Posted by Ga'Ja Interactive Adopts [BREEDING OPEN]

Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 18:41:08

Ga'Ja Capsule Adoptables

You find yourself half asleep, yet walking forward in a lavender-painted field, pushed by some strange force. You realize you have no idea where you are, and feel as if you're in a dream, or perhaps rolled in the wrong pile of mushrooms...Something is driving you forward, however, and you continue on. The field seems to drown you in a sea of strange purple-hued flora, twisting upward like tangled vines and ending in blooms of bright light orbs. Through the brush, you finally come to a clearing. A strangely colored lioness cradles what appears to be an enormous pearl. She hums softly, purring and tapping her claws along the shining orb. Your gaze upon it reveals what is pulling you...whatever that lioness holds... you feel like you need it....or perhaps it needs you? The feeling is strange and you dare to investigate?

If you dare approach, the lioness greets you with a half-lidded gaze and subtle smile. Her voice is rasp and backed by growls, though it seems as if she cannot control them...almost like this wasn't her normal form, or perhaps she was just really bad at being a lioness. She taps the pearl a few times.

" So it did pull you, stranger? I didn't think their plan would work, yet you stand before me. Very well...These orbs, while very special and shiny on their own, are more than meets your eyes. These are eggs...I've been collecting and protecting them for years during my shamanistic visions and's almost as if they fall from the sky around me, or float up from the mud and puddles. They make themselves known to me, supposedly, because I am trusted to find them new life. "

You start to think perhaps this shamanistic lioness has brewed too many potions....

"I'm rambling and boring you, me in that their origin is a strange and long story, as many shaman stories tend to be...If you want this little orb...and want to see if you can let the little critters inside them grow in population and survival yet again...just bring some gold or silver beetles. We'll get you set up, friend. If not, just say the word...I'll send you back from where you came, as this world is not permanent...always shifting. You obviously shouldn't stay here without a purpose."


Available Ga'Ja Capsules

Capsule Cost - 400
--Out of Stock--


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Edited on 06/06/19 @ 16:06:38 by Magpie (#177134)

Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 18:41:13

Ga'Ja Capsule Information

Ga'Jas are interactive adoptable critters that can be played with in this forum via explorations, breeding, and many other things yet to be discovered. The capabilities, ideas, content, etc. will grow with this thread's activity ( per my own activity is able to keep up ), so that there is always something to look forward to and be a part of to discover, or, so I don't overwork myself if there is very small amounts of interest!

The way I have this set up is all by chance, using, and a number list of various categories and roll possibilities on Excel. I have done what I can to ensure it is always as fair as possible, while also still being fairly simple so that I do not confuse myself and end up making your roll outcomes inaccurate and unfair. Certain events, items, etc can be gained through interactions and random chance that will increase the odds of getting better outcomes, various interactions, increased rolls, etc. Roleplay is encouraged for interactions, but not required. However, roleplaying increases your chances of having a larger roll slightly. Sometimes larger rolls are a good thing, and sometimes they are a bad thing, but all interactions are meant to promote roleplay development and attempting to provide you with a service/item/outcome you pay for. If at any point you feel I have something severely unfair, or have suggestions, please do PM me. I have done forum games like this in the past on other websites, but it has been many years, and since I am new to Lioden itself, I am open to critique on my methods in case they are not very good or intuitive with how this site and its currency works!


Ga'Jas: Critters from an otherworldly domain that have gone all but extinct. They are protected by Asha, seen above, who seeks to allow them to grow, evolve, and repopulate. She is only one lioness, of course, so she needs help. For a small fee, Asha will allow you to attempt to hatch a Capsule.

Capsules: Result in a random currently available critter, or, a very low chance to be a dud. Dud capsules will have an item inside of it to make up for the lost critter, however.

Turns: Turns in the world of Ga'Jas are basically just...days. Irl days. A full 24 hours from your post, basically. However, Explorations also count as one full Turn. This means, if you wanted to, you could use up two full turns in one day by purchasing two Explorations. Turns are significant, but not hugely. They will come into play when you start to discover buffs and events!

Items: Ga'Jas may find items randomly in the forum itself through random events, or through explorations. Various items can be used as materials, or sometimes, can be ingested for various effects, buffs, or even increased dice rolls. 2 or more materials can be combined with Asha's help. Beware, her shamanistic ways are unpredictable.

Random Events: Random Events may be discovered in this thread for all to partake in. Events may range between many things and may be proc'd by completely random instances. Ga'Ja Swarms, Mad-Dash, Shaman Soup, and Blessings are just a few of the various ideas and possible events that can happen. Events will be listed and explained in a document as they appear, so that they can be easily identified in the future.

Buffs: Buffs can be negative or positive ( at this time there are more positive than negative ). Buffs do a lot of various things such as add rolls, allow more explorations, increase fertility, increase chances of Miracles or Harsh Lessons, etc.

Explorations: Exploring is a way for you to interact with your Ga'Ja and discover new things. Without going into too much detail, Explorations are very important for this thread, as they are a key ingredient to the Ga'Ja's world ( this thread ) growing. You can encounter a lot of different things on Explorations, gather items, witness miracles, suffer harsh lessons, evolve an adaptation, and much more, with many more things to discover. A maximum of 2 Explorations are allowed a day for each individual player.

Breeding: Breeding is also very special and a key part of this thread's growth. Breeding between two compatible Ga'Jas is possible by purchasing or finding a lavender branch, which your Ga'Jas must craft into a nest. One Turn must pass for your Ga'Jas to produce a clutch ( typically only 1 or 2 capsules, however, there is a way to get more...possibly....), which will inherit various aspects of the Ga'Ja parents. Sometimes, Ga'Jas can gain "adaptations" through breeding randomly. These adaptations will not always pass on, and are typically pretty rare. If the Ga'Jas are of two separate species of Ga'Ja...there is a possibility for hybridization to occur...Full hybrids will introduce entirely new species of Ga'Ja into this game. Partial hybrids are unique to their owner, and will not resurface as a separate specie of Ga'Ja. However, if that Partial Hybrid is bred often enough, it may keep a solid line going to be considered an "Altered Form". However, this altered form will always diminish over each generation.

Miracles and Harsh Lessons: These solo events can be encountered randomly through Explorations. They are rare instances, and may alter your Ga'Ja in rare and interesting ways that cannot pass onto offspring. You also may instead be greeted with a gift, or a curse.


Disclaimer and Other Information: All art used in this thread is made by myself. Asha, the lioness hosting the event, is an altered form of my fursona, so please be kind and do not abuse, steal, heavily reference, or otherwise disrespect my artwork or my character.

This thread is admittedly my first big project on this website and I am very new to Lioden as a whole. I was scared of doing commissions outright due to my busy life. I knew that doing roleplay formatted limited adoptables would be slightly easier for me to manage, as strange as that sounds, so I wanted to try this first. Please feel free to give suggestions and pointers in PMs if you feel like I can improve or change how I have set this up to work better <3

There will be artwork for all items in the future. Apologies for not having it immediately, but I feel like the thread still functions without the little bit of flavor for items. However, no worries, it WILL be implemented.

If there is any confusion with the processes and information, simply ask in PM's or the thread. Hopefully I can explain and solve the problem. <3

Trading: You may trade items and Ga'Ja with other users, however, the trade will NOT be counted unless it is done within this thread and I am pinged in the post. Both members must consent to the trade. If fighting or drama arises, both members will be blacklisted from participating in this thread. Your Ga'Ja are adopted characters, so technically I cannot take them away from you, but you will be banned from any further actions within this thread/game.

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Edited on 01/06/19 @ 22:18:23 by Magpie (#177134)

Magpie (#177134)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-06-01 18:41:18


Asha greets you and your Ga'Ja companion with a nod of her head. She lifts a paw and points towards the left, where the lavender twisting flora opens to reveal a path.

"If you'd like, you can explore the path to the left, friend. I'm going to need some silver beetles from you, of course...I need their silvery chitin to put a protection spell on you so you don't get lost, you know...But if you explore down that way, you may find some various shiny things, materials, or even witness something magical."

Again, you wonder just how much beetle dust this madwoman has inhaled...but you consider the offer...


(you must own a Ga'Ja in order to explore)

Cost: 175 - Maximum of 2 Daily Per Individual

Current Path Available: Hazey Field

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Edited on 01/06/19 @ 22:00:36 by Magpie (#177134)

Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 18:41:24

Ga'Ja Breeding

The strangely colored lioness beckons you towards an area nestled in the middle of the opening that is littered with branches of lavender, purple flowers and mushrooms, and soft velvety feather plumes. She holds a paw to her muzzle and shushes you as you approach. A wave of her leg across the opening reveals several sleeping Ga'Jas and a few pearl capsule eggs among the soft bedding. From the view, you can gather that she seems to have discovered a way to help the Ga'Jas breed successfully!


Asha has discovered that the pollen from Lavender Branches around the area can enhance the Ga'Ja's fertility chances. Only the finest branches of the highest quality can be used to allow this affect. The best Lavender Branches can be found on Explorations if you're lucky...but if you're desperate, Asha can provide, in exchange for some Beetles...

~Limit to 1 Breeding Per Individual Daily~


Same Species Breeding
Cost: 200 OR 1 Lavender Branch

Breeding two same-species Ga'Jas together of compatible types results in at least 1 Capsule. Breeding might result in special unique color combinations or traits, and may even result in adaptations that can be carried through in future breedings. Clutch has a chance to increase in various amounts due to rolls during the breeding, random events, or certain buffs. Capsules will be ready to "hatch" after 1 Turn. (per the results are completed, of course)

Cross Breeding
Cost: 375 OR 2 Lavender Branches

Cross-Breeding two species of Ga'Ja might result in hybridization! Partial and Full Hybrids may occur from this type of breeding, or, you may simply get a normal style of one of the parent species. Partial hybridization does not technically pass into a generation for long...Partial hybrids are unique to their owner, and breeding with it might pass on weathered down versions of the alterations of this hybrid...but eventually it will be "bred out". Full hybrids become entirely new species that can be obtainable in the world! Breeding two Ga'Jas together of compatible types results in at least 1 Capsule. Breeding might result in special unique color combinations or traits, and may even result in adaptations that can be carried through in future breedings. Clutch has a chance to increase in various amounts due to rolls during the breeding, random events, or certain buffs. Capsules will be ready to "hatch" after 1 to 3 Turns based on the ending result of the clutch. (per the results are completed, of course)

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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 21:43:53 by Magpie (#177134)

Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 18:41:32

Database & Links

Database of Ga'Jas and Player Inventories

Ga'Ja Species Bestiary

This critter was built for digging through almost any earthy surface. Despite its claws being tough and deadly, it seems to flourish in its ability to weave delicate structures from silk, wool, fur, cotton, and various natural substances found in the wild. These structures seem to be used typically for impressing a mate or making small burrows for their colonies. The uprooting destruction this creature creates may be compared to that of a large pack of warthogs.

Neuts are the amphibious equivalent to otters found in our world. They are high energy, foraging lizards who like to collect anything that glimmers, from fish scales to beetle chitin to small obsidian rocks. When startled, they will smack their rudder on a foe to dispatch them, then dive into any nearby water or mud source as quickly as they can. Their small arms are awkward and almost useless, but their hind legs deliver a powerful swimmer's kick.

This tiny ball of mischief is called a Keeper. They are notorious for being pesky little thieves, but, sometimes they are said to be better at gathering items for their owners, often able to bring home twice the found loot, or randomly seeming to produce an item out of nowhere! Of course, even the owner wouldn't know about it if it chose to keep the item for their own little hidden away stashes. These Ga'Ja are the smallest known Ga'Ja to live currently, being about as big as a small finch in our world.

Ga'Ja Inventory Database

Lavender Branch
Current Found Uses: Breeding
These flowering branches are everywhere in this realm. They smell divine and can nearly intoxicate you in a tranced, calm, mellow state. Asha has apparentely found a way to unlock this flora's full potential as a breeding enhancer for the Ga'Jas.

Broken Capsule
Current Found Uses: Material(?)
A shameful sight. Not much use for this old thing. Hopefully the Ga'Ja that once inhabited it hatched and moved on? Maybe Asha can find a use for this one day...

Shade Spore
Current Found Uses: Material(?) , Color/Trait Changer upon consumption
A tiny seed? Smells and tastes very earthy. If you squish it, purple smokey spores come out of the spines that can make you cough enough to bring tears to your eyes. Maybe Asha can find a unique use for it.

Mushroom Cap
Current Found Uses: Proc's a Harsh Lesson if consumed
This purple fungi seems to grow in secluded places. It is sweet to the taste. The spots on its cap are powdery in consistency. Insects love to make this mushroom into a home.

Glowing Sap
Current Found Uses: Material(?), Infuses your Ga'Ja with completely random DNA that will be revealed upon the next breeding.
A glowing golden sap that seeps from the lavender vine constructs that become overgrown in some areas. It is extremely sticky, but you bet it'd taste great mixed with hot water and some sort of herbs...wait what?

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Edited on 03/06/19 @ 21:28:15 by Magpie (#177134)

Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 18:41:44
( currently unused space whoops )

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Edited on 01/06/19 @ 20:47:31 by Magpie (#177134)

Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 21:56:10
Officially Open!

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MysticRealm (#48513)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-01 21:56:21
May I have one?

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greyy (#65624)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-01 21:56:57
EDIT: Saw that exploration requires a critter, can I buy a capsule, please?

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Edited on 01/06/19 @ 21:58:25 by hufflepuff. (#65624)

Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 21:58:02

You definitely may. Just send over 400 for one of the capsules, and if you'd like to roleplay your initial reaction, describe what you/your character may do to attempt to "hatch" the capsule.

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Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 21:59:05
@hufflepuff Oops, My apologies, I probably should have better illustrated how that works. I'm afraid exploring cannot be unlocked until you own a Ga'Ja. ;; I'll edit that so it's more clear.

Edit: Oh, you caught it before me. Yes, just send the 400 over and we'll get you rolled. You may also opt to roleplay your interaction with the capsule if you desire.

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Edited on 01/06/19 @ 21:59:52 by Magpie (#177134)

MysticRealm (#48513)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-01 22:02:46
(No problem!)

Queen Juracan Sher wandered upon this tiny shop in the middle of nowhere, seeing a lioness waving her tail from side to side as she watches Sher. Sher stared for awhile, before going over to her, asking what this tiny shop was suppose to be. A little curious with the layout and little shiny balls beside her.

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Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 22:11:25
((In the future I meant as more of an interaction with your capsule. To keep this thread as fast rolling as possible when its open, I do not plan on doing super heavy RP with Asha unless it's an event <3 ))

Asha explained to the Queen that approached her...her words somewhat twisted and flowing like a river bombarded by rocks and pebbles...she rambled and branched off, often trailing into too much unnecessary lore. As she rambled, one of the pearls beside her quaked and rumbled, seeming to be drawn by this individual's presence. An exchange was made hastily to quicken the transaction...beetles were traded, and a pearl was rolled towards the Queen by Asha's delicate paw. She smiled as it cracked open in a cloud of orange dust...

Your capsule reveals itself as a Male Neut! If you need url's or higher res images, please PM me!

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Magpie (#177134)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 22:14:15

Your capsule reveals itself as a Male Clau! If you need url's or higher res images, please PM me!

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greyy (#65624)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-01 22:16:14
Ooh, he's awesome looking! May I purchase another?

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MysticRealm (#48513)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-01 22:16:48
(Sure thing! Just let me finish this off ^^)

Sher blinked, looking at the little reptile like creature before her, grasping what had happened, she gave the lioness some beetles, thanking her before taking the critter home, naming him Sunset's Glow.

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