The Misfit's Den


♥ Raffle Now! ♥

♥ Loock at my Branch for Backgrounds and Decors  ♥

♥ 1 Adult Sex Changer for Rosette + 6 Lions ♥

♥ 5 Male Lions for Craftables ♥ - Closed -
♥ Crunchy Worm for Craftables! ♥ - Closed -
♥ Unholy Tripple Rosette ♥ - Closed -
♥ Rosettes + Muties for Skull and Rainbow Stone ♥ - Closed -
♥ Clean Double Rosette for Skulls ♥ - Closed -
♥ 3 Muties + 1 Special Base + 1 Maneater Adol ♥ - Closed -
♥ Pon for Items ♥
♥ Rare Based, Special Eyes and Rosette Cubbins ♥ - Closed -
♥ 2 AMP + 4 Lions Special Eyes (2 + Rosette) ♥ - Closed -
♥ Mutie and Cute Cubbins for Raffle ♥ - Closed -
♥ 3 Muties + 1 Uncommon Base + 1 Hetero S&C Eyes ♥ - Closed -
♥ Double Rosette for Tail Tufts ♥ - Closed -
♥ 2 Pies + 3 Rare Based Cubbins ♥ - Closed - 
♥ 4 Mottled Rosette Cubs + 1 Cosmic Eye Lioness ♥ - Closed - 
♥ 3 Rosettes, 3 Combo Factors, 1 is Clean ♥ - Closed -
♥ 3 Muties and 2 Rare/Uncommon Based Lionesses ♥ - Closed -
♥ Rare Based Cubbins and Adols, 1 has a Rosette! ♥ - Closed -
♥ 3 Special Eye and 1 Rare Based Cubbins/Adols ♥ - Closed -
♥ 3 Rosettes Cubbins + 2 Rare Based Cubbins ♥ - Closed -
♥ 2 Pies, 2 Rare Base and 1 Rosette Cubbin ♥ - Closed -
♥ 3 Rare and 1 Uncommon Based + 1 Rosette Adols! ♥ - Closed -
♥ 4 Clean Cubs with Special Eyes! ♥ - Closed -
♥ 2 Rare Based Lions and more for 100 SB or Gems ♥  - Closed -
♥ Clean Special Eye Adols for SB or Gems ♥  - Closed -
♥ 2 Rare Based and 2 Rosette Adols for Items ♥  - Closed -
♥ Storm Eye, Sunrise and Frost Mark Lion for Gem ♥  - Closed -
♥  2 Special Eyes and Clean Lionesses for Gems  ♥  - Closed -
♥ Special Eye and Uncommon Based Cubs for 100 SB ♥ - Closed -
♥ Doom Eye, Red Rare Base and Sunrise Mark Lions ♥ - Closed -
♥ 4 Rare Bases, 1 Nebula Eyes & 2 Lionesses/Cubs ♥ - Closed -
♥ Demiurge Special, Topaz Uncommon and Rust Cubs ♥ - Closed -
♥ Relic of Seth and 3 Flower Decors for 1 GB ♥ - Closed - 
  ♥ 2 Marking Apps, 1 BG and 1 Catnip for 10 SB ♥  - Closed -

♥ Side Account ♥

♥ Albino Rosette♥

♥ Breeding Achievements! ♥

- - First Achromia: Female Clean Bought (09/04/2020) 
- - First Achromia: Male Clean Bought (09/04/2020) 
- First Mut Born : Bobbed Tail (1) (16/05/2020) 
- Event: Dorsal Fur (1) (26/05/2020) 
-  First Dwarfi: Inbreed from Bought Heat (08/06/2020)  
- Fourth Dwarfi: First Clean from Auction (19/06/2020) 
- First 2 Gen AMP : Silky (1) (05/08/2020) 
- First Combo Eyes: Cosmic (1) (01/09/2020) 
- First Clean Double Rosette (1 - 2) (14/09/2020)
- First Clean Tripple Rosette (1) (14/09/2020) 
- First G2 Special Base Breed: Demiurge (16/10/2020) 
- First Leopon: First Clean Bought (31/10/2020) 
- First Achromia: Clean Born without Items on Side Account(31/10/2020) 
- First Pie: Clean Born without Items on Side Account(14/12/2020) 
- First Blind: Clean Born without Items (16/12/2020) 
- Second Leopon: First Clean Born!(18/12/2020) 
- Second Pie: Clean Born without Items, First on Main Account(21/12/2020) 
- Third Pie: Clean Born without Items, Second on Main Account(24/12/2020) 
- First Primal Fangs: Clean Born from CRB (28/12/2020) 
- Fourth Pie: First with Rosette, Clean Born without Items, Second on Side Account(31/12/2020) 
- First Primal: Clean Born without Items(12/01/2020) 
- Third Leopon: Second Clean Born!(30/01/2021) 
- Second Primal Fangs: Clean Born without Items (31/01/2021) 
- First Folded Ears: Inbreed Born with Lion Meat (15/02/2021) 
- Fourth Leopon: Third Clean Born! (20/02/2021) 
- First Overgrown Tongue: Clean Born with Lion Meat (20/02/2021) 
- First Primal Felis: Clean Born without Items (24/02/2021) 
- Fifth Pie: First Clean with Double Rosette (01/03/2021) 
- Second Clean Tripple Rosette: First Clone! (1) (04/03/2021) 
- First Clean Rare Based wirh 1 Rosette and Special Eyes (1 - 2) (04/03/2021)
- First G3 Special Base Breed: Murk (09/03/2021) 
- First Cinnabar Rare (14/03/2021) 
- First Clean Patches: Rift with Uncommon Base! (17/03/2021) 
- First Inbreed Patches: Rift on Side Account (26/04/2021) 
- First Inbreed Patches: Shadow on Side Account (03/03/2021) 
- First Achromia: Male Clean Breed with 1 Rosette on Main Account! (03/05/2021) 
- First AMP:  with Rare Base and 1 Rosette! (03/05/2021) 
- First Tailless: Clean Born (04/05/2021) 
- Fifth Leopon: Fourth Clean Born! (04/05/2021) 
- Second G3 Special Base Breed: Murk (07/05/2021) 
- First Combo Based Lioness: Hoarfrost - Heritageless Groupie Bought! (14/05/2021) 
- Sixth Leopon: Fifth Clean Born! + Rosette! (23/05/2021) 
- Event: Dorsal Fur (2) (08/06/2021) 
-  First 2 Combo Based: Nadir Clean Born from Same Litter! on Side Account (1 - 2) (12/06/2021)
- First Special Based Lioness: Ice + Mutation: Second Blind Clean Born! (12/06/2021) 
- Seven Leopon: Sixth Clean Born! First with Uncommon Base + Rosette! (16/06/2021) 
- Event: Dorsal Fur (3) (17/06/2021) 
- Second Combo Based: Hoarfrost First Clean Born! From 2 Combo Parents (23/06/2021) 
- Second Folded Ears: First Clean Born with Lion Meat (06/07/2021) 
- Third Combo Based: Cairngorm Clean Born! First on Main Account (15/07/2021) 
- Event: Dorsal Fur (4) (16/07/2021) 
- Third Folded Ears: Second Clean Born, First Rare Based with Lion Meat (22/07/2021) 
- Eight Leopon: Seven Clean Born! + Rosette! (06/09/2021) 
- First Achromia: Female Clean Breed with 1 Rosette - First with Special Base - on Main Account! (06/09/2021) 
- Third Combo Based: Nadir Clean Born + Rosette on Main Account (16/09/2021)
- - First Dorsal Fur Born on side Account (5) (17/09/2021) 
- Third Tripple Rosette - First Inbreed: Second Clone! (1) (05/10/2021) 
- Third Clean Tripple Rosette: Second Clone! (2) (06/10/2021) 
- Fourth Combo Based: First Cloudburst Clean Born + 2 Rosette on Side Account (16/10/2021)
- - Second Dorsal Fur Born on side Account (6) (25/10/2021) 
- Fifth Combo Based: First Temporal Clean Born (26/10/2021)
- Nine Leopon: Eight Clean Born! + Rosette! (18/11/2021) 
- Ten Leopon: Nine Clean Born! + Rosette! (18/11/2021) 
- Fourth Clean Tripple Rosette: Third Clone! (3) (24/11/2021) 
- Sixth Combo Based: First Madagascar Clean Born (09/12/2021)
- Fourth Combo Based: Nadir Clean Born + Rosette Clone on Main Account (15/03/2022)
- Third Dorsal Fur Born First on Main Account (7) (17/09/2021) 
- Fifth Combo Based: Nadir Clean Born Clone on Main Account (23/03/2022)
- Seven Combo Based: Second Madagascar Clean Born (27/03/2021)
- Eleven Leopon: Ten Clean Born! (30/03/2021) 
- Fourth Dorsal Fur Born Second on Main Account (8) (08/04/2022) 

Level: 8 Branch: Manu´s Selling Branch
Stats: 148 Territory: 62
Lionesses: 46 Beetle Slots: 0 / 16
Cubs: 7 / 310 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 5 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 5 / 5
There are 7 lions with mutations in The Misfit's pride.

The Misfit's Player
Member ID #198285
Seirykun (Mitsuki)
Joined: 2020-03-30 07:59:07 Last Active: 2024-03-03 15:48:59

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8 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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The Misfit's Recent Allies
played by 🌑 ᗰooηplum 🌑
Level 10 - 47 lionesses - 44 cubs
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𝓟relude III
played by 𝓩ora -𝓟relude-
Level 15 - 103 lionesses - 14 cubs
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played by M0N0KAMI
Level 15 - 25 lionesses - 0 cubs
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played by Sam Frost
Level 15 - 93 lionesses - 40 cubs
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played by Umbee
Level 14 - 46 lionesses - 21 cubs
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Mini Mandy
played by Hanji[G10 Mandy MS]
Level 7 - 37 lionesses - 11 cubs
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The Misfit's Clan Memberships

Applicators Galore and More!

Brilliant Beetles

Come Bob Along~

Dodgy Dragon Raffles

🍗 Feed Lioden 🍗

🐞 Battle Beetles Club 🐞

👼🏻 angel's art clan

Gift the person above you

honey's art hub

Peachily's things and such

Pies, pies and more pies!


King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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