Posted by Into the Earth (Lion Rp)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-28 10:14:37
The world is growing hotter by the minute, herds are dying or finding refuge in an underground 'paradise'. You, or your pride, has to follow them down or die in the aftermath. While dying on the outside, it's thriving on the inside. With underground rivers and lakes, its quite nice in this underground world. Though, as always, looks are deceiving. Strange new predators and prey lurk in the shadows of this so called paradise. So it's either into the earth or suffocate by the ever growing heat. Can you survive this new world?



~Arks - A deadly wolf-like creature with 6 legs, 2-4 tails and poisonous bites. They are white in color with flame colored tails, 'socks' and ears. Fiery red eyes and sharpened teeth. They are a deadly asset, but rarely come into contact with bigger animals. No larger than 2ft at the shoulder. Hunt in packs of 2-3. Arks
~~Baks - Similar to a cheetah/wolf like hybrid, these creatures are more dangerous than a human with a gun. Hardly ever seen before an attack, a Bak will materialize out of the shadows and attack. Solitary animals, only hunt in pairs when in 'season'. 4'' at the shoulder, though height varies and they tend to be 3.3ft. Baks
~~Igna - Another wolf-like creature, though it more closely resembles a wolf than anything else. They are dominantly black in color, with grey highlights, though cases have been seen where the colors were switched. Generally have blue/mint green eyes. Overgrown teeth and hair that grows out like a semi-mane down the back of the neck. Not to be messed with! Stands 3.8ft at the shoulder, typical size of a male lion. Form packs of up to 4. Igna


~~Skera - Resembles a silver fox more than anything, as bright blue, glowing, markings running across the body. Bright glowing blue eyes as well. Typically harmless, the creatures will not fight back unless they have young or mates nearby. A mere 1.5ft at the shoulder. Skera
~~Kenchi - These hybrids aren't much of a hassle. Though they do tend to fight back rather hard. Always travels in a mated pair, young kicked out at 6 months of age. The males are always going to be bigger and bulkier than the females, with large horns that stick out from the back of the head. They will always be warm colors. The females, cool colors, generally light blues. They have small horms sticking from their heads (like a female goat), and small spikes sticking from the spine / base of jaw. Both have swooping fur-like extensions acorss the back, under the tail, and around the head. Height anywhere from 3-5 feet Kenchi (Ignore the main information about them, they are MY species!)

Regular Prey/Preds

Anything native to Africa!

Rules (everyone hates 'em but you gotta have 'em)
~Non-Lions have to be native to Africa!
~Semi-Literate RP
~At least 4 sentences a character, be descriptive!
~No power-play, super characters or bullying anyone!
~Challenging of King can happen on a full moon, by any rank higher than omega.
~Cubs must be at least 8 months of age to be on their own, explain why there is no mother unless a year of age.
~No forced-breedings unless prior discussed with player of choice.


King (-/1) (Through RP)
Queen (1/1)
Lucifer (Lioness)
Beta Male (-/1)
Beta Female (-/1)
Sentinels (Guards of upper 4) (2/4)
Roho (Lion)
Kali (Lioness)
Elders (6+ years) (-/5)
Lead Warriors (--/2)
Warriors (1/+)
Mamba (Leopard)
Lead Hunters (-/2)
Hunters (--/+)
Lead Scouts (-/2)
Scouts (1/6)
Nakrom (AWD)
Cub Watchers (-/3)
Omegas (--/+)
Cubs (--/+)
Loners (2/6)
Cloverick (Hyena)
AdameiRa (Lioness)
Non-Lions (3/7)

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Edited on 02/07/17 @ 21:40:19 by Wolflord (Brief FEB Hiatus) (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-28 10:20:21
Beginning of RP;
Starts off during first NIGHT in the underground world... So all those bioluminescent creatures will be lurking about.
-Some of the native prey to Africa have run into bioluminescent plants!! Now splattered in neon greens and blues.

A creepy fog drifts across the ground, tendrils reaching out as it covers more and more land. Damp air, misty even.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-28 10:20:58
Female / 3 / Queen / Lioness
Mentions: Pride

White paws placed themselves down carefully, eyes scanning the surroundings as she lead the small group through the looming trees. Everything down here was strange, at least they weren't burning to death! Ears twitched and turned though she tensed and backpedaled as something glowing raced towards the group. Teeth bared as she lunged heavily towards it with a loud growl, strangely the creature veered off and away. Upon closer inspection it was an antelope covered in a glowing liquid that was dripping down its sides. Whatever it was running from she didn't want to know, so she turned towards the denser trees where hopefully safety resided. A wild dog padded near her left flank, showing her leadership but close enough to provide safety for it's queen. The 'pride' was a ragtag group indeed, Lions, a leopard and an African wild dog...

Male / 2 / Scout / AWD
Mentions: Pride

The AWD trotted alongside the lioness calmly, though was ever alert. Large radar-like ears moved in every direction and a soft crashing gradually drew closer as a bright green... something.. raced towards them, the lioness before him shot forwards with a growl and sent it careening away. Just an antelope covered in some kind of glowing liquids. Eyes shot to the other members of the group, feeling safe only near this one as she accepted him... The others not so much... He probably had been as much of an oddball as the leopard nearby.

(Sorry these are short... Tired)

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Edited on 28/06/17 @ 10:53:30 by Wolflord (Brief FEB Hiatus) (#17200)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 03:40:29

| R O H O |
Male • 5 y/o • Leucistic Transvaal Lion • Sentintel
Location: Underground • Mentions: {Directly} Imani (NPC) / {Indirectly} Lucifer, Nakrom

Under different circumstances Roho might have found the underground world beautiful, countless brightly colored, glowing plants stretching out ahead of him for miles upon miles. Imani gazed around them with eyes like saucers, clearly not sharing her father’s misgivings. “Stay close,” Roho warned, a myriad of unfamiliar scents flooding his senses. “We don’t know what else might be lurking down here.” Before long they left the meadow of strange flora behind, entering a foggy wooded area. Roho wondered how trees ever managed to grow without the sun.

A threatening growl coming from ahead had the white lion abruptly halting, Imani colliding with his flank and tumbling to the ground before quickly righting herself. Before Roho could turn to check on the near adolescent something glittering came careening toward him and a startled roar escaped his maw. He lashed out on instinct, his claws meeting in the creature’s throat and sending blood spraying across the ground as the beast collapsed. Imani rushed forward to get a closer look and he held out a paw to block her, shooting the young lioness a look that demanded she stay behind him.

Inching closer, Roho found his ‘attacker’ was little more than an antelope with a stained pelt. Embarrassment and a good amount of guilt pulsed through the male. He was not the kind to kill without reason, and now he had ended an animal he had no idea if he could even eat. Leaning down to sniff at the deceased antelope, he hadn’t yet taken notice of the group heading into a denser area of the forest.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

| M A M B A |
Female • 4 y/o • Melanistic Central African Leopard • Warrior
Location: Underground • Mentions: {Directly} Lucifer, Nakrom

Mamba trailed after Lucifer and Nakrom in silence, a respectable distance from the unspoken queen of their little group, yet still close enough to get in on the action should anything down here prove hostile. Her pale yellow gaze followed every flicker of movement to be found in the darkness, knowing they were likely being watched by unknown forces. Her claws unsheathed, sinking into the dirt beneath their paws as she walked, almost willing one of the underground’s beasts to come closer. It'd been so long since she had the chance to sink the deadly weapons into an enemy.

The growl rumbling in Lucifer's throat quickly caught her attention and her rounded ears perked with interest, heart racing with exhilaration as something glowing raced toward them. The queen lurched toward it and sent it fleeing before Mamba could even slash at it and she was disappointed to find it was little more than fleeing prey. ’What a disappointment.’ A masculine roar soon after coming from behind them had the leopard’s head tilting toward Lucifer. “Sounds as if we aren’t alone. Would you like Nakrom and I to investigate?”

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Edited on 29/06/17 @ 03:41:50 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-07-02 07:27:58
Female / 3 / Queen / Lioness
Mentions: Mamba, Nakrom

Head swung back as a roar behind them sounded, maybe male or a deep voiced female yea? Ears flipped towards the leopard behind her, about to nod she paused, "Maybe we should all go.. Lets not get separated out here. This jungle is strange to us." She said before a paw raised and beckoned the leopard to lead the little party. The queen wouldn't reveal herself fully until the threat was assessed and the followers noted why they were so close. In all honesty though, they probably didn't even notice the group ahead of them, with only a single lioness in the weird group. Upon closer inspection it looked to be a male with a teen and the splattered antelope. Ears swiveled around as gaze flipped all over. Strange things lurked in these trees for sure, and her white pelt probably wasn't helping the case much either. Nakrom was sent forwards to further investigate as well as a nod to her black coated warrior Mamba. One who struck like a snake with a horrible bite.

Thoughts drifted as they moved could this be a trap? Just a weird picture like the heat above often played on their minds? Well! Time to find out, paws drifted her forwards as she examined the pair ahead. Maybe they should turn back.. No that'd bring attention to them, despite utter silence maybe they could get some answers from this small group. Eyes flicked forwards in silent instruction. Nakrom understood immediately and gave a fleeting smirk before drifting around to the edge of the trees but well within hiding from the group.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-07-09 16:50:54
(How long does it tae fer a braindead fox like me te realize the RP thread was already up? A long damn time XD)

Cloverick/M/4.5 yrs/ Hyena- Loner

The pale hyena walked in silence with his companion and who he saw as his sister for what seemed like forever i the darkened jugngle lands they ound themselves in. He was shivering due to nerves and wariness, he felt a bump on his shoulder a looked over to see Adameira, ive him a funny expression that made him chuckle.

Her voice rumbled low as she spoke calmly to him;

"Fret not my brother, i'm sure all will work out...we just need te understand the new world around us...once we establish that and find what'ss safe and what's not we can settle a bit...if not find more alike us eh? Even if ye aloe i kno' there's n where else i'd rather be than with ye..."

He smiled at the mained lioness, she was right and he was happy. If he wre to die or liev it didn't matter. so long as the two were together he was fine and dandy. They spoke to each other while keeping an eye out on things...Cloverick got he idea to use torches so they'd feel somewhat safernd light their way better.
He had to make an attachment to his current equiptment but it was worth having a light with him to sit beside him and rest on his shoulder or just behind.

(hopefully that's fine. I've no idea where they are tbh but they can be nearby the group)

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