Corvus I's Den

I'm a busy little bee doing my busy bee things.

Am I trying to keep my pride clean? Not really, but I'm trying to keep my heirs' bloodline clean, both from inbreeding and from big 4, so I can stud to clean players as well! Yes, I know I still have my beginner lion, I'm working on that.

The bloodline for my heir MUST start with who is the first lioness I got at the start of the game. My first lion doesn't have to be kept in the bloodline, just her.

My goal is to keep all my lionesses that are named until their death, so purchase offers for them have to be very high or not at all. You can find my other lionesses I got from the start in the territory of my alt at

Karma 9/29/2023: 5857

King of the Jungle Corvus I
Level: 23 Branch: Food Store
Stats: 818 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 37 Beetle Slots: 11 / 11
Cubs: 53 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: Ifu
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in Corvus I's pride.

Corvus I's Player
Member ID #227453
Joined: 2021-01-27 11:02:27 Last Active: 2024-08-17 14:50:21

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Corvus I's Recent Allies
Crow's Wings
played by Crow
Level 12 - 18 lionesses - 9 cubs
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played by Toothy
Level 16 - 60 lionesses - 26 cubs
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I'm gonna commit war crimes
played by Matthenius [Project King]
Level 8 - 4 lionesses - 34 cubs
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played by ari
Level 4 - 6 lionesses - 5 cubs
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🇺🇾 𝓤𝓵𝓲𝓼 🧉
played by Daraiman
Level 6 - 18 lionesses - 4 cubs
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Corvus I's Clan Memberships

Clean Line Felines

Primitive Primals

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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