Odebek Ka's Den




All lions in this pride are bred from Heritageless lions and their in-pride offspring only.

When the great first king Zou Ka was in his late years, an orphaned cheetah cub was discovered sipping at a stream on Twisted Tree lands. Zou Ka was a kind king, and decided not to kill the cub, but instead took him in and raised him as a pride member. When Zou Ka died, his successor, D'hiri Ka, continued to raise the young cheetah, who was given the name Shiwa. Shiwa grew up alongside the young Khiin K'nassa, and when K'nassa became Ka, he allowed Shiwa to take a mate from the pride. In the month of the spirit ancestors, the great ones accepted that Shiwa should become as one with the pride and father children. And so the blood of cheetahs runs in the veins of our pride and the lineage of the Kas. Or so Odebek likes to claim.

Leetah Breeding Program since: 12-5-2014

Den Guardian by #16535 ----- Avatar by #88730 ----- Den Header by Me #49783
Guardian Image Link --------- Avatar Image Link --------- Header Image Link

Level: 12 Branch: Twisted Tree Market
Stats: 697 Territory: 100
Lionesses: 91 Beetle Slots: 0 / 17
Cubs: 47 / 500 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 5 / 5 Subordinate Males: Newly Claimed Groupie
Newly Claimed Groupie
Newly Claimed Groupie
Newly Claimed Groupie
Newly Claimed Groupie
Frozen Slots: 10 / 10 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 11 lions with mutations in Odebek Ka's pride.

Odebek Ka's Player
Member ID #49783
Cerrates (TheEbonyPanther)
Joined: 2014-11-23 12:09:00 Last Active: 2024-07-23 1:43:12

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Odebek Ka's Recent Allies
played by Berenos|On hiatus
Level 24 - 58 lionesses - 146 cubs
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played by 🐝 Detective
Level 16 - 106 lionesses - 27 cubs
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played by Halcyon
Level 22 - 14 lionesses - 0 cubs
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played by Dorian
Level 22 - 41 lionesses - 23 cubs
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played by Etreyu 🐺 [Hard Mode]
Level 5 - 22 lionesses - 2 cubs
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played by Etreyu II
Level 6 - 32 lionesses - 4 cubs
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Odebek Ka's Clan Memberships

:Hard Mode:

Drac's Decor Ping

FelixVulpes' Artivity

Night Owls of Lioden 🌙

Shu's Art Ping

Suliri's Art+Decor Ping

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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