throughout all of history, cats and dogs have been regarded as mortal enemies. And nature's proven this no different: wolves against cougars, hyenas (though they're not true dogs), jackals, and african wild dogs against lions, dholes against tigers, the list goes on. And these clans are no exception.

For centuries, three clans of big cats have dominated these lands: Solclan, full of powerful and highly dominant lions; Shadeclan, the secretive clan of tigers; and Roseclan, a collection of leopards, jaguars, and cats of similar stature. Without human influence, the three clans have grown to large sizes and thrived, learning to coexist within their own borders and, by extension, becoming more social than their non-clan cousins. But they are not alone. For nearly as long as the cats have survived here, they have shared the island with a group of canines¹. Having been proven the weakest and by far the least dominant, the canines were driven into "The Mud," a small swamp on the far-east coast.

These "Dogs," as they're referred to by the cats, have been forcefully separated from traditional customs such as warrior names, The Roaring Call, and the blessings of Starclan.


Once every month the three clans meet in a neutral gathering place, a spot beside and around a river where the three territories meet, under a truce. The purpose is to share news, catch up, and promote peace between the clans. These meetings often last for hours, starting in the morning and ending at night. Games for cubs and apprentices are set up, warriors of different packs hunt together to provide nourishment and sharing of tongues is not uncommon. At the end of the night all three packs join together to roar to Star Pack, a cacophony of voices that can sometimes be heard all the way in The Mud, before departing.






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Edited on 19/05/17 @ 11:05:14 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-05-17 11:41:12





Eveningstar - Leader
Bronzeclaw - Deputy
Grasspaw - Apprentice
Lilystream - Warrior
Brazenpaw - Apprentice
Treewhisker - Warrior
Fawnstep - Warrior
Nightpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice


Scorchstar - Leader
Patchheart - Deputy
Otterleap - Warrior
Redtooth - Warrior
Junglescar - Warrior
Winterflame - Warrior
Moonpaw - Apprentice
Sunstep - Warrior
Dawnwhisper - Warrior


Swanstar - Leader
Snakefang - Deputy
Cliffwalker - Warrior
Daisypaw - Apprentice
Nightfrost - Warrior
Boomslangstorm - Medicine Cat
Oakfall - Warrior
Glacierwing - Warrior

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Edited on 04/06/17 @ 10:02:40 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-05-17 11:41:13



The clear, fish-laden river ripples with each cascading raindrop. A fallen tree, a new addition this moon, lies across the river and will no doubt be a popular spot for Apprentices and young-hearted Warriors. This section of the river is relatively shallow, perfect for swimming. At the meeting of three territories, a patch of green, grassy meadow is neutral ground. In a few hours, the meadow will be filled with dozens of cats from all three clans, socializing and having fun.

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Edited on 04/06/17 @ 11:42:51 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 14:10:11


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Swanstar • Female • 96 moons • Leader • Meadow • Mentions: TRC Group

As the cats broke the scent line of Roseclan and into the neutrality of the meadow, Swanstar halted and waved her tail like a conductor's wand, commanding her clan to stop. She turned, a bright, happy look on her face and began to speak to the cats. "Cats of Roseclan," she thundered, "Remember, respect our fellow clans, no matter how they treat you. I cannot emphasize that enough." The snow leopardess smiled, eyeing Daisypaw with a humorous air. "I know some of you will giggle, but it is usually poor conduct to make dirt or water in the meadow. You must tell someone before you go, then go into either the jungle of Shadeclan or our forests and make dirt or water there. Alright, alright. I'm finished." Smiling, she sidestepped and allowed any eager cats to break into the clearing and do whatever they may.

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-08 15:34:35

Bronzeclaw| 48 Moons| Male African Lion| Deputy| Mentions: TRC Group, Swanstar [Directly]

As the tall grass of the dry savannah gave way to the soft hills of the meadow, the massive Solclan deputy glanced around, his pale eyes catching sight of the Roseclan cats. Turning his large skull, he addressed the group behind him, his expression extremely serious.
"We must all do our best to follow the rules of the Roaring Call. That means no fighting, and please try not to offend anyone." His gaze fell on the apprentices that were in attendance. With their inexperience they would be the first to make a mistake. His speech done, Bronzeclaw gestured for them to follow him as he padded onto the field. It looked as if Shadeclan hadn't arrived yet, which meant that they were left to converse with the much smaller cats of Roseclan. Approaching Swanstar, Bronzeclaw dipped his head in respect.
"Greetings Swanstar, how are you faring this day?" He asked, deep, gentle voice full of civility.

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-06-08 16:12:25
Nightpaw/ Solclan MCA/ 6 Moons/ Mentions: Bronzeclaw (indirectly) Swanstar (Indirectly) Roseclans Medicine Cat (Indirectly)/ open for interaction

Nightpaw trailed behind Bronzeclaw his eyes narrowed as he saw Roseclans come into view. He kept close to the deputy yet tried to give space. He didn't know who all of each clan would attend but perhaps Swanstar could introduce him to her clans medicine cat, surely Roseclans or Shadeclans Med would help him.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 16:21:09

| Scorchstar |
Male • 97 Moons • Amur x Bengal Tiger (Golden Tabby) • Leader
Location: Meadow • Mentions: {Directly} TRC Group, Swanstar, Bronzeclaw / {Indirectly} Eveningstar, Dawnwhisper, Patcheart

After lecturing Dawnwhisper, Scorchstar swiftly caught up with the group as they travelled to the meadow, keeping a close eye on Lilypaw and helping the young apprentice whenever needed as they traversed through muddy terrain and across strongly flowing rivers. At last his paws touched soft, wet grass as they left the jungle behind. He could spy the pale, spotted pelt of Swanstar among the cats gathered in the clearing as well as Bronzeclaw's brighter golden coat. It was clear Shadeclan was the last to arrive, but the massive tiger's pawsteps remained unhurried as he started toward the other leader and deputy, leaving Patcheart to remind his own Clan of their manners. "Swanstar, Bronzeclaw," he greeted with a nod of his head, settling back on his haunches once he'd reached them. "Lovely weather for a gathering, hm?" He asked a bit wryly, knowing the cats of Solclan and Roseclan might not appreciate the rain like his Clan did. "Where is Eveningstar?" He inquired, searching Bronzeclaw's gaze closely for a reaction. "Are we to call you Bronzestar now?"

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-08 17:18:09

Bronzeclaw| 48 Moons| Male African Lion| Solclan Deputy| Mentions: Scorchstar [Directly] Swanstar [Indirectly]

As a huge, muscular orange body approached them, Bronzeclaw turned his attention to the Shadeclan leader, responding to his question with a calm expression and an easy chuckle.
"Of course not. Eveningstar is sure to arrive soon." The answer was vague enough that it gave a credible explanation, but it still did not reveal that the Solclan leader had not been seen for a while. With both Frostheart and now Eveningstar gone, the clan of lions were without a couple of their strongest members, which in turn left them vulnerable. And neither Shadeclan nor Roseclan needed to know that. Flicking his ears, Bronzeclaw settled his giant body with a soft sigh, taking the attention off of him with a pointed question aimed at Scorchstar.
"And how are you this day Scorchstar? Enjoying the weather I presume." He said, pale eyes searching the tiger's face for any signs of annoyance. Of course it wouldn't be easily detectable, the secretive Shadeclan cats were quite good at hiding their emotions.

Nightfrost| 34 Moons| Female Jaguar (Melanistic)| Roseclan Warrior| Mentions: Open for Interaction

Beneath the shadow of a secluded tree, the jet-black body of a female jaguar could barely be seen, her fur blending seamlessly into the darkness. Two golden eyes were the only discernible feature from the inky mass of graceful limbs, their depths eerily calm as she watched her leader interact with the intimidating authorities of both Shadeclan and Solclan. It seemed that the creamy white leader of the lions was nowhere to be seen, the golden-pelted hide of his new deputy sitting in his stead. Nightfrost vaguely wondered what had happened to the icy giant of a male. Had he gone missing as well? It was well-known that Frostheart, the last Solclan deputy, had disappeared not even a moon ago. A smile curled her lip. If that was so, than the strong pride of maned cats was vulnerable, though Bronzeclaw was doing an extremely good job at hiding it. Perhaps Eveningstar had been correct in choosing him to take Frostheart's place. Moving her attention away from the three monarchs, the dark-pelted she-cat scanned the clearing, looking for anyone to converse with. Maybe she would just stay here, hidden in the soft blackness.

Winterflame| 26 Moons| Female Siberian Tiger| Shadeclan Warrior| Mentions: Open for Interaction

A fiery pelt moved through the thick mass of cats, the she-cat it belonged to searching for anyone to talk to. It had been quite awhile since she'd attended a Roaring Call, and none of the creatures there looked familiar. The only ones that she was comfortable approaching were those from her own clan. While others would be content with remaining in contact with their clan-mates, and only their clan-mates, Winterflame was hell bent on meeting someone new. Despite the rising tensions between them all, the outgoing fae was determined to make new friends, and hopefully avoid making any enemies. If a fight should arise however, she wasn't afraid to defend herself or her clan, but it wasn't on the top of her list. The Roseclan cats were all so diverse, their ranks ranging from the pale pelts of the snow leopard, to the golden tones of the cheetah. Solclan on the other hand, was full of intimidating, massive lions. Their maned heads and broad skulls rivaling those of even the largest male tigers. Excitement coursed through Winterflame's veins, the night was still young, and everything was going well so far.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 17:41:32
Moonpaw | Male | 23 moons | White Tiger | Location: Camp | Apprentice | Mentions: [Directly]: Nightfrost [Indirectly] N/A

Moonpaw was boiling with excitement. He saw the great tan beasts from Solclan and the many diverse species from Roseclan. If he was able to, Moonpaw would talk to everyone. He looked around to see any apprentices around his age but it came to no avail. Instead, Moonpaw saw a black leopard from Roseclan. He ran over to the leopard , almost to appear as he was hopping. Moonpaw couldn't help or control his excitement. Once he got to the golden-eye cat, he sat down next to her. He was too close to where he seemed invading but close enough to have a conversation with. Hello! I'm Moonpaw from Shadeclan. Well, I'm sure you already knew that from my stripes and because I'm not tan, and because you might've recognized me if I was from your clan.." Moonpaw rambled on, not taking a breath in between his words. He looked at the black leopard, or was it a leopard? Moonpaw doesn't know much about the other cat species.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-08 18:28:09
Brokenfeather|Male|56 Moons|Leopard|Roseclan|Deputy|Mentions: [Direct] Moonpaw,

The male could be seen in a tree, watching cubs frolic and dance in the weaving grass, and he jumped down, spotting a striped apprentice, what better than to scare a cub? The deputy jumped down from the tree, sneaking through the tall grass. He made himself about the size of an apprentice when he crouched. When he got close, the deputy pawed the tail of Moonpaw. snaking right, left, right. His rosette colored fur almost invisible to others who couldn't sense movement. "Hey little big warrior, mind if I call you that? I'm Brokenfeather, the deputy of Roseclan." He grinned toothily, his large canines shiny and pearly white, in contrast to his rosette markings. "Want to meet a very special guest?"

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 18:37:53
SnowPaw ~ Female ~ 1 year, 4 months ~ White siberian tiger ~ Apprentice ~ Location: Gathering
Mentions: OPEN

SnowPaw was busy playing in the rain to play with anyone. She stared at the puddles and splashed the wter everytime the water rippled when a raindrop plopped into it. She was so amused by the water that no one could understand. She let out joyous purrs and squeaks, before she grew tired of pawing the water. She was so glad DawnWhisper allowed her to go! Her tail swaying, she hopped over to MoonPaw, seeing he was speaking to someone else before looking for someone in another clan to speak with.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 20:51:38

| Scorchstar |
Male • 97 Moons • Amur x Bengal Tiger (Golden Tabby) • Leader
Location: Meadow • Mentions: {Directly} Bronzeclaw / {Indirectly} Eveningstar, Frostheart

The response he received was a careful answer and in truth Scorchstar had expected no less. Even whilst sharing such a strong alliance no cat wished to expose their Clan's weaknesses, but Scorchstar wasn't satisfied just yet. "I should hope he will arrive soon. We've all heard about Frostheart. What a shame it would be for both leader and deputy to go missing in such a short amount of time." He moved closer to the lion, eyes blazing. "The dogs seem to be picking your Clan off one by one. It won't be long now before they begin attacking the rest of us. We should end this strife before it progresses any further, as I have suggested time and time again. Perhaps now you will finally be willing to listen." Bronzeclaw made an attempt at changing the subject, and Scorchstar humored him, but the fire never left his gaze. "Indeed, the rain is a welcome change. The jungle has been a bit dry as of late."

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| Tidebreaker |
Male • 34 Moons • Pantanal Jaguar • Warrior
Location: Meadow • Mentions: {Directly} Brokenfeather / {Indirectly} Nightfrost, Moonpaw

Tidebreaker followed Brokenfeather into the meadow warily, eyes widening ever so slightly as he took in the large myriad of cats. He had decided before they even left to remain close to the leopard on the chance he needed an explanation for some tradition, after all the deputy had offered to assist him should he need advice. The lions were a sea of tan and golden pelts, the males sporting thick manes while the females necks remained as bare as his own. The tigers were an ocean of bright orange fur and black stripes in comparison, save for the two darkly striped white cubs playing only pawsteps away.

One of the cubs had dashed over to where Nightfrost lounged, chattering away, while the other cub moved further into the crowd of mingling cats. Brokenfeather chose to perch among the branches of one of the trees bordering the clearing and Tidebreaker settled beneath it. It wasn't long before Brokenfeather launched himself from the branches and lowered his body into a hunter's crouch upon landing, creeping forward stealthily. Tidebreaker stared after the other male in confusion. What could he be hunting here? He realized within seconds Brokenfeather was stalking the white tiger apprentice and hastily rose to his paws, trailing after him. Was it appropriate for the deputy to creep after the cubs of another Clan like this?

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

| Fawnstep |
Male • 73 Moons • Transvaal Lion (Leucistic) • Warrior
Location: Meadow • Mentions: {Directly} None - Open / {Indirectly} Lilystream

Fawnstep's pale gaze swept over the clearing, taking in the familiar sight of lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs and many other cats coming together for this very special occasion. Despite the poor weather and the mysterious disappearance of his Clanmates, Fawnstep was in high spirits. He turned his head to search for Lilystream, having stayed by the young lioness' side on the journey. He wanted to give her the space to mingle with others now that they had arrived, but also felt the need to make certain she didn't try to hide herself away or simply flop down in the rain with no intention of seeking out conversation.

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 20:57:38 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-08 21:24:37

Bronzeclaw| 48 Moons| Male African Lion| Solclan Deputy| Mentions: Scorchstar [Directly]

"I can assure you, our leader is fine and well. I agree that the dogs of the mud should be dealt with, but rushing blindly into battle will not gain us anything. We do not know how strong they are, they could be amassing an army for all we know. Personally, I believe reconnaissance will do us good. However, that is not my decision to make. If you wish to discuss this with Eveningstar, I suggest that you wait until he arrives." All of this was said in a measured, even tone, the pale and calm eyes of the Solclan deputy meeting the fiery ones of Shadeclan's leader. Bronzeclaw had expected to be berated with questions, as he so often was, even at home. To be honest, he didn't have all of the answers, but it was his duty to represent Solclan in Eveningstar's stead. If that meant dealing with situations such as this, then so be it, he would stand his ground. Bronzeclaw could tell that Scorchstar had only allowed the change of subject on his terms, and so he followed along, hoping to cool the discussion into a more peaceful conversation.
"I'm glad that your clan enjoys this weather. We Solclan cats are used to the more intense heat that the Savannah provides," He paused, studying the other male with a slightly amused gaze, "I'm sure the jungle offers hotter climates as well. I myself have never wandered there."

Nightfrost| 34 Moons| Female Jaguar (Melanistic)| Roseclan Warrior| Mentions: Tidebreaker, Moonpaw, Brokenfeather [Directly]

The pitter-patter of stumbling paws caught her attention, causing her to tear her gaze away from the mingling crowd and onto the form of a small white tiger. The cub rushed towards her, his face full of excitement, with no fear in his eyes. Chuckling, Nightfrost adopted a more open body language, not bothering to move as the apprentice sidled up to her, rambling on after introducing himself in barely a single breath.
"Slow down there young one," She purred, gazing down at him with warm eyes, "If you don't breathe, you'll pass out." The tone of her voice was teasing, inviting him to continue speaking after he'd calmed down. Before she could tell him her name, she caught sight of Brokenfeather, the Roseclan deputy, stalking towards them in the long grass. Raising an eyebrow, she shifted closer to the cub, though the male's body language didn't seem hostile.
"Careful Brokenfeather, you don't want to scare him." She scolded softly, her voice calm and airy. Soon after, she caught a glance of Tidebreaker trailing close behind, his expression tense and confused. Perhaps he'd been as worried as she was about their deputy's intentions.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-08 21:42:49
Brokenfeather|Male|56 Moons|Leopard|Roseclan|Deputy|Mentions: [Direct] Moonpaw, Nightfrost, Tidebreaker

Brokenfeather understood exactly what the two cats were thinking by Nightfrost's scold, so he walked off, to listen to the leader's discussion. As he arrived, the intense eyeing Bronzeclaw was giving Scorchstar. He looked at Swanstar, walking up beside her. "Perhaps Scorchstar is right. With all of the clans working together, we could organize a raid." Brokenfeather was still hurt by the eyes that glanced at him as he talked to the apprentice. He wanted to find out more of the Shadeclan tigeresses he saw over there...

And with a snap! Brokenfeather was reminded of the cold rain he had avoided up until then. The sticky rain plastered to his fluffy coat, every so often lightening and then pouring, again, heavily. Maybe Shadeclan liked it, but he despised it.

(Sorry for uncorrect spelling)

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-08 21:49:28
Junglescar|Female|Tiger|Shadeclan|Warrior|Mentions: [Direct] Brokenfeather, Moonpaw, [Indirect] Nightfrost, Tidebreaker

The female arrived last, checking over all before deciding to rest in the humid rain. She closed her eyes, in a tree that was overlooking the meadow. Until a loud cub voice barked. She opened her eyes, steaming. Then a male crept up. She looked at the stranger. When he left, she went down to overlook Moonpaw. Seeing nothing wrong, she walked off. Her head was high, tail high, and stripes bouncing in the greenery.

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 21:50:24 by Jackal (#84624)

Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 22:01:51
Moonpaw | Male | 23 moons | White Tiger | Location: Camp | Apprentice | Mentions: [Directly]: Brokenfeather, Nightfrost, Tidebreaker [Indirectly] N/A

Moonpaw gave a light chuckle as the black cat directed to him to slow down. She looked like she about to say something until Moonpaw felt something on his tail. In response to the sudden action, and from his apprentice training, Moonpaw jumped up and turned to see a big leopard. Instinctively, his ears pulled back in a "fierce" way but Moonpaw soon to realize that it was a truce day. "Sorry, sir. I didn't mean to.." Moonpaw apologized for his rude actions to the leopard, especially to the deputy of Roseclan.. The huge cat wanted to know if Moonpaw wanted to see a special guest. "Sure!! I would love to! Before the leopard could do anything, he walked off. "Okay, bye.. Moonpaw felt a little upset because his curiosity got the better of him. He turned his gaze to another leopard not so far away from where Brokenfeather was. 'Is this the special guest?' Moonpaw thought. The white tiger was little for his age and to have three leopards around him made him intimidated. "Hello! My name is Moonpaw! Moonpaw yelled out to the leopard, or was it a jaguar? They both looked the same to him.

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