Posted by Xinkos (Hiatus: Read First Post!) ☀️

Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 07:12:32


School is coming up, and getting everything needed for this species is a lot more work than we thought it would (ooof, as seen by our long past planned date for the official thread) We really, really, don't want to release it uncompleted... and school is coming up for us which takes up a lot of time. This unfortunately made us decide that Xinkos will be on the backburner until further notice- it won't be much of a priority now that summer is coming to an end. It won't really do for us to post the official thread and then abandon it soon after because of school. It's also unfair to those that come into the species only to find it dead. So, that's really it. This is planned to be completed though! We just don't know how long. Ahh why does summer have to be so short- Next summer the species will definitely become main priority though. If you have any questions, ask away!

As a side note, I, myself, will be moving onto commissions. I feel like it'll be easier to manage while I'm school, as I already have experience in it. Hope ya'll stick around for next summer!


So my friend and I have been working on this species for a while... It's a closed species for now since it's unfinished but once's everything up and running it'll be semi-closed! This is just going to be a snapshot of what we got so far to get suggestions and see people's opinions.

The species is going to be part of an arpg type of game, where you can explore and participate in events for more Xinkos, items, currency, ect... There will be battles against other Xinkos for resources and prizes, and breeding, aging, and death will also be involved!

Regarding how to get your first Xinko to start out, you can either attract one with bought or gained items, through someone trading one to you, raffle, event, or auction. You can get one without having to pay a single dime, but it generally would take longer.

Each Xinko will be hand-drawn and there will be no base to go off of/edit. (RIP us)
Once you get one, you can choose to be part of one of the 10 major Rings. (Rings are basically a large group of Xinkos lead by the highest ranked) In that Ring, you can choose to take on quests, breed, participate in competitions with other Rings, and more. Xinkos without a Ring are far more likely to die, due to having to survive all on their own with no help.

They can be any color, but are more tune towards bright colors and shades to attract/show off to potential lovers. Darker colors are much less likely to pass on because of this. Markings on them can be both unnatural and natural.

They don't have actual eyes, but can "sense/see" light with their eye horns and head gems. Those things are basically their eyes. Xinkos can only see colors of the spectrum and brighter. Any darker would be more difficult to see/can't see at all.

Xinkos can communicate telepathically. It is unknown on how they can exactly do this. Some Xinkos like to theorize about this and their species as a whole about their abilities and features.

Their culture is all about beauty. Rings, interpret and pursue beauty in their own ways. Even in a Ring, a Xinko will have some differences in meaning with another.

Now, rust is very poisonous to Xinkos. Even staying near rust will easily get them ill. A tiny bit of contact is all that is needed.

Xinkos are built to be light, with most of their weight coming from their wings. For defense and attack, they mostly rely on their wings, or more specifically, their claws. Their claws are very sharp and can tear through even thick trunks of trees. Their wings provide an extra option for escape, as it allows them to glide if given the chance.

Some sketches of the species of what they can look like in the end!





If you want to be pinged once the official thread is made tell us below how you want to be notified

Thanks for checking this out! If you have time it would be great to hear your thoughts on this like what to improve on and whatnot
Let us know if you like it or if you have any questions!

Environmental and Society Concepts Snip

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Edited on 25/07/20 @ 00:24:55 by 🌈BunniTraids🌈 (#168145)

Birdy (#182860)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 07:20:52
I love these! I’m not great with pricing, but they seem like a very interesting species :D!!

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Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 07:31:00
@Birdy (#182860)
Thank you! Glad to hear that

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[Polaris] 2.0 (#121538)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 09:47:17
YESSSS !!!! as for pricing 5 as a starting bid and 10-30 as an AB depending on complexity!

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Edited on 27/06/20 @ 09:47:33 by [Polaris] (#121538)

Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 10:03:59
@[Polaris] (#121538)
Thanks for the suggestion!

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[Polaris] 2.0 (#121538)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 10:43:05
No problem! I absolutely love this species idea !

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[🕸️] winter
soldier [🕷️] (#134705)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 17:36:13
Oh my gosh these are amazing!

SB could go from 1-10 GB and AB could probably go from 20 GB to 100 GB! All depends on markings, mutations, design, etc!

These are lovely, by the way! If you have one/do this kinda thing, could I be addd to a pinglist? Basically when the thread for the adopts or MYOs come out we get PMed :0

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Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 17:45:17
@🦅winter soldier
[he/him] (#134705)

Yup, totally! Thanks for the interest, we honestly never really thought doing a pinglist before which is a great idea. I'll get working on that now ^^ I'll add you once I make a document, just tell me how you would like to be notified!

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[🕸️] winter
soldier [🕷️] (#134705)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 17:46:25
I’d love it if I could be PMed with the link to the thread, once made, if possible thank you!

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Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 17:50:05
@@🦅winter soldier
[he/him] (#134705)

Alright, added!

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Otterbird (#118315)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 20:57:35
Oooh this looks like fun, I'd like to be in on the ping list for an official forum :o

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Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 21:05:37
@Otterbird (#118315)
Mkay! How would you like to be notified?

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CopperGobbler (#158867)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 21:20:06
Dude I love these. And I want like 10 of them. XD
I would loved to be put on a ping list when these guys open up! Feel free to DM me a message when the official thread opens up!

For Auctions I could see them starting at 5GB with an autobuy of 30+ GB depending on complexity.
For Flatsales... I would say anywhere from 10-20 GB ??? But that's a guesstimate.
If you wanted to do customs... Uh. I honestly don't have a price there. Sorry! ^^;;

Suggestion / Note Thing
I read through what you have. And it said that they will be more in tune with bright colors but that they can also be any color. Which is cool and fine. But as someone who does not like bright colors -- they really hurt my eyes to look at -- I might suggest not having really harsh colors (such as neons or really bright colors like highlighter green / yellow / pink, ect). Or sparingly add them to designs. As much as I like bright colors, I can't look at them. And I know that I can't be the only person here on Lioden who is like that. Just something to keep in mind is all. ^^;;

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Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 21:42:30
@Civillian (#158867)
Sure thing and thanks for the warning!

There will be more art of them later today

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Adrieveiga [G1 1.2k
Temp RLC] (#192596)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 21:55:28
omg these guys are gorgeous!! i'd absolutely love to have one of these-- i honestly can't say i can really suggest anything that comes to mind that other people have already mentioned before me, but i would absolutely love to be added to the ping list! i'd like to be pmed for when the official thread opens up, please!

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Arclipse (#168145)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-06-27 22:08:38
@Adrieveiga (#192596)
Added and thank you!

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