UrMa's Den

There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!

SkekMal Walk

π“Šπ“‹Όπ“Šπ“‹Όπ“ŠAbout Meπ“Šπ“‹Όπ“Šπ“‹Όπ“Š

Birthday:July 25th
Hi, welcome to my page! I am a digital and traditional artist! I rollover everyday 99% of the time!
Feel free to ask about any cubs named cub! They are usually killed!

I love making oc's (usually fandom based)!

When I'm not drawing, I'm usually playing video games (Scotl, RDR2, Lioden, Dappervolk, and many more!) or watching T.V. (Avatar 1&2, Good Omens, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, ect.)

I also do commission work!
Don't be afraid to reach out and ask!

I am also working on my custom RL king! for a while I will be a dirty ugly king! Any and all donations (nesting material, or foods lol) are welcome and GREATLY appreciated!

β‹†βΊβ‚Šβ‹†Commission Info⋆ β˜Ύβ‹†βΊ

Commission Info and Social!
Custom Decor Commissions: closed
Slots available: n/a
Art Commissions: closed
Slots available: n/a

Examples of my Custom Decor Work:
Custom Decors Link





My king


This den has lions that are aging up tomorrow - there is currently not enough territory to cope with them all!

Studmuffin UrMa
Level: 1 Branch: πŸ¦€Crab MilkπŸ₯›
Stats: 121 Territory: 101
Lionesses: 98 Beetle Slots: 17 / 20
Cubs: 71 / 505 Grandpaw: SkekVel
Male Slots: 2 / 8 Subordinate Males: Lilac
Frozen Slots: 3 / 4 Cave Slots: 7 / 7
There are 8 lions with mutations in UrMa's pride.

UrMa's Player
Member ID #226522
Joined: 2021-01-11 19:02:18 Last Active: 2024-12-02 20:43:35

πŸ“ƒ View Wishlist :|: πŸ“¦ View Trades

β›” Block Member βž• Friend Request

25 Pregnant Lionesses

Attack This Lion
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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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UrMa's Recent Allies
Anoscetia VI
played by 🍑Pinenut - G2 Pearl RLC
Level 16 - 51 lionesses - 40 cubs
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played by The Sassy Chicken
Level 9 - 62 lionesses - 12 cubs
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played by 🐸 Jeepers Creepers 🌈 HIATUS
Level 10 - 136 lionesses - 104 cubs
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played by Grantaire
Level 10 - 44 lionesses - 25 cubs
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Little M
played by ShadeX (Mushroom WIP)
Level 4 - 55 lionesses - 16 cubs
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played by 🐊 mawzxlla
Level 9 - 29 lionesses - 22 cubs
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UrMa's Clan Memberships

Booby's Art Cove

Custom Decor Confederation

Discord of Lioden

🌿 mossy moggies !



Poppinkiwi's Dwarf CD Project

Purely Aesthetic

Raffle Lioness Fanatics

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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