Leonek's Den

CSS by: Miakoda[Unholy
Smilus] (#49358)

My lights are on, however I ask that you only come once a week to trick-or-treat!
๐“๐“ซ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ฝ ๐“œ๐“ฎ
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Little boy: โ€œAre you an angel?โ€
Girl: โ€œWhat?โ€
Little boy: โ€œMy mom told me those who have marked wrists are angels.โ€
Girl: โ€œIโ€™m not an angelโ€
Little boy: โ€œOf course you are! Mom said only angels hurt themselves because they donโ€™t like the life on earth. The world is destroying them so they try to return to heaven again. They are too sensitive to pain of others and their own.โ€
Girl: โ€œYou know your mom is very wise.โ€
Little boy: โ€œThank you. She is also an angel, but she already returned home.โ€

The loneliest people are to kindest
The saddest people smile the brightest
The most damaged people are the wisest
All because they do not want to see anyone suffer the way they do.
Not my words but spread them

Legos are worse than bear traps to step on.

Repost if...

-You always hear your name even when if it's not being called.
-You hate hearing your voice in recordings.
-You use the word "thingy" when you can't remember what something is called.
-You pretend you're writing in class so the teacher won't call on you.
-You say the entire alphabet because you can't remember what letter comes next.
-You and your best friend can say one word and crack up.
-You hate it when one of your hoodie strings is longer than the other.
-You hate it when someone thinks you like someone when you clearly don't.
-You hate it when your favourite song comes on as you pull in the driveway.
-You feel like if you turn on the lights, you'll be safe from anything.
-You push those little buttons on the lids of fast-food drink

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
BEST FRIENDS Are the reasons you have no food.
FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
BEST FRIENDS: Call your parent's DAD/MOM
FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
BEST FRIENDS: Would sit next to you saying "Dang ... we messed up! "
FRIENDS: Never seen you cry.
BEST FRIENDS: Have a wet shoulder from your tears
FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
BEST FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.
FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
BEST FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.
FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd that left you.
FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"
FRIENDS: Will talk meanly to the person who talks meanly about you.
BEST FRIENDS: Will knock them out.
FRIENDS: Will read this.
BEST FRIENDS: Will steal this, and put this on their page

โ™ฅSpread Awarenessโ™ฅ
It ends with you.
That "gay boy" you punched in the hall today? He just committed suicide.
The girl you laughed at because she had no hair? She survived cancer and will always be stronger than you.
That boy you called lame? He has to work every night to support his family.
That girl you pushed down the stairs? She's abused enough at home.
The old man you made fun of because of the ugly scars? He fought for his country.
The girl you called fat? She's starving herself.
The boy you made fun of for crying? His mother just died.
The girl you called ugly? She hopes beyond hope that people will like her.
You think you know these people, but you don't.
Re-post this if you are against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but the 1% with a heart will.
-From lionlover #17056

Bullying is not okay. Spread awareness to stop the cruelty of hurting other people for being different, or to make themselves feel powerful. Being part of the LGBTQ+ community or being part of the furry community is NOT a crime. it does NOT give ANYONE the right to make someone feel as though they aren't allowed to be who they are. Never feel like others get to choose whom you are! The world loves and respects you!โคโคโค

Oath of the Warrior
I'll remember Cinderheart...When I'm torn between two paths
I'll remember Cinderpelt...When I see someone risk something for another
I'll remember the kits... Whenever I am overjoyed
I'll remember Breezepelt... Whenever I feel unloved
I'll remember Brightheart...When I see a scar one someone's face
I will think of WindClan...Every time I win a race.
I'll remember Goosefeather...When nobody believes me
I'll remember Heathertail...When someone wants to be 'just friends'
I will think of StarClan...When I am near the end
I'll remember Leafpool...When I must follow my heart
I'll remember Hollyleaf...If I ever fall apart
I'll remember Bramblestar...When I must prove myself.
I'll remember Spottedleaf...When I'm suffering from bad health
I'll remember Lionblaze...When I am feeling strong
I'll remember Tigerstar...If I choose the path that's wrong
I'll remember Dovewing...When I hear of something far away
I'll remember Cloudtail...When a kitten catches their first prey
I'll remember Feathertail...Whenever I must be brave
I'll remember The Tribe...When I'm in a cave
I'll remember Ashfur...When somebody breaks my heart
I'll remember Bluestar...Whenever I lose faith
I'll remember Ivypool...When I try to be the best
I'll remember Firestar...When my loyalty's put to the test
I'll remember the many battles...When I see conflict or strife
I'll remember Yellowfang...When i'm accused of something i didn't do
I'll remember Scourge... When someones teased for being tiny
I'll remember Barley... For when me and my siblings are far apart
I'll remember Silverstream... For when i see a young mother
I'll remember Mothflight... For when i find it hard to believe
I'll remember Midnight... Whenever i'm at sea
I'll remember Crookedstar... Whenever someone abandons me
I'll remember Ravenpaw... When i have to flee
I'll remember Jayfeather... When i have a strange dream
I'll remember Longtail... When i can see no more
I'll remember Darkstripe... When someone holds a grudge
I promise to remember all of these cats...For the rest of my life

There is a kind of sadness no one talks about. We all know about the kind of sadness where we distract ourselves with something or someone else, we know the kind of sadness where we cry and shut down, but why donโ€™t we talk about the other kind of sadness?

There is a kind of sadness and bottled up frustration that makes you want to rip everything off the walls and scream at the top of your lungs and break everything because everything is wrong. Everything is wrong, and youโ€™re hurting, and everything youโ€™re trying to keep inside is threatening to boil over so you just want to destroy everything but you canโ€™t do that because thatโ€™s something a crazy person would do and youโ€™re. Not. Crazy. Right?

Me: "I don't like people."

Friend: "I'm offended."

Me: "You don't count as people."

Friend: "Awww, I love you too <3"

Loners, no matter how much they tell you otherwise, are not alone because they prefer it that way. Rather, they are loners because they've tried to be like others and the world has continued to disappoint them.

There is a difference between being disenchanted and being a pessimist. A true pessimist actively looks for the bad in the world, but the disenchanted still have hope for good things, theyโ€™ve just learned to not expect them.

Your rainbow is strongly shaded white and red.


What is says about you: You are a passionate person. You appreciate quiet moments. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.



Your Spirit animal is a Wolf! Wolves are beautiful and mysterious creatures that have often been misunderstood and represented negatively, although in Native American culture they are considered to be a very spiritual totem animal with much to teach us. Wolves are full of stamina, often running for long periods at a time and so represent being tenacious, and perseverance.

Wolves are very family orientated, but yet do manage to preserve some individuality. If the wolf is your spirit animal then do look at your home/work/friends balance, as if it is out of kilter, learning from the wolf will help you correct this.

Wolves are very intelligent, reminding us to think before we speak and act. Those with the wolf as their spirit animal are likely to find themselves drawn to spiritual or metaphysical paths.

Wolves can be a bit uncertain and shy at times and this can lead to a lack of confidence, and so the wolf may have lessons for you about needing to trust yourself. Wolves are very territorial, and this can play out in people as getting angry when you feel someone has crossed a line, which in relationships can be interpreted as aggressive or possessive, so the wolf as a totem animal can also be there to encourage us to let go and not take things so personally.

Like all animals, the wolf represents both negative and positive qualities. In the view of the Native Americans we can learn from our spirit animal by studying both types of qualities and striving to improve further at the positive ones and avoid the negative ones.

Positive Traits: Intelligent, Family Orientated, Ability to not give up, Spiritual, Loyalty
Negative Traits: Vague, Unsure, Shy, Territorial, Can appear aggressive

Spirit Animal Quiz


Name: Wolfe

Adopt one yourself! @Pokรฉmon Orphanage

Side Acc: Click

Helpful formatting:
<*a href="url link">Text<*/a*>
[*spoiler*] TEXT [/*spoiler*]

Lion images: https://lioext.paigejones.me/

Lion Request Thread
A handsome golden lion approaches you with a wary look in his eyes, a dark primal (accompanied by a mouse of all creatures) following close behind. "Who are you?" He listens silently as you answer. "Ah. I see." He abruptly turns away, his tail flicking to indicate you should follow.
"Pyotr, show our guest to a resting spot while I find them a meal." A few moments later, the dark primal you noticed before steps forward with a respectful bob of his head.
"Of course Leonek, as you command." He turns to you. "Please, follow me, honored guest."
He leads you to a soft pallet made of the reeds growing along the river. You pad past a group of rowdy cubs and adolescents all jockeying for the closest pallet to yours. It's obvious they don't have guests often. As you settle in, the pride's king, Leonek, at least you assume who the lion is based on the deference the lionesses and sub-male show him, returns with a small gazelle carcass, courtesy of the group of lionesses you see returning from the hunt.
You thank him before digging in, throwing curious glances towards one of the lionesses who seems to have more autonomy than the others, slowly making her way around the den accompanied by an array of wild animals and another primal, this one a rust-like red.
Leonek follows your gaze, his expression softening with affection at the sight. "Selkie, stop and come greet our guest, you should come pay your respects as well Rusty." This last statement was directed at the prima. Leonek turns back to you to introduce them. "The lovely lady now approaching is my Queen Selkie, who was unfortunately blinded while on the hunt, and the arrogant cub behind her is Rusty, my secondary heir in case something should happen to our dear Pyotr."
You nod your greeting, surreptitiously wiping some of the blood off your muzzle as the lioness approaches. The first thing you notice is the beautiful flower crown the wreaths her head. Her markings strike you next, as they are very unusual, but beautiful all the same.
"I hope you enjoyed your meal, my girls work hard to feed this pride." Selkie seems to take great pride in the work of her huntresses. "I hope you enjoy your stay!" Pipes up the young cub following close behind her.
Leonek clears his throat to gain your attention once more. "Please stay as long as you need, never let it be said that our pride is stingy." He stands as Pyotr approaches with a troubled expression. "It appears my heir has news for me. As I said, you may stay as long as you like. If you need, we also have some lionesses who would be glad to accompany you on your journey, and I'm sure we may find some extra food laying around. Just let Pyotr or Selkie know if you need anything, they will ensure word gets to me. Safe travels my friend." He trots off, leaving you with an adoring crowd of cubs and lionesses.

King Project!


Pride interactions: https://www.lioden.wiki/pride-interactions
Stud Thread

Queen Selkie by Jessie [Tri Ros Ebony] (#197992)
Lord Rusty by Silver (#87011)
Shadow (OC) by Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ (#44085)
Queen Selkie YCH by Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ (#44085)
Prince Saverio YCH by Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ (#44085)
Icon of Shadow (OC) by ๐Ÿ Ginger_Bee ๐Ÿ (#167127)

This den has 1 lion that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Wanderer Leonek
Level: 21 Branch: Alex's Shoppe
Stats: 964 Territory: 43
Lionesses: 17 Beetle Slots: 11 / 17
Cubs: 18 / 215 Grandpaw: โ€”
Male Slots: 3 / 3 Subordinate Males: BLACK ROSE
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 4 lions with mutations in Leonek's pride.

Leonek's Player
Member ID #237195
Joined: 2021-07-11 12:47:20 Last Active: 2023-08-28 6:59:23

๐Ÿ“ƒ View Wishlist :|: ๐Ÿ“ฆ View Trades

โ›” Block Member โž• Friend Request

6 Pregnant Lionesses
View Cave 1
LV Stats Name Age Status
2 years old
1 201 Brimstone
6 years, 6 months old
1 316 Teardrop
2 years, 5 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
10 250 237195
7 years, 9 months old
10 224 Alex
7 years, 1 month old
1 37 Aliyah
2 years, 1 month old
6 54 Ariana
2 years, 6 months old
10 339 Blue Death
7 years, 6 months old
10 243 cinnabar
Breed to lemon ๐Ÿ‹ (she/they) (
9 years, 5 months old
1 251 Cub
4 months old
1 130 Crackle
2 years, 10 months old
7 135 Cute
6 years, 8 months old *
1 41 New Cub
2 years, 3 months old
7 126 Newly Claimed Lioness
6 years, 9 months old *
12 344 Pearl
Cherry Blossom
11 years, 10 months old
1 259 Sharei
2 years, 8 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 235 Cub
9 months old
1 211 Cub
1 year, 1 month old
1 35 Indigo
11 months old
1 32 New Cub
1 year, 9 months old
1 29 New Cub
11 months old
1 184 PIE
1 year, 7 months old
1 393 Sunny
G4 MR Primal | 800
1 year, 5 months old
View Unsorted Lions
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 99 Newly Claimed Lioness
3 years, 5 months old
1 135 Newly Claimed Lioness
5 years old
1 148 Newly Claimed Lioness
3 years, 6 months old
1 153 Newly Claimed Lioness
4 years, 4 months old
1 112 Newly Claimed Lioness
3 years, 11 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 224 Cub
1 year, 7 months old
1 254 Cub
1 year, 7 months old
1 235 Cub
1 year, 7 months old
1 31 New Cub
1 year, 4 months old
1 32 New Cub
1 year, 5 months old
1 33 New Cub
1 year, 6 months old
1 31 New Cub
10 months old
1 29 New Cub
7 months old
1 24 New Cub
7 months old
1 32 New Cub
10 months old

Empty Cave Slot

Empty Cave Slot

Attack This Lion
Read about attacking

It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

View Attack History

Leonek's Recent Allies
played by Korvinโ˜พ|Pie hoarder
Level 7 - 44 lionesses - 16 cubs
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alatus โ™ซ
played by samael๐Ÿชฝ
Level 23 - 42 lionesses - 35 cubs
Send Message
Absolute Freak
played by Anarch โ˜…
Level 11 - 29 lionesses - 31 cubs
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played by Steel
Level 11 - 19 lionesses - 2 cubs
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Dear Peach
played by Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ
Level 6 - 15 lionesses - 4 cubs
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Two Minds, Many Wings
played by murderthistle | they/it/any
Level 10 - 38 lionesses - 30 cubs
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View All

Leonek's Clan Memberships

Artistโ€™s Den

Care Center and More!!!


๐Ÿ— Feed Lioden ๐Ÿ—

Event Enthusiasts

Heavenly Karma

Moonlite Mannor Rescue

Mut breeders!!

Primal Rampage

Primitive Primals

Purely Aesthetic

Raffles of Lioden

Stud Buds


Writer's Unite

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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