View .HANAHAKI.'s Pride


Lion Stats
5105 / 18590 (27%)
Level 14
Strength 450 Speed 455
Stamina 453 Smarts 511
Agility 511 Skill 237
Total Stats: 2617
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 6 months old
Energy 99 / 100
Candid (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (61)
Appearance Markings
Base Nacre (Butterfly Skin) Slot 1: Fiery Heavy Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 2: Quartz Lace (1%) Tier 2
Slot 3: Auburn Dinictis (52%) Tier 6
Slot 4: Lilac Siamese (100%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Fiery Roan (53%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Henna Half (65%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (90%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Briar Soft Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 10: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 11: Noctis Siamese (100%) Tier 3
Slot 12: Noctis Blemish (100%) Tier 3
Slot 13: Noctis Back (100%) Tier 1
Slot 14: Rose Pink Quail Flecks (100%) Tier 3
Slot 15: Bone Eyebrows (100%) Tier 1
Genetics Cream Dark Countershaded Special
Eyes Omen
Mane Type Royal
Mane Color Augur
Mutation Patches (Spotted)
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
River of Blood

Event Scar: Cannibal Bites
Event Scar: Mange
Lab Test Frog
Zombie Body Decor
Harbinger Mane
Event Scar: Emaciated
Bloody NoseCustom Decor
Expression: Heartbroken
Guernsey Lily [1]
Dried Bones
Demonic Dust
DarknessCustom Decor
Attacks Defended 0 Explore Steps Taken 5306 NPCs Defeated 133
Lions Sent Away 2 Lions Killed 8
Studding Services
This male lion is offering studding services, for a price of 1 GB OR 375 SB. Lionesses must have a minimum of 0% fertility to breed.

This male lion has 13/15 studding slots left open this week.

* Selecting an item to send with the request will remove the item from your hoard and apply it to the stud if your request is accepted. If your request is removed or denied for any reason the item will be returned to you. Multiple items can be sent at the same time providing they do not cancel each other out in their effects.

* Breeding to a mutated stud does not affect your chances of conceiving a mutated cub unless the stud is a variation of piebald or primal.
KINGED AT 2366 STATS, 16/3/24

“It’s evil to help people who don’t need help.”

My first ever first gen king with a mutation.
I am in love with him and I’m so proud of myself for making him a reality.
I hope everyone loves him as much as I do.

The world you lived in now was nothing but a wasteland. You were starting to think Sebastian was right, maybe his plans had some truth to them. You weren’t sure if you felt anger or regret in what you’d let happen to him, all you knew was that he hated you now and that he’d never forgive you.
It wasn’t long before most of the lions in the valley and caves passed away due to sickness or left for better lands, what remains is nothing worth fighting for anymore. How could this have happened? If Kadabra saw you now, would he still love you? Were you even the lion he fell in love with anymore? You.. You didn’t know. You just feel.. empty.

It wasn’t long before you started to give in to the loneliness you were feeling, desperately trying to bring back the feelings of how it was before by digging up graves. You craved interaction with another lion more than you craved living itself now.

You had been sobbing next to a corpse of a lion you didn’t know, you never would get to know him. Was that for the better? If he knew you would he turn up his nose in disgust at what you were doing? The things you’ve done? The lions you sent away to die? Maybe.. how could you be sure. One day you were on top of the world with a lion who’d sworn to marry you and the next you were cuddling against the corpse of a lion who passed long before you.

Eventually you must have fallen asleep. You dreamed of the cubs you’d never have, the life you’d never get to live, the pride you’d never go home to, the family you couldn’t go back to, how did it get so.. terrible?

You dreaded waking up as you knew you’d have to face the day and could no longer find comfort in hiding in empty dreams and pretty lies.

“I know how you feel.”

Five words spoken in the darkness was all it took for you to snap awake, feeling disoriented and even more tired than before. You felt the same cold fur up against your side but it was no longer laying still. The lion lay on his side, looking up at the starless sky with his brows furrowed. He purred softly but showed no other signs of being alive.

Well fuck, you’ve finally snapped haven’t you?
Took you long enough, I mean, you were cuddling against a corpse for goodness sake.

“What?” You sniffled and stared up at the lion who simply gave you a pained smile. “I know how you feel.” He repeated, turning his head to look at you with his clouded over, pinkish eyes. “I don’t-“ “I know.” You felt yourself start to shake and your eyes watering, tears threatening to spill at any moment. He sighed, “You don’t need to understand.” he continued to stare at you with perhaps the kindest look you’ve been given in a long while. You sniffled but gave up on trying to comprehend what was happening and before you knew it you broke down completely, snuggling your head under the lion’s chin as you cried.

You stayed there for a while, waiting for him to tell you something to make you feel better, to give you some advice and tell you lies till you stopped crying but that moment never came. It would probably never come and yet you would still wait.

“It’s not going to be okay.” “Don’t say that- I-“ “You haven’t eaten for six days now.” He turned his head to look back up at the sky, his words were only another reminder of something else you’ve lost. Beauty. Your pelt used to shine like the shiny rocks you collected as a cub, now, looking as dull as the corpses you dug up. “I know.” Was all you managed to get out before blinking hard to stop yourself from crying.

“Why don’t you leave?”
“I can’t.”
I don’t know how, I don’t want to admit it’s over, I just want to close my eyes and pretend it’s all a dream that I’ll wake up from.
“I don’t know.”
I’m so scared of moving on, I’m so scared of the future, I can’t admit they’re dead, I don’t want to leave them behind, I don’t want to fuck things up again.

“But you’re suffering.”

The lion looked back down at you, an unreadable look across his face. You sat beside him, silent for an uncomfortably long time before you spoke, your voice just above a whisper.

“I know.”

And then you were both silent, he no longer purred and you no longer sniffled. You should have gotten used to silence by now, you’ve been alone for so long that it should be normal by now. And yet here you were, once again waiting for him to say words that you know will never come. You didn’t even think he was real, this could quite possibly be something your mind had made up to cope with the fact you were so utterly alone. Did it mean anything if he said something?

You had no idea. That was beginning to become the new normal for you.

“Will you ever move on?” He spoke slowly and cautiously, his words making you wish he hadn’t have spoken at all. The honest truth was that you wouldn’t, couldn’t, how could you possibly move on? You lived here, loved here, played here, laughed here, fought here and cried here. Would moving on even be possible? You shook your head slowly and looked up at him with sad eyes. He frowned in response.

“I was in love once. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.” He huffed and looked away. You turned your head towards him as he looked down at his paws, tracing circles into the dirt below him with a claw. “It was the one thing that actually mattered. When he passed, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I promised him I’d never love another lion, he promised me that there were other loves out there. I couldn’t move on. I stayed behind and let the world pass me by. I let everyone go on without me.’

The lion sighed, his head lowering. ‘Now I always think of the life I missed out on. He was right, there were other loves out there. When I look back at the lives I could have lived I see ones where I’m happy. I marry a lioness called Siamese and we have four healthy cubs. We never start a pride but we never needed one to keep us happy. In another I save a hyena from drowning in a flood, years later we’re snuggled under a large acai tree as the rain pours down on the grassland.’

He turned to you, a look of regret across his face.
‘All those lives don’t exist now, I never found love, I never had cubs, I died alone and I died unhappy. All because I couldn’t move on.’

You listen to his tale with a saddened look on your face, hearing a lion very much like yourself describe something so familiar was enough to get you teary once again.

The life he lived.. you didn’t want to end up like that.

It sounded horrible.
Was that really where you were heading? To die alone? To live a life not worth living?

“You can see the future?” He nodded slowly. “What’s mine?” He frowned, “It’s best not to disclose things of that nature-“ “Please.” You look up at him with a pleading look in your eyes, in all honesty you were desperate to know if you really could move on or if he was just bullshitting.

The lion sighs. “I guess I could bend the rules just this once.” You purr out a thanks and think about what you want to ask him, it came to your mind almost immediately.

“What happens if I stay here?”

He stares at you blankly for a while, his unblinking pink eyes boring holes into yours. “If you stay here you die within the next week. You fall asleep in an open grave and vultures mistake you for carrion. You're too weak to fight them off and it’s a long and painful death, you’re dead seven hours after.”

You wince, that sounded horrible.. Would you really die so soon? You felt pathetic that it was to vultures of all things.
“And if I don’t?”

He stares at you some more and narrows his eyes, the warmness from before seeping back into them.

"If you don't? It takes a while but you leave the valley, not immediately but soon enough that you miss the vultures, soon enough that you don't catch a sickness, soon enough that you're still strong enough to climb over the rubble and out of this horrible place." His tail flicks behind him and he moves a paw over the dirt he was drawing in. "It's a long walk but before you know it you're away from the valley, out of this mess and you find yourself seeing a land more beautiful than this one."

"What's it like?" You pipe up, he looks down at you and grins. "Oh lion, it's beautiful. Have you ever seen the coast? Felt the sea breeze in your whiskers? The sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline?” You shake your head and look down at your paws, he gives the spot behind your ear a lick in the way a mother would her cub.

“I guess it doesn’t matter if you’ve been to the coast or not, take the sea as a surprise then.” You nod your head in response. The two of you are silent for a while, the only sound in the ruins of the valley being the soft purr coming from you and the shifting of the ash against the soil.

“It sounds amazing.” You finally say, looking up at him with a small smile to which he returns. “It is lion, I can promise you that much.”

You lean back into him, he almost felt warm, he almost felt alive. Maybe he was. Maybe he could go to the coast with-

“Don’t finish that thought lion.” “Why?” “This is my final resting place lion. This is where I was buried and this is where I must stay.” He mewed, his voice firm but still holding kindness to it. You felt yourself feeling disappointed and your ears drooping, but that was probably selfish of you. He’d already shown you so much kindness and told you such wonderful things, asking him to come to the coast with you would be too much.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that..” You trailed off before another question popped into your head. “How long have you been, you know..?” “Dead for?” “Yeah. That- That’s the one.” He tilted his head and looked up at the smog filled sky, his brows furrowing as he thought about that.

“A long time now. I lived at a time of less complexity.” He shrugged. “It’s hard to explain, apologies.” He gave you an apologetic smile and you nodded along to that. It wasn’t the answer you were expecting but the simplicity of it was a nice change to the hard conversations you had with him beforehand.

“Can I know your name?”
“Hanahaki, my mother thought the name was beautiful. She didn’t know the meaning.”
“I guess it was fitting in the end, right?”
He looked back down at you and gave you another smile. “I guess you could say that.”

You talked with Hanahaki for a little while longer, enjoying the comfort of being curled up with another lion who didn’t radiate terror like the lions you’ve seen lately.

***Dread bumped your forehead when you came to say hello and asked how you were doing.
That's very polite of you

86 stats at 1y 11m, bought at this age so I had no time to train him completely. I'm still going to try though, maybe I could get him to 40 and try and use those berry things from nirah's shop to raise it? Less stats but you know, might be worth it. Maybe not... Just gonna have to patrol this mf like he's never been patrolled before...

Hoping to get him to at least 1k stats before 10 and maybe 1.5k by the time I'm ready to king him. I want to make money offa this guy.

Still need to buy the mod... ALNFKJNFKJASNFJKSDNFKJ
I'm gonna cry. I'm sobbing. My bank account is sobbing. My hoard is sobbing. Hanahaki you better be worth this my precious little bitch boy..!

Aiming to patrol him until he reaches 13y 11m and king him before roll over as he may die of a broken heart over night :)

wait did i actually delete the fucking

oh my god i did
all the stat tracking stuff i’m actually gonna kms HIW THE FUC DID IT DELETE?? GRAHHHAHAHgahhagagagagHAHAJ

please keep being a good boy and getting more stats for daddy please…

reached 1.5k (meant to be the goal for 14y) at 8 years and 9 months.
i love this lil dude (still need to buy the stupid fucking mod)
10 years 8 months reached 1.9k, officially the highest stat king I’ve ever had and i love him
11 years 2 months reached 2k!!! MY BABY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ILYSM ILYSM ILYSM
Kinged at 13 years and 8 months 2.3k stats

Reached 2.5k (the ultimate unrealistic no way you would achieve it goal) at 10 years 7 months. Hana you are a bloody legend. Wth? You’ve gone 1.5k over the initial goal and 1k over the meant to be pretty unrealistic goal of 1.5k. I love you so so so so so much i don’t care that you only ever give me potato cubs i love you.


adding bone eyebrows slot 15, changing to jolly pose, harbinger mane decor

'Can you feel it? That emptiness that's everywhere?'

‘In case you couldn’t tell I took the fatherless comments to heart. Been at the gym working on my muscles in preparation for when I’m asked it again ever since. Those little meanies won’t know what hit em. Hah!’

A shadowy entity in the form of a lion.

He stares at you for a long while before tipping his head to you. 'G'day love. Don't mind me, just eating all the spirits of the dead things around here before they go someplace else. Heh. Hah.' He burps and laughs some more as he slowly fades out of sight. Okay..

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