Belongs to Iñaki-sama's Pride
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2nd. [G4] Bon - Chan


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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Ragdoll (Tan Skin) Slot 1: Mistletoe Debris (53%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Vitiligo 2 (78%) Tier 2
Genetics Cream Medium Countershaded Special
Eyes Maroon
Mane Type Sideward
Mane Color Algae
Mutation Leopon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Romantic Hot Spring

[GE - Java] Javan Leopard

Mother: Chikorita
Father: Luffy-Sama [Patches Shadow King]
- Candy-Candy
- Celebi
- Mew
- Bluey
- Senorita Fresa (7/30/23)
- Fawn
- Linen (Owned by Father)
1st Heat: 4 Cubs - 1 LEOPON
2nd Heat: 4 Cubs - No Pon
3rd Heat: 3 Cubs - No Pon 5/3/2023
4th Heat: 3 Cubs - 1 PON 2x Rosette (https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794195828484) (5/23/23)
5th Heat: 3 Cubs - No Pon (6/12/23) 1 Blind & Clawless
6th Heat: 3 Cubs - No Pon (6/30/23)
7th Heat: 3 Cubs - No Pon 1 Tailess (7/20/23)
8th Heat: 3 Cubs - No Pon , 1 Blind (8/8/23) 13.5 Month Final Heat https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794201425661
13 Years 5 Months Bio (8/13/23): Bon-chan's last cub and last litter was a devasting blow to the hybrid Queens confidence. As the beautiful Queen began to show her age, her emotions also began to grow sour. The Queen confessed to breeding with male leopards in hopes she could birth more leopons. She failed every time, But when she bred with a male lion, she became pregnant. Bon-chan cursed under her breath as she hoped for a leopon. "My last cub was unfortunately.. born blind. My cub will be unable to judge others by looks or breed...its such a pure way of living". The Queen sent her weaned blind cub away to the prides broodmother den. She knew that her time was short, her cub was weaned and she could let go. Although the cub was blind. She knew the cub would feel her cold body. She would rather have an adult find her. Like all animals, they search for a peaceful place to stay hidden in their final moments of rest. She lived a rather short life for a leopon, rumors stated she ate a lot of herbs and foreign meats from the black market. It was to help her make her heat cycle reset . She visited herbalist lioness's to mix drugs that were sold on the black market as well. It seems her obsession with her birth, led to her death.

12 years, 8 months old (7/30/23): "I'm to old to be traveling long distances..!". The hybrid elder queen states as she settles into her new cave near the lagon beach that the new king Luffy-sama set for the pride. He spent time decorating the caves and added details to every females nest to remind them of home in their new home. "I cant deny I love the new place, and these den caves allow so much protection. It protects us from the sun and we have plenty of fresh water rivers and waterfalls all around. I am more furious that Candy and the king kept a secret the whole journey. She looked as if she was to pop those cubs any day. If she wants to produce leopons she must not travel long distances" The queen shakes her head in disapproval.

8 years, 9 months old Bio (6/13/23): Bon-chan lays on the flowers that bloom in her hot spring den. You see the newborn cubs making "biscuits" at the mothers belly for milk. One's cubs paws seem more softer than the others. Bon-chan notices your stares and her ears lay flat. "Yes...the cub was born with no claws...such a curse...and its sibling born blind". The Hybrid Queen's tail twitches in stress. "It must have been that cow I ate earlier in my pregnancy. Animals raised by humans are always sick and diseased ridden. I was just so hungry I-.." The Queens words trail off as she sighs. "None the less the cubs will be sent to their fathers pride. I am embarrassed at the outcome. Luffy-sama stated that nature is cruel and it isn't my fault".

7 Years, 5 Month Bio (5/29/23) : Bon-Chan is resting on the cool cave floor of the hidden springs. The eldest daughter of Chikorita seems to be having a hard time. " My daughter was just taken to her new pride to live within her fathers territories. And my mother surprised everyone with the birth of my newest little sister Mew, a new leopon princess. It has been an eventful day for all of us". Bon-Chan's heart is torn due to giving her cub away at 6 months old. "My Mother has full rights to keep all of me and my sisters. However, sometimes the male we breed with can pay Luffy-Sama for custody of the cubs they want..Including our hybrid cubs. It is a fair yet difficult choice for me and my sisters, but we all know my daughter will live a long happy life".

6 years, 5 months old Bio (5/16/23): Bon-chan is seen with a male leopard. You hide behind the thick bushes of the water. You don't want to intrude... As you slowly get a glimpse at the two you see the young hybrid queen purring as the male talks about Bon-chans news of her newly birthed little sister. Princess Celebi. "Yes my mother gave birth at sunset. Its a day to rejoice that my Mother has birthed yet another Leopon Sister. My mother seems to favor the little moss ball. Its a spitting image of her minus her vitiligo". As you slip away the young Hybrid Queen talks about her own dreams to birth more Leopons. The male leopard and the Queen slip away further into the hidden springs as the night begins to fall.

4 Years 7months Bio (4/24/23): Its been a few Years since you have seen Bon-Chan. She has birthed Many cubs since then. However her newest addition to her private hot spring, is a small leopard female. She looks slightly different than other leopards? The hybrid queen sounds much more happier than her previous encounter.. " Hello there Lion ! This is Leona. She is not a native leopard from here.. she escaped from humans who were selling her! Luffy has welcomed her to the pride". The hybrid queen seems to be enjoying the company of her Leopard friends than lions it seems.

2 Years , 6 Months Bio: You find Bon-chan inside the prides private hot springs. The tip of her tail twitches in annoyance as you walk into the hidden springs. "I thought the springs would be empty today" she sighs. "Usually lions don't like water as much as us leopar- , I mean hybrids like myself". The young hybrid queen seems to be confused about her breed, But it is clear she is more leopard than lion.

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