Costco Chicken's Den

There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!


22 |-| 1 hr behind Lioden

I'm just vibing. Art trades: OPEN

This den has lions that are aging up tomorrow - there is currently not enough territory to cope with them all!

Heavenly Costco Chicken
Level: 6 Branch: Lion Vuitton
Stats: 686 Territory: 55
Lionesses: 29 Beetle Slots: 7 / 18
Cubs: 36 / 275 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 7 / 7 Subordinate Males: Newly Claimed Groupie
New Cub
Newly Claimed Groupie
Onyx Darkness Dementia Way
Newly Claimed Groupie
Newly Claimed Groupie
B Mysterious
Frozen Slots: 1 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 5 lions with mutations in Costco Chicken's pride.

Costco Chicken's Player
Member ID #49900
mcfrosty •G4 nrlc
Joined: 2014-11-25 05:42:10 Last Active: 2024-12-10 8:36:16

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6 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Costco Chicken's Recent Allies
😈 Devil's Lettuce 🥬
played by Nighty (G2 Pie 11/15 NRLC)
Level 9 - 30 lionesses - 12 cubs
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Costco Chicken's Clan Memberships

Cotton Candy Lions

Die Hard Statters!

Nice Naturals

Spread the Mark!

Stud Buds

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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