Posted by Complete Breed Only Guide

Dalton 🖤 ORCHID
RIME MACHINE (#149529)

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Posted on
2020-07-02 15:12:32
Note: Cross Posted from the Breed Only Beauties Clan Page

Breed Only Info, Tips, and Market Value
What are Breed Only Marks?
Breed only marks are any marks that must be bred, and can not be applied (with the exception of RMAS). Breed only marks are either Raffle Marks,

Raffle Marks, aslo known as Tier 2 marks, are marks that are released through weekly raffle Special Lionesses. All tier 2 markings are breed only, and be found here on the wiki.

Are event markings, or Tier 3, breed only marks? July Celestial Raffle and Maneater Stud markings are, but other monthly NCL marks that can be applied in November with piety are not recognized by the clan as breed only.

Rosettes are breed only. They are either passed by breeding or are randomly generated on cubs.

Hybrid specific markings, mottled rosette and mottled stripes, are 100% breed only. They can not even be applied with RMAs.

Slots matter in many ways. For certain marks, the designs will make them desired in either higher or lower slots. For instance, dims are valued in lower slots while rosettes are typically wanted in slot 6+. Slots 11-20 are essentially worthless, unfortunately. Slots also matter with rare tier 2 marks, as a mark in a new slot is typically very valuable and highly desired.

Marking Tiers Explained
Tier 0 - Common markings, can be applied with Marking Applicator in Oasis.
Tier 1 - Custom markings, can be applied with Marking Applicator in Oasis.
Tier 2 - Raffle Lioness markings - These are always breed only.
Tier 3 - Event markings - most can be applied with piety in November, except for July Celestial Raffle Markings and Man-eater Markings.
Tier 4 - rosette markings - These are always breed only.
Tier 5 - Hybrid markings - These are always breed only,
Tier 6 - These are RMA markings, which are a middle ground between applicator and breed only, but not considered breed only.

Value of Breed Only Marks
Breed only Marks discussed above hold their value, as they can not just be applied. Some markings are generally more desired than others, but even the ugliest least cared about mark in a rare slot is valuable to someone.

Popular Breed Only Marks

How to Check if a Marking Slot is Rare

What are Breed Only Bases?
Breed only bases are bases that can not be applied and must be bred, either from existing base stock or by a combo. Breed only bases can be identified on the Genetics page of the wiki by the BREED ONLY or COMBO in the right corner.

Breed Only Base List + Values
Keep in mind this is a generalized list with ballpark pricing. A very plain, basic lion will likely for less, while a lion with other breed only aspects and lots of breed marks will be worth much more.

Slate (breed only rare)
Celestial (July Celestial Raffle Release)
Elysian (combo bred)
Cloudburst (combo bred)
Cocoa (breed only rare)
Sidereal (July Celestial Raffle Release)
Chartreux (breed only rare)
Skyward (July Celestial Raffle Release)
Pulsar (combo bred)
Snowflake (combo bred)
Soul (combo bred)
Ebony (breed only rare)
Noctis (breed only rare)
Haze (Raffle Lioness Base)
Flint (breed only rare)
Lilac (Raffle Lioness Base)
Ashen (breed only rare)

Olive (combo bred)
Cameo (breed only rare)
Asiatic (combo bred)
Buff (breed only rare)
Amber breed only rare)
Hellebore (combo bred)
Qahir (combo bred)
Buttercream (breed only rare)
Pearl (Raffle Lioness Base)
Ruffian (Maneater base)
Teardrop (breed only rare)
Arabica (combo bred)

Fulvous (breed only rare)
Asali (NCL exclusive)
Ember (combo bred)
Kimanjano (Hybrid exclusive)
Nacarat (breed only rare)
Dhababi (NCL exclusive)
Mandarin (Hybrid exclusive)
Maziwa (NCL exclusive)
Sunspot (May Groupie release)
Champagne (breed only rare)
Citrine (combo bred)
Nudar (May Groupie release)
Udara (breed only rare)
Goldenrod (breed only rare)
Gilded (combo bred)
Mobola (NCL exclusive)
Sahara (May Groupie release)
Sulphur (breed only rare)

Madagascar (combo bred)
Temporal (combo bred)
Anjeer (breed only rare)
Scoundrel (Maneater base)
Sunset (July Celestial Raffle Release)
Wine (May Groupie release)
Fiery (breed only rare)
Maroon (breed only rare)
Sunrise (July Celestial Raffle Release)
Shedua (breed only rare)
Umber (breed only rare)
Rose Gold (combo bred)
Sepia (Raffle Lioness Base)
Cinnabar (breed only rare)
Sapela (breed only rare)
Orchid (Raffle Lioness Base)

What are Other Breed Only Aspects?
There are a variety of breed only eyes, all of which can be seen here on the wiki.
All Year NCL Eyes (NCL Excluse Eyes): These include Albinoid, Glass, and Mosaic. These can only be found on NCLs and then subsequently bred into projects. Eyes can be forcibly passed with Opal Saltlick.

Breed Only Eyes (Event Eyes): These include: Maroon, which is found on February event NCLs. Iris, which is found on April event NCLs. Apricot, Banana, and Grape, which are found on May event Groupies. Draconid and Dawn, which are released to the community through the Celestial Raffle. Starshine and Sunglow are considered "breed only event eyes" of July, but are produced as fails from Draconid and Dawn as well, warranting them not true Breed only.

Combo Eyes (Breed Only Eyes): These are eyes that can only be bred by combo breeding the two eyes in their name and then passed. These include Sectoral Amber & Ice, Sectoral Brown & Blue, Sectoral Green & Blue, Sectoral Ice & Green, Sectoral Red & Jet and Sectoral Yellow & Green.

There are only 4 breed only manes; Pariah, Savage, Tsavo, and Royal. The first three are released through Maneater studs, and Royal is a combo bred, and then passes itself.
Confirmed Combos for Royal Mane (taken from here)
Sideburn x Thick
Barbary x Thick
Barbary x Hellraiser
Sideburn x Barbary
Tufted x Barbary
Tufted x Sideburn
Sideburn x Hellraiser

Breed only skins are Clouded, Greige, Pale, and Peach. They released through NCLs and Raffle Lionesses. Skin can be forcibly passed with Rock Salt.

Value of Other Breed Only Aspects
No eyes are valuable themselves, unless they are a recently released. Some do add value to projects and can be the difference between getting stud requests or sales and not.

NCL Exclusives (Albinoid, Glass, Mosaic): Not sought after and not worth the hassle or worth the Opal Saltlicks. Adds minimum value though there may be players who do value them, however they are seen so often through NCLs that most players could care less.

Breed Only Eyes are the most sought after of the eye categories listed here. Celestial Raffle Draconid and Dawn have been long time staples of breed only aspects, with many buyers (particularly with multirosettes) making them a requirement. These eyes will boost the value of your lions. Newer breed only eyes, such as Maroon and Banana, have great value currently though time will tell. Iris is the least popular of the 2020 breed only eye releases, as the user base does not care for many of the fails.

Combo Eyes are hard to breed but not heavily sought after. They do add value to a project.

Like eyes, these manes are not valuable by themselves, but all breed only manes add value. Savage and Royal are clear favorites, while players seem to hate or love Tsavo and Pariah. It should be noted the Incubus mane, applied through the Seduction Applicator, is almost treated and valued as a breed only mane. The applicator is expensive (130 GB as of this writing) warranting it impractical to be easily bought and applied.

Unfortunately, breed only skins by itself does not really have value. However, it can add value and desirability on lions loaded with other breed only aspects.

Please feel free to post information or comments. If i am incorrect in something, please let me know!

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Edited on 02/07/20 @ 15:20:59 by Dalton 🖤 Feline Noctis (#149529)

Misato (G2) (#193326)

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Posted on
2020-07-02 18:45:34
Hey isnt Mottled rosette the only BO rosette? All the others can be apply with RMAS

Cause BO markings cant be applied ever i believe?

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Edited on 02/07/20 @ 18:47:05 by Lune (G1) {BLM} (#193326)

Dalton 🖤 ORCHID
RIME MACHINE (#149529)

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Posted on
2020-07-02 19:31:57
Any marking, aside from Tier 5 hybrid markings, can be applied through RMAs. However, most markings that do not have a dedicated applicator are considered Breed Only. Tier 2 is known as the Raffle Lioness breed only marks, however, they are all applicable via RMAs and ALOT of luck.

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❄️| Brutus [G3
Ferus NRLC] (#183815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-07-02 19:35:13
BO markings are available through RMAs, just like the all the other rosette marks. In that sense, mottled rosettes and stripes would be the only BO marks in the game. Rosettes and BOs don’t usually appear from RMAs though.

So to answer your question, no, MR isn’t the only BO rosette.

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Severance 🌾 BO
Maziwa (#5558)

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Posted on
2020-07-02 19:38:51
Thank you for the guide! I'm accumulating a hoard of BO Marked lionesses in order to get some decent lions to base change and submit into my side's breeding program.

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RGR! (#379209)

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Posted on
2022-11-22 15:16:43
This is a genius thread! Wish I found it sooner.

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PurpleCandyCorn (#240646)

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Posted on
2023-04-09 11:23:38
commenting to come back well written and helpful!

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💛Rodzina|G1 NRLC
Mud Primal (#328297)

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Posted on
2023-04-23 09:24:18
Hi! Isn't Leonid a BO marking?

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