Posted by The Big Cat migration

Odin [dirty MR
queen](0/13 GB) (#185986)

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Posted on
2019-09-25 10:58:36
The three prides, Subuh (dawn) pride, Hari (day) pride and Senja (dusk) pride have been mostly friendly towards eachother, of course there are times of tension, but that is to be expected for three prides who were forced to share teritory for so many years.

However, after the yearly locus plague the three prides discover they've been hit harder than normal. All the green in teritory and surrounding land was gone, not even a single blade of grass to be seen. All the herds had moved on, leaving the lions and other big cats with little to no food.

And to make matters worse, a strange lion has appeared, claiming he had spoken to the ancestors who had given him the task to make a pride of his own to wipe out the other three.

- be kind to everyone else, don't hate on anyone, only your lions are allowed to hate eachother.

- I'm fine with you RPing as one of the lions in your pride, but OCs are encouraged.

- Please no mary/gary stues: 'Simba, a one day old cub, crawls away from his mother and siblings. He crawls until he enters the evil lion's den "Fight me!" he demands, the evil lion gets scared and runs away, never to return' none of that.

- No powers, this is a semi-realistic RP about big cats trying to survive.

- Your character does not have to be a lion, you can be any big cat you choose as long as you have a reff.

- Please wait until i have accepted your character to RP.

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Odin [dirty MR
queen](0/13 GB) (#185986)

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Posted on
2019-09-25 10:58:47

The Subuh pride

Leader(s) (0/2)
The leader of the pride and their mate
Silvermoon - lioness (#186464)

heir (0/1)
next in line to be king/queen, normally a cub from the current king and queen, but may also be a pride cub that shows promise
Nina - leoponess (#182174)

The cubs of the king and queen

sub males(s)
Lion males taken in by the king and queen, may have mates, if something bad happens to both the king and queen the sub males will lead the pride until the heir is old enough
Cameron - lion (#186464)

Lead fighter(s)
The strongest and most loyal members are chosen for this, they act as bodyguards for the royal family, but also lead troops into fights if needed

Lead hunter(s)
The swiftest members in the pride, they lead and plan the hunts, and it's considered a bad omen if they return without prey

The bulkier members of the pride, defend the whole pride and are often the first lions to arrive when there is a fight, this does not mean that they can't hunt

the leaner and silent members of the pride, they are tasked with bring prey back, wich means sometimes they will leave the pride for days to feed everyone. They also tend to help fight if needed
Leah - leopardess (#186464)

The older cubs (6 months - 1 years of age) They are training to be either hunters or fighters, their training is the whole pride's responsability

Female members carrying/nursing/caring for cubs. It's their job to make sure the next generation is safe, happy and healthy
Sundust - lioness (#186464)

Young cubs (newborn - 6 months) who don't really have to do anything. Just play around and learn stories of old times

Elderly members (13+) who have served their pride for more than a decade and have earned retirement. Now their job is to entertain the charging herds of cubs that stumble around every day

The Hari pride

Leader(s) (0/2)
The leader of the pride and their mate

heir (0/1)
next in line to be king/queen, normally a cub from the current king and queen, but may also be a pride cub that shows promise

The cubs of the king and queen

sub males(s)
Lion males taken in by the king and queen, may have mates, if something bad happens to both the king and queen the sub males will lead the pride until the heir is old enough

Lead fighter(s)
The strongest and most loyal members are chosen for this, they act as bodyguards for the royal family, but also lead troops into fights if needed

Lead hunter(s)
The swiftest members in the pride, they lead and plan the hunts, and it's considered a bad omen if they return without prey

The bulkier members of the pride, defend the whole pride and are often the first lions to arrive when there is a fight, this does not mean that they can't hunt

the leaner and silent members of the pride, they are tasked with bring prey back, wich means sometimes they will leave the pride for days to feed everyone. They also tend to help fight if needed
Dusty - lioness (#186262)

The older cubs (6 months - 1 years of age) They are training to be either hunters or fighters, their training is the whole pride's responsability
Cinta - leopardess (#185986)

Female members carrying/nursing/caring for cubs. It's their job to make sure the next generation is safe, happy and healthy

Young cubs (newborn - 6 months) who don't really have to do anything. Just play around and learn stories of old times

Elderly members (13+) who have served their pride for more than a decade and have earned retirement. Now their job is to entertain the charging herds of cubs that stumble around every day

The Senja pride

Leader(s) (0/2)
The leader of the pride and their mate

heir (0/1)
next in line to be king/queen, normally a cub from the current king and queen, but may also be a pride cub that shows promise

The cubs of the king and queen

sub males(s)
Lion males taken in by the king and queen, may have mates, if something bad happens to both the king and queen the sub males will lead the pride until the heir is old enough

Lead fighter(s)
The strongest and most loyal members are chosen for this, they act as bodyguards for the royal family, but also lead troops into fights if needed

Lead hunter(s)
The swiftest members in the pride, they lead and plan the hunts, and it's considered a bad omen if they return without prey

The bulkier members of the pride, defend the whole pride and are often the first lions to arrive when there is a fight, this does not mean that they can't hunt

the leaner and silent members of the pride, they are tasked with bring prey back, wich means sometimes they will leave the pride for days to feed everyone. They also tend to help fight if needed

The older cubs (6 months - 1 years of age) They are training to be either hunters or fighters, their training is the whole pride's responsability

Female members carrying/nursing/caring for cubs. It's their job to make sure the next generation is safe, happy and healthy

Young cubs (newborn - 6 months) who don't really have to do anything. Just play around and learn stories of old times

Elderly members (13+) who have served their pride for more than a decade and have earned retirement. Now their job is to entertain the charging herds of cubs that stumble around every day

The Malam pride

Leader(s) (1/2)
The leader of the pride and their mate
Bintang - lion (#185986)

heir (0/1)
next in line to be king/queen, normally a cub from the current king and queen, but may also be a pride cub that shows promise

The cubs of the king and queen

sub males(s)
Lion males taken in by the king and queen, may have mates, if something bad happens to both the king and queen the sub males will lead the pride until the heir is old enough

Lead fighter(s)
The strongest and most loyal members are chosen for this, they act as bodyguards for the royal family, but also lead troops into fights if needed

Lead hunter(s)
The swiftest members in the pride, they lead and plan the hunts, and it's considered a bad omen if they return without prey
Sabah - lioness (#41780)

The bulkier members of the pride, defend the whole pride and are often the first lions to arrive when there is a fight, this does not mean that they can't hunt

the leaner and silent members of the pride, they are tasked with bring prey back, wich means sometimes they will leave the pride for days to feed everyone. They also tend to help fight if needed

The older cubs (6 months - 1 years of age) They are training to be either hunters or fighters, their training is the whole pride's responsability

Female members carrying/nursing/caring for cubs. It's their job to make sure the next generation is safe, happy and healthy
Wingu - lioness (#41780)

Young cubs (newborn - 6 months) who don't really have to do anything. Just play around and learn stories of old times

Elderly members (13+) who have served their pride for more than a decade and have earned retirement. Now their job is to entertain the charging herds of cubs that stumble around every day

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Edited on 28/09/19 @ 08:53:24 by Odin (#185986)

LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-09-26 13:18:04
Silvermoon stood up quietly and looked at the dawn colored(?) sky above, she daintily stepped over her sleeping cousin Cameron who had been watching the stars alongside her the previous night.

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Odin [dirty MR
queen](0/13 GB) (#185986)

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Posted on
2019-09-28 00:21:07
Cinta | leopardess | the Hari pride | Hari pride dens | mentions: noone
Cinta is laying in the trainees den, having been asleep mere seconds ago until some of the early dawn rays decided to wake her. With a jawn she stands up and looks around. Her ears lower against her skull as she gazes at the bare branches holding the dens together and the dry, cracked ground. She shakes her head gently, confused as to why she expected the lush forest she had known to come back so fast.

Leaving the sad thought behind she pads out of the den, letting out a chuff as the cold of the night and warmth of the day mix together in the perfect blend. She bounces to the middle part of camp and sits down, waiting for the other pride members to awake.

Bintang | lion | the Malam pride | Malam pride dens | mentions: Wingu
The lion had gone out during the early hours of the night, he had been restless anyway. He picks up the small and meager warthog carcass he managed to get, a scrawny adolescent who hadn't migrated yet. Worry stuck with him as he walked back to where his pride was, would they have enough to feed everyone? And what about the coming cubs?

When he arrived in the dens of his pride he puts the warthog down, before remebering they didn't have any trainees, so he picked the warthog back up and drags it to the mother's den. He puts it back down at the entrance and looks around for the only mother in their pride.

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Ishi (#41780)

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Posted on
2019-09-28 08:33:36
Wingu| lioness | The Mala Pride | Malam Pride den| Mentions Bintang

Wingu had woken early due to her sister's persistence. Considering the stress her sister was under she tried to be considerate when bombarded with the question of her health. This season showed no sign of ending and Sabah was struggling with hunting, and without her sister, it had grown even more difficult. The sound of paw prints in the den alerted her as she lifted her head from her resting spot. The sound of something hitting the dirt ground piqued her interest. Getting up she walked to the entrance of the den. Walking was becoming more difficult with her litter growing and she was betting that she would have at least three cubs. With only a few weeks till their arrival, she couldn't wait.

At the entrance, she saw her leader Bintang and at his paws a skinny warthog. Looking at it her stomach turned with hunger, something she had come accustomed to this season. " I will assume that there are still no herds back from the migration." She said with a heavy sigh.

Sabah| lioness | The Mala Pride | Malam territory | Mentions: no one

Walking the territory Sabah was looking for any sign of the herds or of rain. The sky was clear with a few stray clouds but none looked promising. The once tall luscious grass that was used for hunting was now frail and short or it wasn't present at all. The locust had cleared out most of the grass. It didn't hide her presence, but it didn't matter when the only animals around seemed to be the buzzards or the stray mongoose. Sabah was feeling defeated by the lack of food surrounding their land. Their pride wasn't too big so providing for them wasn't usually an issue, but now it seemed impossible. Heading to one of the few watering holes she quenched her thirst before laying down in the shade of a tree.

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Edited on 28/09/19 @ 08:35:37 by Ishi (#41780)

LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-09-28 08:39:02
Cameron - Adolescent/Sub Male - The Subuh Pride - Edge of Malam Territory/Edge of Subuh Territory - M: open

The colorful, pink eyed adolescent of The Subuh Pride carefully picked his way around the thorny, greenless brush, carrying the only prey back to his cousin and his Queen he could find, a small skinny hare.

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