~I can see the stars, my love~'s Den

We all walk, moving forward is inevitable. Regardless of if we choose to walk in the dark, or perhaps you enjoy your walk shrouded in overwhelming light? For me i choose the path hidden within the stars, finding secrets etched away in galaxies. I walk the path that was forged by the dark yet lit up by constellations. I choose both, which do you choose? dXQKwR0.jpeg

~Breed my king with Black Dark Solid genetics (Noctis, Obsidian, and Ebony for a higher chance at Interstellar <3 It can pass onto cub from any lions but matching genetics helps! <3 if you are wanting to breed him for a chance at hoarfrost, please let me know<3~


The thudding sound of padded paws against the ground was loud, so loud it drowned out the noises of the night. The chirping of crickets, the croaking of frogs, and even the rustling of leaves and bushes simply all drowned out. “Alagesan” Marigold whispered worriedly, “The older lions are getting tired, we must pause to rest.” The king twisted, letting out a low growl, “No, we keep moving if we don't, he'll catch up,” and with that, they continued to run through the forest. Fear of the unknown gripping their hearts tightly, it was never-ending, invading their thoughts and soul. Another hour had passed before the mighty king began to slow, the small stream in front of then trickled through a moonlit clearing. The space was filled with wildflowers that drifted delicately in the breeze. The stars seemed to shine brighter here, more profound as if the gods had hand-etched diamonds into the sky.
The littlest lion stepped forward; this cub had been the reason they were being pursued. “He’s here,” she began softly, “Waiting.” Alagesan snarled lowly, “If he was here then I would have scented him out by now, do you think I'm blind?” He raised a paw to swat at the tiny cub, it wasn't his, he knew this. The cub had the darkest of blue pelts that resembled the night sky, her coat marked with the blessing of the stars, her eyes bright and knowing. It only hurt his ego to allow such scandal to happen within his pride, “Don't harm Astra!” Nyx spoke, moving to protect the cub. Alagesan scoffed taking a few steps back, “Teach her to not speak out of place–”

“Is this really how you treat your pride?” The voice came from behind, quickly Alagesan twirled his breathing heavy as he stared in shock. The lion who didn't look like a lion, his tail short, his teeth elongated, taller yet his lean muscled evident in the way they rippled under the challenger's pelt. “How I treat my pride is none of your business” he snapped in response, his fur bristling as Alagesan lowered himself into a fighting position. “Do not be foolish” the unnamed male stepped forward, his cloudy gaze meeting with Alagesan's much pinker one, “Fighting me will be your death, you have ruled this pride long enough. Step down and stay to yourself and I'll allow you to live within the safety of the pride. You may groom the females, but you aren't to do anything more. Your former cubs will not lose their lives and you are free to play and watch them as much as you’d like.”
Truly Alagesan was stumped, he knew fighting this lion would result in his death. That didn't mean he wanted to step down either, despite his growing age he still had a couple of years left in him. “I will step down” he finally spoke, lowering his head in slight shame thinking that he had somewhat failed his pride. “I just have a couple of questions first,” the unknown male did not hesitate to speak, “Very well go on” he slinked forward towards Alagesan and the pride, now that he was moving steadily closer it became evident that he had the same pelt as Astra, “I was wondering if the reason you stalked my pride for so long was that you and that cub share the same pelt.. Is she your–” he let his words trail off knowing the unnamed male would know exactly what he was asking.
An amused expression crossed his features, but it was gone in a flash, his cloudy eyes straying to the little feline. “No, I'm not her father,” in fact, he had plans for her when she was much older. There weren't many lions with their pelt color, it was his job to bring about the reign of stars. “Go to your Mother Astra,” he cooed, nudging the feline towards the correct lioness. “Any more questions?” he inquired looking at the now former pride leader, who quickly shook his head.. Good. He straightened to his full height, the light filtering in behind him as he looked over his pride, his voice firm and filled with undying resolve, “I have no name,” his voice taking on a silky tone. Lightly purring as he moved forward pleased that he had finally claimed this pride. “I have never needed one,” he added, stalking around the lionesses, their eyes following his every move. “This pride now walks among the stars,” he turned his head to the night sky inhaling as he allowed his cloudy eyes to close, “We will follow the path etched out for us by the constellations, we shall make our home within the galaxy.” They would be traveling quite a bit, he was worried for the little ones, it was likely they would lose some along the way. “It’ll be a dangerous and long journey,” he continued lightly, fully turning back to the group. “But for now, call me Atlas if you feel the need to address me.”



Bisexual, i don't really care much about genders :3 so realistically i could be pan <3! Regardless I'm 23, and i do have discord. Though if i meet you here I'd like to chat a bit before giving out that info. I'm an author with two books in the works! I'm also willing to do writing commissions so DM me to ask for prices for lore or writing on your lions! I ride horses, read, write, play guitar, sing and i also professionally dance! I LOVE TO RP! I'm willing to rp just message your ideas! I'm great at world building so it can be fun! ALSO, while I'm here! Looking for any exp items!! If you stop by and have some drones in your inventory message me the prices because ill be interested in buying them. Any stat boosting items like the things i have listed on my page is also welcome!! Thank you for stopping by :3

Foods that can give Stats
• Fluffy Bunny Carcass - 0 to 1 Stat
• Small Tortoise - 0 to 1 Stat
• Crocodile Eggs - 0 to 1 Stat
• Hippo Fat - 0 to 1 Stat
• Turtle Eggs - 0 to 1 Stat
• Longfin Eal - 0 to 1 Stat
• Mudfish - 0 to 5 Stats
• Honeycomb - 0 to 6 Stats
• Egg Yolks - 0 to 15 Stats

Toys that can give Stats
• Dry Palm Leaf - 0 to 2 Stat
• Ostrich Fluff - 0 to 2 Stats
• Flamingo Legs - 0 to 2 Stats
• Camel Toes - 0 to 2 Stats
• Kudu Horn - 0 to 2 Stats
• Lovebird Plumage - 0 to 3 Stats

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BREEDING INTRO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"My Dear," he cooed, shifting closer as he lowered his head. His cloudy eyes never straying from yours as he stalked closer, "look to the stars," he lifted his head, rays of moonlight filtered around him. His pelt shining with that of a thousand stars, it was as if the constellations of the night sky had nestled into his fur, acting as a safe haven for such stars. Even fallen ones, such as yourself... "They shine for you," his silky voice murmured, a soft frosty breath escaped into the night, the falling of snow was subtle yet noticeable. The silence was unsettling in an eerie mysterious kind of way and yet you were far too enamored to speak, simply admiring the male Felis who stood so regal before you. Eventually his eyes slowly cut to the side, despite his head still being lifted to the night sky, you straightened feeling the need to impress… As you should. Finally, he spoke, his voice soft, yet firm, reminding you that while the stars showed with immense beauty they also burned with the intensity of many suns, “And that is why I find my home within the stars."
Finding your voice you spoke, “You live within the stars?” the feline questioned. A slow knowing chuckle escaped him, though he didn't speak, simply moving to the lioness’s side brushing against it slowly. The rest of his pride watched in obvious envy, though they didn't move knowing you were simply just a traveler, someone passing through only to warm his den for the night. He began to move, padded paws looked as if they barely touched the ground, for such a lean muscled king he walked with such grace. The ethereal sight caused you to pause, he seemed to notice this, pausing his trek to look over his shoulder to you, your breathing becoming shallow as you did your best to hold his gaze. He looked as if he should be blind, but instead it was more than that. It was as if he was looking into your soul, as if he knew exactly what you wanted before you yourself did. You move, paws feeling heavy as you attempt to follow, his den lined with valued gems etched within the stone, he welcomed you in further knowing that when you left the coming morning that the stars would be leaving with you.

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Level: 16 Branch: All around me are familiar faces
Stats: 1397 Territory: 140
Lionesses: 22 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 107 / 700 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Atieno
clean interstellar
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 6 / 6
There are 13 lions with mutations in ~I can see the stars, my love~'s pride.

~I can see the stars, my love~'s Player
Member ID #335085
xRedAngelx |G2 Ferus|
Joined: 2022-08-15 03:12:04 Last Active: 2023-12-07 21:53:16

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~I can see the stars, my love~'s Recent Allies
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Level 11 - 72 lionesses - 74 cubs
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Level 7 - 21 lionesses - 20 cubs
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played by Lev3ret [G2 Arctic Dappled]
Level 11 - 26 lionesses - 10 cubs
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Level 9 - 29 lionesses - 21 cubs
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played by Лаура
Level 13 - 24 lionesses - 3 cubs
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~I can see the stars, my love~'s Clan Memberships

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