BrotherLion (#107782)

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Posted on
2019-01-04 06:19:39
Apologies if this has been suggested before, I did only a quick search of the term "mass naming" and nothing came up for this idea so here we go.

Hey guys, I know I've made some suggestions before in the past and, I think I've got a good one this time.

Mass naming.

My pride is 40+ and growing, and some of us have even more lions than that. We like to label our lions, right? Label them for chasing, killing, reserving, selling, holding for a friend or another member, etc. But it can get tedious when there are so many to be labeled and you have to go through them each individually and name them what their purpose will be for; time consuming and just a real chore. I'm looking to do a mini purge on my pride here soon to toss out some lions I don't want or need, but there's a good 20 of them at least and that's what inspired this idea. If there was a feature added to the cave pages that would allow us to mass name lions by making their names editable on the cave page, then we could quickly get through the labeling, move them all to a new cave to separate them from the rest of the pride, send them off later and be done with it! It would be almost like the mass move feature for moving multiple lions from one cave to another, but for naming. Of course, this feature could only apply to names, not footnotes or hunter/broodmother settings as those should be left on the lion pages, but still convenient especially for karma junkies who like to sort their lions quickly and easily with labeling!

So yay or nay?

This suggestion has 14 supports and 1 NO support.

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Jay (#67490)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2019-01-12 09:43:55
When mass naming I think it should also show a picture of the lion, maybe a small icon next to the name box that you'd hover the mouse over to see a small thumbnail? (Maybe that would be a good suggestion for normal cave view too?)
Otherwise when labeling unnamed cubs for example you have no clue what specific cub you are labeling/naming since all you would see is "Cub".

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