Posted by Writer's Unite Members Wriitng

Natalia Romanova (#34922)

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Posted on
2018-11-23 12:58:37
This is where the members of Writers Unite can post their work for others to view.

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Kazul (#98759)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-23 13:10:12
Just a little story i started on then got writer's block on. It's still untitled too since i been writing this for practice XD

A young man in a long black trench coat and a black hat was walking through the wastelands on Earth, looking for his Mecha before the humans of Earth found it. So far the only luck he has had was a meteor shower has happened and hit the wastelands around the same time his Mecha hit Earth. His bright green eyes took in the sights of the wasteland where countless orphans were working as scavengers.

The scene was full of old ruins of the days past before technology had advanced, orphans where over seen by men in blood red suits and near the entrance of the city there were people selling junk the orphans found. Smoke would rise over a large wall of junk making it easy to spot the camps the orphans lived in safe from the dangers of the harsh environment after dark. He could hear the shopkeepers yelling above the competition as well as hearing dogs in the distance, probably a pack of wolves he thought. He took in a deep breath and nearly gagged on both the smell and taste of the air, he had forgotten Earth’s wasteland was polluted to the point of no return, it was a mix of gas, smoke, sewage and a hint of rotten eggs. He pulled out his bandana and covered his nose and mouth to keep most of it out of his system as it probably would make him too sick to join in the Mecha battles.

After he put the bandana on his face, his hand went up to his left ear and started to mess with a device that seem to show way too much. It was like a large round bulb in his ear with lots of dials and buttons on it to see things that aren’t there or to hack into a database. His right eye went dark and his left eye started to virtually overlay a video he managed to get from the database on Earth along with other info they may need for the future. As he watched the virtual Meteors hit the real ground a young girl runs out of a crater being chased by two men in black suits.

He reverted his eyes back to normal and went to check it out noticing the teen seemed familiar in a way. He pulled a small disc from his pocket and pushed a button causing a bust of a young woman who looked like she was a female version of him. She looked up and scowled at him as if she wasnt happy to see him.

“I know that look on your face too well brother. What did you find this time?” She asked him, her face stern and deadly. He shrugged and moved the disc just right to where she seen the girl running from the men.

“Oh stars above! We don’t have room nor the time to deal with anymore kids in trouble. Let alone the fact we need to find you-,” She stopped noticing the girl’s dark pink hair and sighed, “Fine do what you want but if this causes more problems you’re on your own with it.” She pushed her glasses up her nose before it went blank. He put away the disc and looked back over at the girl before running after them.

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Edited on 23/11/18 @ 13:23:30 by Kazul (#98759)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2020-07-31 15:50:00
Here's something I wrote for a prompt fill for another clan, but really like it and want to share
Its part of Dragon Age: Inquisition fic a friend and I are writing together, so may not be many peoples interest, lol


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nSmilusG4 (#222817)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2021-05-02 09:29:04
this is an extract from a short story I'm working on called the moor house

I slogged through the muck and mire that surrounded the old dilapidated house that rested on the moors, as it had for well over a century. Trudging up the creaking wooden steps I pull the old metal key from my pocket, this key had been in the family for as long as I remember.
It’s a family tradition that goes back generations, my brother came before me and our dad before him but everyone in our family comes here just one time. I’ve never heard of anyone coming back. The lock clicks and the old door creaks open, the wind moans through the empty halls as if bidding me welcome, as it passes a strange quiet encompasses the air the creaking of the wood beneath my feet as I stepped through the threshold almost made me jump as it broke the oppressive quiet.
Walking through the halls looking at the old family pictures and a sense of melancholy settled over as pictures of myself, siblings and parents sat amongst the older photos of relatives that had lived here long before my immediate family did. Even then I don’t really remember being here when I was young.
I run my hand along the banister as I head up the stairs, the moment I reached the top the stairs the creak and groan of the wood filled my ears as did the smell of damp. The room ahead was dark with a foreboding pressure that froze me where I stood, I could not tear my eyes away from it and the longer I stared into the dark the more I felt something hidden in its depths staring back at me. The shift in the darkness is what finally what shook me from my stupor I felt the rush of fear and adrenalin rush through my body and in an instant, I sprinted down the hallway to my left and into the room at the end of it I slammed the door behind me as its hinges screeched in protest.
I slumped against the door catching my breath it felt like my heart was going to break out of my chest and keep running.

I looked up to the room around me as my heart rate returned to normal, the walls shaded in faded pink peeling with the damp of the moors, the only light in the room was streaming through the windows a pale-yellow light as if the sun was starting to set. Have I really been here that long?
The room was a nursery, an old wooden crib and mold ridden toys fill the room there’s a feeling of nostalgia to this place, like I’d been there before. There was a creek from the floorboards outside the room and then they evolved into heavy foot falls and then the room began to shift. The light changed and became very cold, the walls were no longer faded and peeling then a sound filled the air a baby crying and before me I saw behind the crib a woman cradling a baby and trying to keep it quiet. The footsteps grew louder and heavier the closer the got to the door, they became so heavy that the floor shook under me and I thought that the whole house might come crashing down on my head. The pounding started soon after and I heard a male voice screaming at ‘Vera’ to open the door, all I wanted to do was run and hide at that moment in time thought that had not worked so well in this case, though all of this couldn’t be real right? I shakily stood and ‘Vera’s’ eyes tracked me the whole time, I looked at her and saw the fear in her eyes as I tried to swallow my own and I turned on my heel and looked towards the door. I took a shaky breath before placing my hand on the door handle, I closed my eyes and pulled the door open as quickly as I could and when I did all the sound stopped, I opened my eyes and I was staring into the hall again and behind me the nursery was back to the way it was before.

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