Posted by Oceanic/Sailing Ship Decor Ideas?

Wolffe Spider (#266275)

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Posted on
2022-05-04 15:35:42
I am a huge fan of the ocean, I am a marine biologist, and I just want more fish and ship related decor. The wet season decor is great and all, but I want more specifically ocean themed items.


Barnacles on lions, like the tick decor.

ship wheels, or broken ships

BGs on a ship on the water perhaps?

Fish! Maybe similar to the rising water decor but with fish swimming in the water around your lion!

Ocean spray - Again similar to the wave decor we have already, but maybe crashing up against rocks and having spray go everywhere.

Ocean foam, when the tide comes in and has those pretty white foam lines, under lion paws or coming up behind them.

Coral! Starfish! Sea Urchins! sea gulls?

And on the topic of coral, maybe like the waterbringer pouch and such, have something for like, shell divers or coral divers.

Pearl chains and other decor!

Maybe something to do with wet season? I don't mean added into the flood shop or anything, but maybe like an extra explore area, or even just a chance to have a bundle wash up in your den. Or it can be just a monkey business item that is released around September 19 for talk like a pirate day.

I do think it would be cool as event decor, especially since we have a lot of burning or starvation related decor that more coastal themed decor would be great.

Finally it could also easily be released as a RR level. This would keep the amount of items low, but also allow very direct theming.

Feel free to have other ideas or tell me to change something! ^-^

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