Abio'ye's Den

Main Account: Indy (#86046)
If you need my immediate attention, PM my main account!

Rolls over sporadically, once every 1-2 weeks. Sometimes other days. PM my main account if you send me a stud request or have time-sensitive questions!

Lions of the Amaranthine
Five generations ago, a young shaman shunned from his pride slipped across the Azarastian desert. He was guided by the desert god called Azarasti to the edges of that king's land and told to seek the Immortal place, beyond the desert-dwellers and the jungles. The young shaman did as he was told and eventually found himself in a sprawling savannah. He followed the river, called Amaranth, for several days until he found a place he could settle amidst a field of small white flowers. He called it home and, for a time he was alone... until he met her. The shaman and his mate founded the pride and have passed down their traditional feathers and body-markings to their offspring.

…at least until the plague struck. Ayari passed. His son, Inamayari took over the pride just before it began. All but two lionesses and the king himself passed, leaving the young king with nothing. Resentful of his losses, he began a firm reign and turned his back on the desert god, Azarasti.

• Soft-core Liolock challenge engaged! See details here - Only the Strong | A Liolocke-inspired Project

Abio'ye, the Bone Collector
Level: 19 Branch: Zuu's Goods
Stats: 1011 Territory: 155
Lionesses: 139 Beetle Slots: 30 / 40
Cubs: 137 / 775 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 7 / 9 Subordinate Males: *Heritageless Male
*Nudar Heir
Heritageless Male
Heritageless Male
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 22 lions with mutations in Abio'ye's pride.

Abio\'ye's Player
Member ID #135863
Indy [Side]
Joined: 2018-01-15 07:43:33 Last Active: 2024-07-26 20:21:21

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16 Pregnant Lionesses

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King Dynasty

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