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*Khanyisile II*

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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 14 real life days.
Lion Stats
154627 / 232760 (66%)
Level 47
Strength 534 Speed 581
Stamina 504 Smarts 533
Agility 638 Skill 317
Total Stats: 3107
Lion Currents
Age 11 years, 2 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Modest (Neutral)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 70.512820512821%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Khanyisile View Full Heritage
Last Bred 9 days ago Fertility High (95%) View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Fiery (Burnt Skin) Slot 1: Black Half (69%) Tier 1
Slot 2: Onyx Ends (67%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Black Gradient 2 (64%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Onyx Paws (100%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Onyx Coat (100%) Tier 1
Slot 7: White Rims (100%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Gold Panther (96%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (100%) Tier 2
Slot 10: Black Dorsal Line (88%) Tier 2
Genetics Red Light Countershaded Rare
Eyes Red
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Zer
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Bleeding World Wildlife

Manticora Beetles
Crocodile Skull Decor
Event Scar: Blood Drip
Injured Kudu Foal
Sabretooth FangsCustom Decor
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 1691 Successful Hunts 1679 Success Rate 99%

1309 Birth Stats
1368 Stats by lvl 15, 2 years, 4 months, with 76 Hunts
1434 Stats By Lvl 20 2 years 8 Months with 155 Hunts
1565 Stats By Lvl 25, 3 Years 6 Months with 318 Hunts
1737 Stats By Lvl 30, 4 Years 10 Months with 536 Hunts
2196 Stats By Lvl 40, 7 Years 6 Months With 1081 Hunts
2312 Stats By Lvl 42, 8 Years 3 Months With 1216 Hunts + 215 Skill
2422 Stats By Lvl 44, 9 Years 1 Months With 1351 Hunts + 240 Skill
2496 Stats By Lvl 45, 9 Years 6 Months With 1430 Hunts + 252 Skill
2593 Stats By Lvl 46, 9 Years 11 Months With 1515 Hunts + 272 Skill
2708 Stats By Lvl 47, 10 Years 9 Months With 1618 Hunts + 295 Skill

Bio for her Mother, Khanyisile the Original Fiery lioness.
In a far off land a roar sounded out. "What is this trickery?!" A massive lion snarled at a lioness cowering over a cub.
"N-nothing my lord, she is of your blood, I would not betray my king." The Lioness mewled out and the king gave her a calculating stare.
"Why is she the color of the things the creatures on two legs chase us with?" The king asked and the Lioness shrugged unknowingly.
"I do not know, she is unique, can you not see?" The lioness asked protecting the newborn cub with her body.
The lion bent down and sniffed at the tail of the cubling that stuck out, his nose wrinkling at the sight of the bright fiery fur. "You are sure she is of my line?" The king asked and the Lioness nodded vigorously.
"Why would I lie to my king?" She said and nuzzled her nose against his paw.
"She may stay then, if she proves not to be weak due to her deformity."
"Oh Arne, how can you say that? She is beautiful and will be sought after my many a lion for her coat, after all she is a princess of a high esteemed pride." The lioness cried and the king looked at her.
"We shall see my queen. We shall see."
A few days later, the cub opened her eyes, they were the color of blood, Arne was once again thrown off guard by this and regarded the cub as being something unholy, but as the cub showed no obvious signs and acted like any other cub, she soon crawled into his heart, after all she was the last cub of his queen. He dubbed her Khanyisile, Bringer of Light, because even though the two legged ones chase them with the same color, they also brought light.
A month after her birth the other lions started to notice a change in her coat and looked at her peculiarly, she was developing spots the same color as her father's eyes, and so well blended were these spots, her coat looked like it was shimmering when she moved, , also fangs grew unusually large and soon started to reach outside her lips.
While all the lions still thought she was unnatural, they could not deny her beauty and elegance in which she carried herself, even as a cub. She was naturally curious, but unlike the other cubs, she listened well to the elders, staying out of trouble as best as she could.
"Mother, why do the other cubs say I am weird?" she asked one morning while her mother bather her.
"You are not weird my child, you're unique. No other lion will ever compare to you. They're just jealous." The lioness said nuzzling the cub, who giggled.
"Please don't ever leave me mother." The cub said and her mother's eyes grew heavy with sadness, for she knew from her aching bones that she had not much longer to live.
"I will always be here." The old queen said and Khanyisile smiled and batted her nose.
"Why does father want me to always act my best and expect me to train harder than the other cubs?" Khan asked curiously and her mother sighed.
"When you were born he thought you were not his daughter, he loves you though, don't get me wrong, he just expects you to prove yourself to be worthy of being the last cub of his lineage." The queen explained and Khany nodded.
"I shall be the strongest lioness ever then for father!" Khany exclaimed and Nari smiled, proud of the young cub's determination.
When Khanyisile turned one, males started to appear, from everywhere, wanting to see this beautiful budding young lioness, her father sent them off, telling them all they will not see her until she has reached adulthood. They left peacefully, not ready to challenge this proud king, promising to be back in 12 months time.
Nari grew sickly, but did her best to hide this from her cub, but Khany knew better, she knew something was terribly wrong with her mother and it scared her to no end.
"Mother, I know something is wrong, please tell me." The cub looked at her mother with worry etched in her ruby eyes.
"I am growing old my child; soon I will waste away into the ground to become food for the antelope." The Queen said with a sigh and tears started to roll down into Khan's fur.
"No mother, you cannot leave, you said you will always be here." Khan said her voice cracking with grief.
"It is the way of life my child, always know I will be watching over you in spirit, and will always live on in your heart and memory. Do not grieve my beautiful daughter, you made my last times of my life, far happier than I have ever been."The queen said and Khan whined out a cry, putting her head under her mother's head.
"Promise me you will choose your own king, do not let your father's stubbornness get in the way, when you are old enough, many males will come to see you, but it will be your choice who to leave with. The queen said sternly and Khan agreed to her mother's last wish.
"Goodbye Khanyisile, may the life be as kind as you, as it was to me." Her mother said and Khan started crying all over again.
"Goodbye mother, I will miss you forever." Khan said and felt her mother's head grew heavy, she cried the whole night, refusing to move from her place under her mother's head. The other lions roared out a symphony of grief into the night heard from miles far, but none as loud as Arne's, he was deeply stung by the passing of his queen, losing the will to live and started to eat less, losing interest in anything other than making sure the pride was few and looked after.
He grew frail and old the closer it got to Khan's second birthday. He sent her out for hard training younger than any other lioness has ever been trained. He depended on the eldest lioness to teach everything she could to his daughter before her choosing.
Khany was worried about her father as she watched him waste away slowly. She dreaded the day she would say goodbye to her father. Forcing him to eat and drink whenever she could she tried to keep him strong, but the king was too lost in grief that he would not listen.
By the time her second year passed, the king was near death. Males started to arrive, the pride's only defense was Una, Arne's second in command, he was strong and big, as the king once was and he kept the males seeking out Khan in order as they lined up to try and persuade her to join them.
Khan, now a full grown, lean but muscled lioness, sat with her paws folded in front of her, with an aura around her that signaled respect. All the males who laid eyes on her was immediately entranced by her fiery fur and ruby red eyes, but as each went by, the more she yawned, she even snarled at some of the males more bold than others.
A week this went on, of countless males bringing forth their best qualities, but Khan persisted in being stubborn, none caught her fancy, until.......
"Your name?" Una called out to the male with the red coat and black as the night stripes, his eyes the color of earth and sky. Khan looked up, trying not to look too interested.
The male called back with a deep booming voice, "Iqiation." The moment he spoke, she knew he was the one, that he would be her king.
"State your claim on my daughter." Arne's voice broke the small silence that had come up after Iqiation had said his name.
"I come seeking a queen worthy of loving, a queen I would treat like a goddess amongst lionesses. She must be mine for I have interest in no other lioness being my queen, I will forever remember her face in my dreams, and it will haunt me to the end of my days if she does not come home with me." Iqiation said and the other lionesses looked up, he sounded so sincere they all swooned.
Arne had noticed Khan's eyes sparkling when she had laid eyes on this male, and he suddenly got a pang of grief in his heart as he recognized her mother's expression that she wore when she saw him. He knew his daughter had found him; he was no longer her king. She had found her soul mate.
"Father, I have chosen." The king nodded at his daughter, respecting her decision.
Iqiation looked over the moon and approached Khanyisile carefully, sniffing at her, she nodded and he touched his nose to hers, the other males roared in annoyance at not being chosen, but left peacefully enough.
Arne wandered over with heavy movements to the couple and bowed his head to each of them. "Now that I have seen my daughter off to a male I know will care for her well, I will leave this world and reunite with my beloved Nari." The king said solemnly and the pride mourned at the loss of their king. Uno stepped up and took immediate claim on the pride. 2 days later, goodbyes were said and Khanyisile and Iqiation left on the long journey back to his desert pride.
Many rogue males tried to bother them and steal Khan away from him, but Iqiation fought them each off bravely.
It was a long journey, the furthest Khan had ever walked from her home and she felt a pang of homesick. Do the lions of her birth pride miss her? Or are they glad to be rid of the odd lioness?
She shook the thoughts from her head and turned her head to Iqiation staring at her with his head on his paws.
"Is something wrong Khanyisile?" He asked concerned and she shrugged.
"Nothing. Will the other lions of your pride accept me as queen?" She asked and he pulled his lips back into a small smile.
"If any of them have a problem with you, they will be dealing with me personally." He answered.
Slightly reassured the lioness scooted closer to the male as darkness started to creep over the land, she quickly fell asleep pressed against his warm side.
The next day they reached desert area, Iqiation told Khanyisile that they were close. She was both excited and dreading what the other lions would say.
Soon she spotted green in the distance, a desert oasis. They were home, scents of other lions started to fill her nose and she straightened up, carrying herself as a future queen should.
They approached a cave nestled between the green leaves of the jungle, and lionesses started to pour out of it, some wearing confused looks, and others disbelieving ones.
"Iqiation?" A lioness asked from between the rest and the lionesses parted to let a pure albino lioness through, she had golden stripes on top of her snowy coat.
"Yes Bhubesi?" Iqiation asked and the lioness looked at Khanyisile.
"What lioness have you brought into our home?" She snarled and Khan was taken aback by the little respect the lioness had for her king.
"Do not snarl at me!" Iqi snapped and Bhubesi cowered. "This is Khanyisile; she is to be my queen." Murmurs and whispers ran through the lionesses, who was this strange colored lioness, why did their king disappear for days only to show up with a unnatural colored lioness with eyes of blood and fangs larger than any they've seen, how could she be queen?
Khanyisile eyed all the lionesses, sizing them up and saw many were quite thin and lean, their coats full of dust, she told herself to ask Iqiation about this later.
"Does anyone object with my decision?" Iqiation called out over the lionesses, more whispers were heard but none spoke up.
Glares were thrown at Khan, judging eyes and she felt like glaring right back at them.
"I know many of you find me looking weird and foreign." Khan said and the lionesses looked up at the sound of the authority in her voice.
"But I am a lioness like any other, despite the traits I was born with. I was born to King Arne, a fierce lion the color of earth and to Nari, my mother who was gold as the noon day sun. They were normal lions, and I was their last cub. They taught me well and true, I will not disappoint in my role as queen." She said with reassurance and truth layered into her voice.
Later when she was alone with Iqiation as he showed her around she asked him why the lionesses looked bad and he sighed.
"Food is becoming hard to find, my lionesses are not strong hunters as they were all rogues chased off for being runts. They need someone to train them." He said and she thought long about this afterwards.
The next day she asked to lead a hunting party and Iqi agreed. She chose 4 lionesses and ran with them, showing them how to track, soon they spotted a herd of wildebeest in the distance and she told the others to drop to their bellies, which they did, she whispered to them where to stand and they obliged, spreading out around, she was focusing on an old bull tagging along slowly a little off from the herd.
She crept forward, bunching her muscles for the spring and then the sprint. Her eyes darkened and she ran. The other lionesses followed soon after, but none as fast as Khanyisile, soon she was on top of the bull, clawing at its back, the other lioness she had told to go for the neck, which they did and soon the wildebeest stopped struggling and went still.
The lionesses looked at the fiery lioness in amazement, shocked by how fast they had brought down the prey by listening to her. Khanyisile took the wildebeest by the neck and dragged it back to the pride with between her legs, with the other lionesses following.
The pride looked at her differently from then on, as she had gained there respect. The lionesses grew strong and fit, well fed, even the cubs. The hunting increased to where Iqiation's pride had some of the strongest hunters in the desert region.
All was well and soon, Khanyisile had her first cub. That was the day the second lion ever in history was born with the same coat as Khanyisile. But Khan did not want to keep the cub, while she loved it dearly she did not feel it was right to keep her to this pride, and so when the cub was old enough, it was sent off back to Khanyisile birth pride, as a gift to remind them of their old princess.
It was later learned the lioness did not have the same peculiar spotting that Khan had on her coat.
Soon rumors were heard of more strange coated lions appearing on the Savannahs, none of them the same shade as Khanyisile's yet, nor did any have the same spotting she had, but there was rumors of spotting as the black jungle cat's.
Then it was heard, a lioness had given birth to a lion with the color of fire. The same as Khanyisile's.
Soon more appeared everywhere, and it was not unnatural or odd anymore, the only thing that still showed her as unique, was the golden spots she carried, and many a lion came seeking cubs from her, but she refused. None but the lions she chose would have a cub of hers.
Every new litter she had brought forth one cub, never more.
The second cub she had was a gray color and had the markings of the black jungle cat. Again she did not keep this cub.
Her third litter brought forth a cub the color of her eyes, and this was the first cub she birthed that showed signs of her golden spotting, she sent it on as a gift to a friendly neighboring pride.
Her fourth was a cub of deepest black, like stone. It had her golden spots and again she gave it as a gift to a friendly pride, later her son was made king.
By now many lions from prides she didn't know or didn't trust started to ask more and more for her golden spots. Every time she refused and the more it angered them. Her two cubs, the one now a king was also asked for their golden spots, but they refused as well. Soon uproars started on the savannah and males started to attack Iqiation's pride for this peculiarity.
Khanyisile gained many scars in battle. From their friends little remained as they too got attacked for the cubs they held. And then soon one betrayed them all and gave away all cubs they had with the marking. Enraged and betrayed Iqiation and his pride retreated into isolation. Warning all lions away from their home.
One Lioness however, paid no heed to these warning and wandered into their territory. Just as they were about to attack this lion however, Khan felt a spark of familiarity and approached the lioness, staring at the fangs protruding from her mouth intently.
"Who are you?" Khan asked and the lioness scrutinized her.
"I am Bestare. I came looking for you, I am a child of Una, so to speak I am your cousin." The lioness answered.
Bestare was allowed to stay. She and Khanyisile became close as sisters, forming their own hunting team, preferring to only work along with each other.
Slowly Khan was starting to feel the pull of time. She felt her last litter was close and hoped to gift Iqiation with more than one cub for once.
It was soon that she travelled to another pride of a lion with the same coat as hers, he was to be the sire of her last litter.
A few months passed and she gave birth to three cubs with her coat and her spots and she was satisfied. One cub stayed with the sire as a gift of thanks.
The oldest was to carry on the legacy of her name. While the other was given to Iqiation's brother, Nkanyezi, who dubbed her Khethiwe, The chosen one.
Time passed and all was well in the prides, until the day Khanyisile turned 15 years. She passed on and all the prides mourned the death of the beloved lioness. Iqiation was lost in grief as Khanyisile's father was, and he soon stepped down to let his heir to be step up, and the new king rules the pride with an iron paw, carrying the legacy in his name. Iqiation The Second.

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