Last Shadow's Den

Last Shadow, the Angelic
Level: 23 Branch: 1 GB items and decor
Stats: 1459 Territory: 24
Lionesses: 24 Beetle Slots: 7 / 7
Cubs: 4 / 120 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 3 Subordinate Males: The Mystery King 🌟👑🌟
Frozen Slots: 0 / 2 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 4 lions with mutations in Last Shadow's pride.

Last Shadow's Player
Member ID #413261
Joined: 2022-12-29 19:36:58 Last Active: 2024-09-20 15:15:58

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Last Shadow's Recent Allies
played by 🥞waffle maker🥞
Level 7 - 41 lionesses - 56 cubs
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played by Vanny
Level 8 - 18 lionesses - 7 cubs
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played by Saga(Prismatic pie)
Level 11 - 90 lionesses - 31 cubs
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played by proud
Level 8 - 49 lionesses - 35 cubs
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played by kota
Level 6 - 22 lionesses - 17 cubs
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played by Vine|Knhum|x3 Ros|7 BO|1.2K|G1
Level 7 - 16 lionesses - 2 cubs
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Last Shadow's Clan Memberships

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✨PIO People!!!✨

⭐️Golden Beetle Galore ⭐

Catch Me If You Can!

Coven Of Blessings

Cuties & Muties 4 Newbies


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🥭Mango's Wonderful Raffles

🪚🌀 Jigclaw 🧩📼

Heavenly Karma

Hybrid Havoc


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King Dynasty

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