Khperi's Den


- One Sun Circle is equal is One Year
- One Moon Cycle is equal to One Month
- Midnight or the middle of the night is known as Moon High.
- The middle of the day is known as Sun High.
- Dawn is known as Sunrise and is called Moon low.
- Dusk is known as Sunset and is called Sun low

- Younglings and Nips are what elders call younger lions
- Halflings are cubs lionesses have outside of the pride
- Brood is used for any litter Queens have, mostly used for halfling litters

- Queens are expecting parents, this is not their rank but how they're treated whilst expecting
- Sovereigns is a gender-neutral term for parents, either adoptive or blood
- Outriders are the realms scouts, seeking new places and creatures
- Keepers are in charge of watching over the domains cubs, whether they or not they're the Emperors
- Chasseurs assist in acquiring rations for the realm, without them the domain would starve
- Emperor, typically used as a gender-neutral term for the domains rulers
- Emperess, typically used as a gender-neutral term for the rulers' spouse
- Consorts, a gender-neutral term for the rulers' non-spousal lovers


Once an heir becomes Emperor, he is to choose an Empress and Two Consorts, when either the Consorts or Empress have cubs they are to be watched over to choose a possible heir.
Once an heir is chosen they're to be trained from the age of 2 sun-cycles (2 years) till of age or the old Emperor retires; do note an heir can be any gender. The new Emperor must either select the exceptional choice to produce their own heirs or the prevalent choice to let the Empresses and Consorts have outsider cubs and choose an heir from them.
Hiers must be strong, skilled, wise, and capable; several different lessons are taught upon these foundations, the primary focus of their training, and what'll most assist their domain to thrive.

Lavender is believed to be a natural soother, it's most popular among expecting queens. It relaxes one's body, temporarily dissolving great pains, aches, and sores, when prepared properly it lasts up to 4 hours but can only be used every 8 hours.
Lavender's a popular component in the nest as well, it's scent can soothe even the most stressed of Queens and assist with restless cubs.
Valerian Roots are a natural sleeping agent, occasionally mixed with minced meat and placed in bedding as well.

Healers are believed to be connected with their ancestors, and able to communicate with them. The ancestors give guidance, assistance, and wisdom to Healers so they may guide and help others; they mostly work with natural medicines although will ask for aid outside of such if needed.

Cubs are sent to a special den to grow, learn, and be assigned their ranks. Each rank plays a special role within the realm, keeping things balanced and organized. Even one being out of place could knock it all off so all must follow their place.


I scroll and expand!


Pride Founder and First King; Khperi

King of the Jungle Khperi
Level: 16 Branch: Items for sale
Stats: 564 Territory: 21
Lionesses: 21 Beetle Slots: 3 / 9
Cubs: 23 / 105 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: Amani
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in Khperi's pride.

Khperi's Player
Member ID #235320
Joined: 2021-06-07 23:59:57 Last Active: 2024-02-20 15:11:03

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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Khperi's Recent Allies

played by Phosphorous🧪
Level 14 - 44 lionesses - 19 cubs
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Level 9 - 16 lionesses - 21 cubs
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T𝔞rt𝔞gli𝔞 ϯhe VII
played by King🐋tartaglia hibi/CB
Level 8 - 37 lionesses - 7 cubs
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played by ⚡️Cosmic⚡️
Level 11 - 18 lionesses - 21 cubs
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played by ƃuᴉʇsnƃsᴉp[14/15 2.4.22 NRLC]
Level 7 - 35 lionesses - 29 cubs
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played by TAS 🔅
Level 5 - 36 lionesses - 48 cubs
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