Ichorcall's Den


!Proud neglected lioness hoarder!
Gals are all found in explore or are inbred. Not bought, traded, or from the tree <3. stole yo grill


oW mY sIdE
Pride status
[June 10th, 2020] Ichorcall dies after a freak accident in the caves where his corpse lies without a face. The longborn still cub, Prophetess, emerges from her old body and carries the dynasty her father left behind. The lions are fearful in the depths of the Carrion, underneath the shadows of her wings as she soars by.
[April 3rd, 2020] After ages of drought and famine a new light has shun upon this miserable tribe. The once placed torches of the known Western Tribe lick the setting sun and hails burning vultures that fall from the sky. The feminine musk of lionesses tainting the carcasses, the fire, the sacrifices of these birds to Ichorcall, is the accidental blessing that saved the Carrion Canyon of starvation. But the prophecy is here; he assumes come forth a new daughter rising from the depths like a phoenix.
[June 10th, 2019] Food ran out again. Stomachs cave, but Ichorcall counts his bones and teeth with all the free time he has as King. He's daydreaming about the next litter of cubs.
[July 20th, 2018] THE FIRE IN THE DARK. Patrolling lionesses have found burning shrubbery at the borders of the territory. Torches were also found lit and stuck up from the ground. It was clear that lions have marked their territory here, but what other pride could be lurking around the canyon?
[July 19th, 2018] THE QUEEN HAS FALLEN! Queen Mejol Mourn has died due to starvation and old age, though she has died the youngest out of previous queens. The pride mourns for her death near the river, including Ichorcall who valued his mother the most out of his parents. The Queen's nest now bears emptiness and patience for the next Queen.
[July 15th, 2018] Food entirely ran out. The pride loses its cubs, and has salvaged them for food.
[July 12th, 2018] DEATH! Former king Aftershock has died. He was found atop of the canyon wall, with vultures that accompanied his frail body. The elders mourn and grieve for his death, while the rest of the pride carries on.
[June 29th, 2018] THE KING HAS FALLEN! Years of a tyrant delusional ruler no longer can hold his ground as life drags him down to the old canyon stone for death. He is physically incapable of being King, and rests in peace in the old pride caves until he passes. Ichorcall takes his place, shaping a lion fit for survival that promises to save the canyon. He stands tall on the highest cliff where all lions look up to, and releases them from their nocturnal prisons. The last remaining elders are proud of their son, and all await for the new generation to be freed from the barren desert and back into the pride-lands. But Ichorcall visions of a pride far from green grassy hills full of abundant prey and lions. No, he believes the desperation and hunger of a pride will thin out its weak and build the strong. So he abandons all names and traditions, to one where lions so hungry would have to gnaw on their own tails or to eat the remains of their cubs. A pride honoring the dead by putting their bodies to use. Though as harsh as it is, the pride knows that it's their only chance of survival as a whole. So they accept the new tradition, including the elders who spend their last few days in worry and depression. Ichorcall honors the pride as the Carrion Carnivores, survivors of the Carrion Canyon.
[June 18th, 2018] 15 YEARS. Aftershock has reached the prime age of life; an age when the king retires and lends his throne to a son, and a time of grief. But Aftershock refuses to give up his position even though he is ailing. He believes that he can gain immortal powers to save his suffering pride, and that he will stay as king forever. The pride knows that his delusions will make his death difficult to bear, and even the elders pity the king that they will die with. Aftershock had chased his only two healthy heirs, Autumn and Angel, out of the canyon, fearing that they will overrule him. All while oblivious to Ichorcall, who waits patiently for the king to die. The wait will take another year; another year in the barren and suffocating narrowness of a canyon.
[June 7th, 2018] FOREVER FAMINE. It has been a year and the pride still suffers from hunger. Mothers are forced to abandon their cubs as they are too weak to nurse them. The elders are on the verge of death, and Aftershock grows old. The pride wonders even on its last days: who will be the new king? Aftershock only has a few weeks left as king, or less, considering the famine. He has birthed many male cubs, but none to be heir. Angel and Autumn are willing to be the next king, and are currently arranging plans with Aftershock. It's difficult giving Aftershock such limited time to decide, and he personally does not feel any connection to either male being the next king - or most importantly; a son. Meanwhile, the elders are taking advantage of this event to create a king of their image, which they named him: Ichorcall. This male wasn't as important as any other abandoned cub, and only had a little chance of survival in the canyon. And with every accident, Aftershock chose to ignore and neglect. The pride had little effort to worry about their cubs in the famine, so Ichorcall was to be just another cub lost in the depths of desert. However, the elders finally rescued him as he was the only youngest male cub to be taught the Sun traditions. Ichorcall followed their lessons in exchange for food, and surely became a strong adolescent who is ready to take the throne. But Ichorcall, just like his father, has different internal intentions. Intentions, based on instincts.
[September 29th, 2017] DESPERATE TIMES. The pride roars and growls to be fed, but emptiness haunts the hoard. Hunters are desperately trying to feed the pride, but it's never enough. The pride literally has no food, and will surely die in the next day. Aftershock desperately tries to search the clans for help, but he's really on his own. He has no choice but to scavenge the lands himself to provide for his pride.
[September 26th, 2017] THE DEATH OF THE QUEEN! Loud Thunder, Queen of the first dynasty, has been found dead in her nest this morning. The pride mourns for her, especially Aftershock - her son. She will now be sided with Vedo again, proudly looking down onto their pride.
[September 9th, 2017] THE GREAT STARVATION! Food has been running extremely low, and only scraps and small prey remain in the pride. Aftershock takes action and starts to abandon cubs in attempt to save the pride. It's a dark time as the pride starts to become aggressive for the little food that remains. The pride will not be able to survive another day if nothing is done.
[August 29th, 2017] THE PRIDE GROWS! New visitors come and go, and Aftershock fathers many new cubs after a while as king. The pride becomes full, and his daughters are now grown up. Today, he had given those daughters freedom in the wild to clear up the pride. He hopes that some other pride will take them in. Meanwhile, the old elders of the Sun are still busy backstabbing their king. They take advantage of the new cubs, scarring their minds with the old traditions. They hope that they can change the pride's future.
[August 21st, 2017] THE ECLIPSE HAS BEEN SUMMONED! Today, the pride gathers around their king as he looks up at the sky with confidence. Aftershock has been waiting for this moment for his whole life - to gain the powers of this phenomenon. The elders doubt the prophecies, but watch in curiosity. The sky turns dark as the moon blocks the sun, and a silhouette of Aftershock is seen. He laughs hysterically, believing that he killed the sun. The others back away as if he's gone mad. The scene was shortly over as the sky brightened up once more, and Aftershock sits quietly as usual. Of course, it is all part of Aftershock's superstition, but the pride mustn't interfere with his beliefs.
[August 9th, 2017] THE PROPHECY IS FULFILLED! Heavenly Galaxy is now a proud mother of an Achromia cub! The pride celebrates and names her, "White Lie". The Eclipse's prophecy was fulfilled, and now the pride is full of energy and power! While the pride celebrates, Aftershock is interpreting the signs. Not only does White Lie have Achromia, but she's also infertile. Because of this, Aftershock believes that his daughter is a cursed lioness trapped in a lifeless body for eternity. Aftershock blames the stars and night for giving him an evil spirit. For now, Aftershock will make sure he provides his daughter the best life possible so that she can die peacefully and not disturb the pride in the future.
[August 6th, 2017] FAILURE! :(. Shadowed Flash has only produced 1 cub with no mutations, despite her 1% fertility and cotton root bark. Aftershock is disappointed, but will continue the project. Heavenly Galaxy is the last chance of getting a mutated cub, which she was dosed with Tackweed and cotton root bark.
[August 3rd, 2017] FAILURE! Gold has failed to produce any mutated offspring, despite her 1% fertility and cotton root bark. Aftershock sees no use in her, and will be killing Gold and her cubs. Meanwhile, he believes that Shadowed Flash will surely produce a mutated offspring.
[August, 2017] THE GREAT HUNGER! Food is scarce, and the pride's food supply is shrinking. The lionesses are getting hungry, but there is still enough to share. The Night Drifters will have to stop hunting due to the heat, since they are always coming back to the pride with empty jaws. Only Star Gazers can hunt now, since they are more experienced.
[July 31st, 2017] JUDGEMENT OF THE CUBS! Aftershock has been planning for a breeding project the whole month, wanting to get a unique mutated cub. He has used one cotton root bark and 3 Tackweed on Shadowed Flash, the lowest fertile lioness in the pride. Later today, he is able to find and claim a grieving lioness over her miscarriage, and decided to add her into the breeding project. He gives her 6 Tackweed as well, in hopes to increase mutation chance. This lioness is named Gold, and she will be the first to give birth in the breeding project. The pride now waits.
[July, 2017] DARK DAYS. Ever since Aftershock has been kinged, the pride has been living in the dark. They're forbidden to feel the sun, and have been forced to live as nocturnal lions under Aftershock's rule. The newcomers honor Aftershock's traditions, but elders that lived alongside Vedo have been living in misery. Without any power, they accept the changes. However, they're secretly discussing what Aftershock's intentions are. They theorize that Aftershock has always disliked Vedo's traditions - which explains why he's abandoning everything that his father has honored. They're also worried that Aftershock is leading the pride into the wrong direction, and that there is nothing that they can do to reverse any of it. Time is running out for the elders themselves, so now they're secretly teaching their own sons and daughters the old Sun traditions and how to carry them on; in hopes to fix the pride.
[July 17th, 2017] THE BETRAYAL OF THE SUN! After Vedo has died and given up his throne, Aftershock takes advantage and turns his pride against the star. All old scriptures are abandoned, and new ones are being made by the king himself. Aftershock has always respected his father's traditions, and doesn't mean to do this with harm. He plans on finding power himself, and not worshiping another god. Throughout his journey, Aftershock will transform into a powerful being, one that has enough power to block out the sun; the Eclipse.
[July 17th, 2017] KING OF THE SUN, RESTS IN HIS KINGDOM. Vedo has finally retired, and passed his throne upon his son, Aftershock. The time has come for him to rest forever; in his kingdom. His spirits and energy will always be with the pride - and forever with his son. Aftershock misses his father the most and is grieving heavily. He keeps the memories of his father training him, and telling him wise words. It is now Aftershock's time to rule the pride.
[July 11th, 2017] CUBSPLOSION! In the following week, the pride's lionesses have given birth to 15 cubs! These will be the last offspring of Vedo, and will find new homes in new pride lands. Some have already left the pride lands.
[July 8th, 2017] VEDO'S LUCKY DAY! After exploring, King Vedo has brought home 5 beautiful lionesses, and 2 of them with special bases! He welcomes Hot Cocoa, Wild Carvings, Red Copal, Celestial Skies, and Golden Trove to the Cave of Suns, and to the rest of the pride! Aftershock is really interested in these newcomers...
[July 6th, 2017] THE GODS ARE HERE! King Vedo is amazed at how the stars shine the brightest this year, as if they welcome him to their kingdom. After all, he will join them soon this month. Unlike last year, when Vedo was a still a very young lion, the Gods are here to talk to all the prides! After meeting the 3 lion gods, he thinks Apollyon is doing what is right. Vedo, in his final days, will support the Sun God in hope to prove himself worthy to join the kingdom of the Sun.
[July 5th, 2017] WEEK OF HONOR! King Vedo has turned 14, and only has 1 week left as the Sun King. The pride is celebrating his long fulfilled life, and is helping him travel to the road of retirement. Many feasts have been arranged for his celebration, so an overwhelming amount of food is stored in the pride. Aftershock spends his last days with his father, hearing the wise words and stories that Vedo tells him in his den. Unlike most cubs who have their father for a long years-worth, Aftershock has only had his father for 3 and a half years. Aftershock will definitely miss his father.
[July 1st, 2017] MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE. July is the month when all of King Vedo's founders of the pride will pass away, including Vedo himself. Newcomers of the pride will support all the old lionesses in their last days on Earth, in hopes that they will safely travel to heaven. Long silences and grieving have been held for the lionesses that have recently passed, but the pride must move on.
[June 15th, 2017] AFTERSHOCK'S ADULTHOOD! This day, Aftershock turns 2, and is now an adult! His pride still celebrates, but barely can make any efforts as the lionesses that mothered him were now old, some 13 or 14. Vedo is old too, and is too weak to throw a proper party for Aftershock like he did when he was born. Although, Aftershock understands, as he is a patient lion like his father. Instead, he flirts with the newcomers from the flood in the Cave of Suns, in hopes for them to adore him when he becomes king.
[June, 2017] RESCUED! King Vedo has ventured off in the drowning Savannah in his weak years, in a last attempt to search for lone lionesses searching for a home in these dangerous times. With the help of catnip, Vedo has managed to rescue 9 beautiful lionesses, all for his heir in the future.
[June 3rd, 2017] AFTERSHOCK'S TRAINING! The pride celebrates Aftershock's birthday, which he is now 1 year old! Many toys and crocodile carcasses, (his favorite food), is given to him as gifts. King Vedo takes him to private training so that he can teach his son how to be the Sun king of the Sun lands. During all the training, Aftershock builds a strong bond with his father, and learns to be patient with life just like him. He looks up to Vedo for his wisdom, and Vedo looks down on Aftershock as a wonderful son.
[June, 2017] THE FLOODS HAVE STRUCK! The pride is managing well in their secret canyon, as the river is started to rise with LIFE! Fishing has increased and many mysterious drowned animals have appeared for the pride to feast on.
[May 2017] DESPERATE TIMES! Vedo's pride is getting as old as he is, and he has no young lionesses for his young heir to have. With only 8 old lionesses in the pride, there is no way that the pride can continue. King Vedo desperately searches the lands for young lionesses, but it's more difficult when the lands are flooded with new prides.
[May 21st, 2017] THE BIRTH OF THE NEW KING! Loud Thunder has given birth to a beautiful, patient, blue-themed male, with 8 markings! Most importantly, Vedo is the proud father! This pure pride cub was designed and destined to be the new king, after years of breeding! The cub was named Aftershock, a powerful name that symbolizes the strength of what the cub possesses. The whole pride celebrates their successful cub, and little cub Aftershock is passed around the tribe to be blessed by the Sun. Loud Thunder is now the Queen after producing the next king!
[May 2017] THE ARENA IS BACK! King Vedo remembers the time when he was still a new King, eager to join the arenas. It was his first month as king back then! Fresh and young, he would fight his way to the top! Although now, even if he has more experience, he is the weakest in his league. At the age of 12, he has lost all his strength and skills. Every fight he enters, he loses to energetic - younger lions. Every day he always tries, but gets dragged by the stronger generation. Every day, he comes home beaten-up.

The Cub Business

Common = 10 sb
Special = 100 sb or 1 gb

Common = 5 sb
Special = 50 sb

1 marking = 10 sb
1 marking over 80% opacity = 15 sb

Mutations will add 1000 sb to the price or more depending on rarity.

Carrion Carnivores
Survivors of the Carrion Canyon
Generation 1: The Sun Dynasty
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King Vedo and Queen Loud Thunder

Generation 2: The Eclipse Dynasty
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King Aftershock and unofficial Queen Winter Light

Generation 3: The Carrion Dynasty
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King Ichorcall and Queen Kaluck Shock

The Carrion Carnivores, Survivors of the Carrion Canyon.

The Carrion Carnivores are a collective of lions living in the canyon walls of a vast desert, first founded by Vedo and his Queens on their long trek for a home isolated from lion life. The first pride, called the Sun Pride, lived their life in stable conditions and have adjusted to the heat and the little prey of the Canyon adequately. The second pride, called the Eclipse Pride, was founded by Vedo's son, Aftershock, who abandoned the Sun traditions and formed new ones. But as the pride began to grow, the competition for little food became a severe problem which left the pride with its undisciplined leader famished and forgotten. The third pride, Carrion Carnivores, which was founded by Ichorcall, the unofficial King, was revived by adjusting to its new harsh traditions that were necessary for such a lifeless environment. The pride primarily consist of cannibalistic-natured lions, with its strongest thriving off of the dead, and the weakest being the prey of the canyon. The traditions keep the pride small enough to survive and pass generations, that follow and learn to become survivors of the Carrion Canyon.

Name tradition:
Names are an important tradition of the pride. It defines a lion's character and true self. Names are random depending on personality and highest stat at birth.
Personality: (7)






Stats: (6)
Each stat also has a Survivor title. A Survivor title is earned when a lion reaches level 8.








Hunter: (21)

Canyon Guardian: (11)

Mother: (11)

*The story of the Eclipse Pride*

You walk far into the Savannah, stumbling upon a giant, vast rock wall that stretches forever in the horizon. There is a crack in the wall, that splits the walls in half as a secret entrance. You follow the narrow, windy and rocky path into a secluded canyon with a bright blue river. There rests a pride that lives in the canyon's walls and watches the stars on the old cliffs in the center of the circling river. The king rests on a high ledge in front of his cave, greeting you with a nod. The pride then tells you their story...

No more that there is war,
For there is the king; hear his roar.
He is truthful, he tells no lies.
He only speaks the words of the sky.

Throughout the day, blood is shed.
It stains the sky in a fading red.
When the sun goes down, the day is done.
It sinks into the tainted waters until it is none.

The night is calm, and so is the land.
It's something that all can understand.
The pride listens through the sound,
the sound of the sky, the sound in the ground,
They run silently through the wind,
They run as they are disciplined.

For the day is at rest,
And the pride is blessed.
The sky is an abyss,
For there is an eclipse.

*Old Scriptures Below*

The Sun pride rests under the warm rays of their guidance.
They sleep at night from the moon, and rise at dawn to live another day.

What once was just a dust from far away...
turned in to something great as the energy today.
Something so small, as little as none...
Turned to something known as the sun.

Generations ago, there had been others.
Others that were the Sun's brothers.
They've lived their life to pass on theirs.
To the new life that will always be there to care.

In this pride,
we follow life.
When one falls,
another one will rise.
For living a life of carrying this world,
It will die.
But no matter how much we cry,
It is the cycle of life.

Here, no lion is forgotten. Here is our remembrance of lions that have left us to join the heavens:

Dry Ice: #794112599478
Mist : #729259510027
Vanessa : #712823764408
Blushing Rose - The Brutal : #711038741454
Faded Starlight - The Soft : #755023001662
Vedo, King of the Jungle

i eat kids
stupid frog government employee lookin assfacebook creator lookin ass UFlUm6G.jpg?2


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Personalities are a myth
Your rainbow is strongly shaded orange.


What is says about you: You are a strong person. You appreciate a challenge. Others are amazed at how you don't give up.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.



Your Spirit Animal is the Snake. The Snake is a very unusual animal, on the one hand symbolizing strong spiritual knowledge and power, but also engendering fear in many people. The snake tends to be a mysterious and misunderstood creature and so those who have the snake will probably find that people react to them strangely sometimes.

If the snake has come into your life it is likely to be encouraging you to explore your creative and intuitive powers. You are probably a strong natural healer, and the snake encourages you to go further with this.

Snakes are wise but also willing to experience new things (particularly related to consciousness and magick) that others may not dare to do. Snakes in the wild shed their skin and so they offer the magic and power of transmutation and rebirth. If the snake is your totem you have new worlds awaiting you!

The darker side of the snake is when these abilities are not properly expressed and in this case the snake can represent anger and violence, something which must be avoided.

Like all animals, the snake represents both negative and positive qualities. In the view of the Native Americans we can learn from our spirit animal by studying both types of qualities and striving to improve further at the positive ones and avoid the negative ones.

Positive Traits: Healer, Psychic, Spiritual, Powerful, Sensitive
Negative Traits: Secretive, Frightening, Violent

Spirit Animal Quiz


Which Big Cat Are You?

I got Jaguar - Which Big Cat Are You?

You are independent, original, analytical, and determined. You have an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. You highly value knowledge, competence, and structure and are driven to derive meaning from your visions. You are a long-range thinker. You have very high standards for your performance, and the performance of others. You are a natural leader, but will follow if you trust existing leaders.

Personality Test Results

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Punk Ichorcall
Level: 24 Branch: Rusty Sticks N' Stones
Stats: 1484 Territory: 63
Lionesses: 57 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 35 / 315 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: Cubmaybe
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in Ichorcall's pride.

Ichorcall's Player
Member ID #89741
Joined: 2016-05-06 12:17:43 Last Active: 2023-09-16 11:43:43

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2 Pregnant Lionesses

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Ichorcall's Recent Allies

played by Leo
Level 11 - 10 lionesses - 3 cubs
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played by Kudera
Level 7 - 8 lionesses - 4 cubs
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played by DrowZyTown
Level 13 - 29 lionesses - 13 cubs
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played by Kitty Fury
Level 13 - 38 lionesses - 18 cubs
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played by StarryNight
Level 15 - 17 lionesses - 18 cubs
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played by Roseteethh
Level 13 - 54 lionesses - 49 cubs
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