Posted by Day cycle in October

Blue (Gen 2 flint
pie) (#237523)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2023-10-16 11:59:10
I have noticed an difference between day and night cycles during the month of October. In Octuber there is a high selection of night only interactions during this month while day only interactions are lacking. That wouldn't be an issue if there wasn't an difference in blood beetle rates. During the day, you can max out at 6BB a fight. However, most fights will lead to only 2 or 3 BB. Meanwhile, during the night 4 encounters give 3-9 BB. Then 3 encounters give 6-14 BB. The night encounters also give passive BB where you don't even need to fight to get blood beetles. This disparity makes it nearly pointless to explore during day cycles since everything you can find during the day is available at night plus night encounters pay better. So the suggestion would be more event currency heavy encounters during the day. So there is a reason to explore during day.

If you disagree please share why. If you have any other soultion ideas, please share

This suggestion has 3 supports and 5 NO supports.

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🤎 leon | semi
hiatus (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-10-16 12:21:44
I think the disparity is quite purposeful. It's October, notoriously "spooky month" on the Internet. It makes sense to have more and better encounters at night when things go bump in my opinion. It works out very well since night is every other hour and energy refills fully at 2 hours and 30 minutes, as long as you're purposeful with when you choose to start exploring. Of course, it's not so clean when people are using roasted lambs, but you can still make it work.

Maybe it's not particularly new player-friendly, but I feel fairly confident in saying that many grinding guides will mention that night is the best time to explore.

I don't know. It's just my opinion, but I like it the way it is. I don't feel like it makes sense to have more encounters at day.

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Edited on 16/10/23 @ 12:22:44 by leon 🦇🩸 (#208511)

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