Posted by Piebalds Roll AFTER Mut Items

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2018-09-27 15:53:17
You know what sucks? When you use a GMO Cow and you get a piebald. Or, when you lion scrote'd your DU and you get a piebald.

Currently, as I've been told by a moderator via a modbox ticket, everything rolls like this;
Leopon > Piebald > Items (GMO/Lion Meat/Lion Scrotum) > CRB > Fertility > Primal

I suggest it roll like this instead, because if you're using mutation items, you aren't really breeding for Piebalds?
Leopon > Items (GMO/Lion Meat/Lion Scrotum) > CRB > Fertility > Piebald > Primal

Sure, you could just not use a piebald stud, but people have breeding projects. Sometimes you gotta use the piebald stud.
This way, the piebald is like a fail mutation. If the piebald triggers, you know for a fact that that cub wouldn't have been anything else, instead of wondering "well, shit, what if that cub would have been a leopon??"

This suggestion has 106 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/09/18 @ 17:43:27 by 🐾 Typhon |PUTPMottEbonyPie (#41384)

Myr [frozen -
contact @ #76] (#188)

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Posted on
2018-09-27 17:03:54
I support, though personally I think it’d make more sense to have it after fertility too? That way piebald and primal are the last two in the roll order, which seems logical to me given how relatively common (and thus easily passable) they are, and because primal was already previously moved to the end of the roll order for similar reasons. It’d be easiest to remember as well - just need to remember that the passable muts come last.

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Torquil (#53504)

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Posted on
2018-09-27 17:04:43
Ditto on what Myr said, I think Piebald should roll after fertility.

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Rabbity [2Gen Primal
Solaris] (#97323)

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Posted on
2018-09-27 17:27:25
It would have to roll after Fertility since (according to clarification I got from a mod ticket where they asked the coders) CRB and Fertility are actually in the same slot. So the roll order right now should read:

Leopon > Piebald > GMO/Lion Meat/Lion Scrotum > CRB/Fertility > Primal

Ticket Screenshot for proof

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Edited on 27/09/18 @ 17:35:24 by Rabbity (#97323)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2018-09-27 17:44:55
I was 99% sure that's how I had it but it appears not rofl. Fixed it!

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Roxanne (#121082)

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Posted on
2018-11-26 18:26:04

I have CRB projects that give me so many pies because I want the cubs to be clean-lined and my main king is dirty as shit sooOOO

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Lady Argent
(Clean/StM) (#146403)

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Posted on
2018-11-26 18:27:47
I need this always and forever; at this point, the roll order is actually actively keeping me from kinging a pie/patches king, because I don't want a passable mutie to roll before any items I've used on a breeding. If I spend a GMO cow on a litter, and get 2 cubs, both pies, that would be the absolute worst thing to me; sure, pies sell decently, but I wasn't trying for a pie.

1000% support, just put non-hybrid passable muties last.

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Harrisheart (#3768)

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Posted on
2023-03-04 21:03:28
I was about to make this suggestion myself, so I'm glad I saw this. It would make a lot more sense for piebald and patches to be next to primal in the roll order, because they're all naturally passing mutations. It feels counterintuitive to have a mutation with a constant base chance roll before items that are added specifically to a breeding, and it keeps me from using otherwise gorgeous studs constantly.

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