Ladislaus's Den

There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!

low tier breeding items (kob horns, crystals, hearts, etc)
Bird or reptile related decor
Plant decor (can’t craft due to crater quest hoard)

Hello, My Name is Procella. Preferred pronouns are She/Her but anything else is okay. I do have ADHD so my interests fluctuate. Some months I am very active, other times my account is inactive and I won't rollover. I also have autism, I sometimes struggle explaining things or end up typing way more than needed. If you can’t tell by my queen’s name, I am a Taylor Swift fan. I am also a proud firebreather*
*the term for Imagine Dragons Fans.

PM me about undecorated adult lions, as those are the ones I am willing to sell/trade. Any cubs named Fodder or Potato you can have for free, just send me a message and I will send them over when they are old enough.

I am currently 2 hours ahead of lioden time. I sometimes log on in the morning or afternoon, but I am most active from 4pm to 10 pm lioden time during the summer. I am most active during the school year in the late afternoon.

Fandoms: Wings of Fire, Warriors/Survivors (minor), Harry Potter, Monster Hunter, Furry (these may change daily)

Hobbies/Interests: Fishing, Digital Art, Science, Painting, Weaving, Reptiles, Foraging, Welding, Woodworking, Fly Tying, Print Making

Quotes of Late Night Lioden
caracal ace in the hole
“how the hell can an id expire im still the same goddamn person”

caracal ace in the hole
“the internet is a horrible place, and im here to make it worse“

The Rice Saga of 2024
Ft Ashen Galaxy, Vanitas, and offbranderlinde

“Guys wish me luck I'm cooking rice for the first time since moving out”

~4 minutes later~


“lower the fire”

“It’s pretty low already 0-0“

“fck uhh take off fire a bit untill its just a rolling boil”

“It foamed all of the water out“

“the rice is fighting back”

“i'm amazed at how you did that”

“ I would also like to say this is instant rice l'm managing to fuck

“👄👁️🫦” ~ Idyllic, on Oct 15, 9:20 pm Lioden time.


Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Level: 7 Branch: Procella’s Hanging Market
Stats: 342 Territory: 28
Lionesses: 23 Beetle Slots: 0 / 8
Cubs: 7 / 140 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 1 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 6 lions with mutations in Ladislaus's pride.

Ladislaus's Player
Member ID #477289
Joined: 2024-05-20 11:51:04 Last Active: 2024-12-03 0:20:04

📃 View Wishlist :|: 📦 View Trades

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Ladislaus's Recent Allies
Preston Garvey
played by Slayer {He/They} 🫀🌈
Level 12 - 20 lionesses - 22 cubs
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played by Chi-Mukwa
Level 18 - 71 lionesses - 102 cubs
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played by Procella_Avali_Alt
Level 6 - 1 lionesses - 3 cubs
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Lord Askar
played by Rose
Level 9 - 91 lionesses - 102 cubs
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Ladislaus's Clan Memberships


Cimmerian Appreciation

Lions Lovers

Night Owls of Lioden 🌙

Purely Aesthetic

The Collector

The Violet Project

Worm Club

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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