Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli's Den

trapped in lilac hell

Level: 6 Branch: tenochtitlan
Stats: 2555 Territory: 100
Lionesses: 91 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 69 / 500 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Lord Trashington of Trashburg
Frozen Slots: 2 / 3 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 3 lions with mutations in Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli's pride.

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli's Player
Member ID #66378
Joined: 2015-07-20 12:02:27 Last Active: 2024-03-20 7:45:37

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4 Pregnant Lionesses
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LV Stats Name Age Status
1 321 Tezcatlipoca
10 years, 10 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 107 Ahcohuetzqui
f | c9
4 years, 3 months old
1 158 Ahuic Yauh
w | c9
7 years, 6 months old
15 147 Ahuilcuicatl
f | c9
11 years, 1 month old *
18 203 Axihua
f | c9
13 years, 7 months old
1 150 Canauhtlapahuaxtli
f | c9
12 years, 9 months old
1 480 co c9
4 months old
1 496 s
4 months old
1 491 s4
4 months old
1 166 Cecexiuhtica
l | c9
9 years, 8 months old
7 216 Chichicuitlapilli
o | c9
6 years, 7 months old
1 474 Cub
1 month old
1 103 co | mf5
4 years, 11 months old
1 542 Cub
2 months old
1 482 Cub
2 months old
16 505 Conicza
l | r
10 years, 10 months old
1 264 Cualli Teotlac
f | c5
9 years, 4 months old
11 150 Cuatezcatl
f | c9
8 years, 2 months old
16 515 Cuayahualtoton
l | c9
10 years old
1 240 Cuitlapilpoyactontli
co | fr
7 years, 3 months old
1 128 Huahuazatzhuilia
f | c9
14 years, 11 months old
1 108 Huehuemexihcayutl
f | c9
6 years, 4 months old
1 196 Huezacotl
f | no c9
15 years, 1 month old
6 110 Icohuacualocauh
l | c9
6 years, 4 months old
16 159 Ihhuitilahuac
l | nc9
13 years, 2 months old *
1 487 Cub
1 month old
1 111 Ihuitztla
co | mf5
4 years, 6 months old
1 166 Inchipahuacanemiliz
l | nc9
10 years, 10 months old
16 502 Innecuiltonol
f | c9
10 years, 4 months old
1 228 Itlachihual
f | fr r
7 years, 3 months old
1 151 Itlatol
f | c9
10 years, 4 months old
1 495 Ixtemamalacachtic
r | mf5 c9
3 years, 5 months old
1 541 5m
3 months old
1 543 Iztachiuhque
l | c9
2 years, 8 months old
1 532 Cub
0 months old
1 241 Mimichtin
f | nc9
9 years old
1 146 Mocaltia
f | c9
14 years, 8 months old
1 218 Mochichihua
o | fr
14 years, 1 month old
1 122 Mocihuanenequi
l | mf5
11 years, 11 months old
1 511 Cub
1 month old
1 459 Cub
1 month old
1 448 Cub
1 month old
1 512 Cub
1 month old
16 514 Mocuayahualxima
f | c9
8 years, 5 months old
17 172 Mocuitlapil Matlapal
f | nc9
12 years, 8 months old
1 507 s
4 months old
16 590 Motecuitlahuiani
f | c9
8 years, 1 month old
7 189 Motlalohuaya
a | c9
7 years, 9 months old
6 253 Moztlacahuiaya
f | c5
9 years, 9 months old
1 163 Nacacipactzin
w | c9
6 years, 10 months old
1 511 Cub
1 month old
1 469 Cub
1 month old
1 158 Necuzaulin
f | r
7 years, 6 months old
1 531 Cub
2 months old
1 194 Nictenextlatia
co | fr4 mf5
7 years, 11 months old
13 150 Nictlacacihuitia
f | c9
9 years old
6 241 Nitlatzontlapoa
f | c9
13 years, 7 months old
1 114 Nitzotzocolchihua
o | mf5
14 years old
1 203 Ocuiltoton
f | nc9
13 years, 11 months old
1 484 s
4 months old
1 450 s
4 months old
1 472 s 3bony 3m
4 months old
1 145 Oquimonmictique
e | c9
12 years, 9 months old
1 454 Cub
0 months old
1 203 Otlecoque
f | nc9
13 years, 11 months old
1 468 s 6m
4 months old
1 159 Quequetza
l | nc9
15 years old
9 232 Quezquitetl
f | c9
10 years, 1 month old *
1 164 Quixnamictimotlalia
f | nc9
11 years, 1 month old
1 524 Cub
1 month old
1 510 Cub
1 month old
1 139 Tapachtli
co | mf5
10 years, 2 months old
1 127 Tecocolica
co | mf5
4 years, 11 months old
1 485 Cub
1 month old
1 485 Cub
1 month old
1 458 Cub
1 month old
1 158 Teocuitlacuauhcaxitl
co | c9
7 years, 11 months old
1 518 Cub
1 month old
1 173 Tepoztlaxichtli
f | c9
8 years, 9 months old
1 514 s
4 months old
1 514 s
4 months old
1 135 Tetlazotlani
f | mf5 no c
10 years, 2 months old
1 497 c
4 months old
1 111 Ticochitlehua
f | c9
5 years, 6 months old
1 195 Tlacuauhyohua
f | nc9
8 years, 9 months old
1 178 Tlaelquiyahuitl
f | nc9
11 years, 2 months old
1 115 Tlapalehuiaya
co | mf5
4 years, 6 months old
1 167 Tlapialoz
f | c9
8 years, 2 months old
1 484 c
4 months old
1 131 Tlatlayohuayan
co | mf5
8 years, 1 month old
1 492 co | mf5
4 months old
1 512 s
4 months old
1 526 Tlatzitzilitztepuztli
co | mf5
3 years, 3 months old
1 111 Tlazoihuitl
co | mf5 c9
5 years, 4 months old
15 146 Tonacacihuatl
l | c9
11 years, 11 months old *
1 501 Tonantzahua
co | mf5
3 years, 3 months old
1 255 Tonantzin
f | nc9
11 years old
1 107 Xacalquatehuitzocalco
co | mf5
4 years, 6 months old
1 107 Xaxuihuitl
co | mf5
5 years, 2 months old
13 239 Xiquiquinacaliztli
f | c9
15 years, 5 months old *
1 161 Xiuhpetlahualoni
f | nc9
14 years, 7 months old
1 493 Xomoihhuihuipilli
e | c9
3 years, 7 months old
1 146 Xoxohuia
e | mf5 c9
8 years, 1 month old
1 175 Xoxoxocpatic
f | c9
8 years, 10 months old
1 509 Cub
1 month old
1 111 Zozotlahua
f | c9
6 years, 5 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 470 6m
6 months old
1 546 a c5
6 months old
1 510 c
5 months old
1 464 Cemilhuitl
co | mf5
1 year, 10 months old
1 549 co c5
6 months old
1 532 flint
5 months old
1 519 flint
5 months old
1 543 flint no useful m
6 months old
1 533 flint, no helpful marks
8 months old
1 481 lilac c9
6 months old
1 513 lilac mf5
6 months old
1 534 Macehualcopa
o | c9
1 year, 3 months old
1 536 s
5 months old
1 458 s 4m
6 months old
1 513 Yohuahtzinco
f | c9
1 year, 1 month old
View mark preservation
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 193 c6
14 years, 5 months old
1 157 c6
5 years, 10 months old
1 487 Cub
2 months old
1 573 Cub
2 months old
1 112 c6
5 years, 11 months old
1 517 Cub
2 months old
1 117 c6
6 years, 5 months old
1 147 c6
11 years, 5 months old
1 151 c6
11 years, 8 months old
1 134 c6
11 years, 7 months old
1 181 c6
14 years, 2 months old
1 143 c6
13 years, 7 months old
1 141 c6 birch
4 years, 9 months old
1 489 Cub
2 months old
1 117 c6 nurturing
3 years, 10 months old
1 485 Cub
2 months old
1 484 Cub
2 months old
1 117 ebony c6
3 years, 10 months old
1 477 Cub
2 months old
1 447 Cub
2 months old
1 402 m3
6 years, 4 months old
1 385 m3
6 years, 4 months old
1 152 pt2
7 years, 10 months old
1 472 Cub
1 month old
1 508 Cub
1 month old
1 232 pt2
11 years, 3 months old
1 472 Cub
2 months old
1 500 Cub
2 months old
1 143 pt2
13 years, 2 months old
6 532 r8
14 years, 3 months old
1 226 r8
9 years, 8 months old
1 135 r8
12 years, 8 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 518 Cub
5 months old
1 519 Cub
5 months old
1 493 Cub
5 months old
1 562 Cub
6 months old
1 499 Cub
6 months old
View motherfuckin ice palace
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
n/a n/a Icxixixipochahuiliztli
n/a n/a Netemachiliztli
LV Stats Name Age Status
No independent cubs or adolescents!
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LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
No pride members!
LV Stats Name Age Status
No independent cubs or adolescents!
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LV Stats Name Age Status
1 108 Lord Trashington of Trashburg
3 years, 8 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 107 Zossa
3 years, 11 months old
1 513 Cub
3 months old
1 454 Cub
3 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
No independent cubs or adolescents!

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli's Recent Allies
played by Legless Lego Legolas
Level 18 - 64 lionesses - 23 cubs
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played by Persuavity (Pers) #Gaggle
Level 22 - 117 lionesses - 54 cubs
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played by RonPaul {Primal Moonstone}
Level 16 - 17 lionesses - 11 cubs
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played by Snowmane-triple rose
Level 19 - 31 lionesses - 5 cubs
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played by cake 💫
Level 17 - 130 lionesses - 112 cubs
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played by AmethystAlicorn
Level 10 - 17 lionesses - 4 cubs
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Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli's Clan Memberships


Purple Panic!

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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